UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

All said, Michigan can certainly make the entire admissions process WAY better and they could start by mirroring UVA’s as just one example, from what I understand. Neither of my D’s applied, but I’ve heard about it on CC.

Where did you hear housing availability was an issue? There are lots of places to live in Ann Arbor and I believe if you want first year housing its yours. Even some second years stay on campus. Most sophomores and up choose to go off campus. There are always rumors that Markley is being torn down but those rumors have been since 1980s

There has been ongoing rumors of Michigan becoming a Private institution also. Probably never going to happen. But they do have the endowment for it.

Pretty sure that the citizens of the state of Michigan — through the state government — have some claim to that endowment.

As a state-chartered institution, the university can’t just “go private”


Cal is going to have a terrible time this year. Having to take 3,000 less kids they already made the decision to take more instate kids this year. Going to make it almost impossible to get in OOS

Been a “rumor” for a long time. Not going to happen but a rumor

They are actually expanding housing. If not for the pandemic it would of been complete. They are taking down Northwoods 3 and replacing with a large student residence tower. On central they are building more housing. Not sure the completion dates. Housing also is never an issue. Just a hint : check out their cooperation housing on campus. Like 15 of them. Some of the best deals and my son’s on North came with a Chef… Housing is not an issue.

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Targeting how? I don’t know concrete numbers or stats, but someone told me at least 7 kids got in from my kid’s HS last week. I didn’t expect a decision yet because he applied really late, but now I’m wondering if they do a batch of acceptances at a targeted HS and then reject the rest later?

agreed was surprised that someone posted housing availability was an issue. UM does not have a housing availability issue.

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From various news bits over the years as we live in MI, relatively “close” (so close enough to be news worthy) in comparison to say up north…but just far enough to make commuting an issue, as well as she wants that entire college experience.

Seems to more often than not be an issue…and now with the few years of increased admittance, also reading and hearing from upperclassmen/parents, makes me think if there’s been issues repeatedly before and then you add more, it’s going to be a bigger issue and may contribute some to scaling back.

“Guaranteed” a dorm for freshman but after that it seems to be kind of up in the air and a possible concern. Also available housing off campus in no way means affordable and comparable. This is one of our concerns after checking into various places (obviously shared rentals) about years 2,3 and 4. For us the ones we’ve seen are not comparable to dorm cost. That’s before we even get into other bills and food cost of not having the various facilities easily accessible for meals and the impact that will have on cost $.

Sorry, lol, getting off topic a bit but yeah…taking a drive around AA and close proximity, unless you can afford better, luck out, or join a sorority which mine wants no part of…it’s a concern.

Wonderful!! I’m happy to read this as it’s been a repetitive storyline over the years and judging from what I’ve heard besides, was very concerning. Hopefully these places are comparable in price when factoring everything in and easily accessible.

Unfortunately for us it may still be a concern as my daughter eats Kosher and also has to walk everywhere during Shabbat…therefore needs to be in very close proximity to campus/Hillel/Chabad. Though I realize that’s not the average concern out there.

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I have to second this Our sophomore lived on campus his freshman year (Alice Lloyd dorm) and this year has rented an apartment with friends. We thought it would be easier and cheaper but it was a rat race to secure whilst a gazillion other kids were doing the same thing and also VERY expensive, even with 5 boys living there! Definitely not impossible, but challenging, yes.


I totally understand and myself Jewish. Lots of vegetarian options but talk with Tilley Shames at Hillel. It’s one of the best in the country. Very active. Lots of social and social justice activities. Plenty of housing walking distance.

As far as pricing it’s all relative to where you come from. Compared to California /New York it’s cheap. Compared to Chicago it’s pretty much the same (city not suburbs). From Iowa /Mikawakee… Then it’s expensive but everyone I know where able to find housing that was less then dorm rates. But yes there are $2,000 studios also…

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There are definitely “housing issues”. For many years now, that is nothing new. While it seems to get worked out before move-in, the weeks before can be chaotic for some. Not to mention many do not even receive their housing assignment until just before move-in. Oh, and then there’s the North Campus housing, everyone is happy to live there until they actually get assigned to a dorm there….then everyone is scrambling to get reassigned. Oh and Markley, it’s fine, just be sure to pack roach traps. Off campus housing costs are often through the roof, a bedroom in a 4 bed/2 bath apartment can easily run $1,500 month. Though I’m sure these are issues at every college……

These are the things I’ve heard and read repeatedly so has been our biggest concern for various reasons, but especially financially. I pray it goes differently but with how amazing UMich is and has been so far, it still wouldn’t deter us! :crossed_fingers:t3:

Thank you!! :blush::+1:

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Well,. My son actually liked Northwoods 3 on North Campus and lived there for 2 years. About $800 /month. That was about what we paid all 4 years in different places. Gotta start looking early no doubt.

Many freshman would never even consider living on north campus. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it, but most want that college experience of living on main campus. And $800 month is great. We didn’t luck out, though once my daughter did pay $900 month but that was in a house with 16 plus kids and 5 to a bathroom.

I’ll respectfully disagree.

Dorm cost is roughly $13,000. Having gone through the off-campus housing for 3 years, assuming you exclude food, which the dorm cost includes freshman year (though mine eat plenty in town, which most kids will do when they get sick and tired of dorm food), we found several newer dorm-like housing buildings for about the same money as the dorm cost w/o food.

D18 has now had the same place for two years now, rent was not raised, and we’re paying less than the $13,000/year. Now if I can get the LLC to cash my checks in a reasonable time frame, that would make me really happy.

She has her own bedroom AND bathroom/shower and she shares the two story townhouse with several roommates. She’s 4-5 blocks to classes on Central Campus. There were/are plenty of options in that same budget range. I looked at them, either in person or with FaceTime.

And the other thing I should mention, A2 is way cheaper than CA. San Luis Obispo (where D21 attends), Santa Barbara, Berkeley, Westwood, La Jolla, San Jose, Palo Alto (if you’re lucky enough to go there), etc. are extremely expensive housing markets in comparison. For the Californian, A2 is cheap.

As for freshman dorm concerns, the only concern that comes to mind is if you’re placed on North Campus vs Central Campus or being placed in Oxford or Fletcher, but you will find fans of those complexes too. Fletcher is right across from the IM, so Fletcher would work great for me!

My son lived on Central freshman year in West Quad. After that his work and most classes were on North. No where else you will see Deer walking to classes with you… :deer::walking_man:. Yes, it’s very quite and peaceful. Lots of Freshman on campus. Once the new tower is built (2024 I think) there will be much nicer housing. But I get it.