UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

My kids hate nature :joy::joy::joy: I think that was one of the arguments my daughter presented to housing her freshman year
.but it worked, they switched her dorm. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: (so much for “you get what you get and you don’t get upset”)


Completely understood but we aren’t Californians and on an extremely strict budget as is for dorm living, we are extremely fortunate to have received extremely generous aid and scholarships (still some outstanding so a chance for even more, but it wouldn’t be possible without these things for us, even instate) so any potential for more cost in the following years is definitely on our radar.

Thank you for the information, hopefully this won’t be an issue! :blush:


Btw, when the time comes, be sure your daughter mentions to housing that she observes Shabbos, they will do their best to accommodate her so she’s close to Hillel.


I wish and your D the best.

My D18 is coming home after her graduation this Spring. She’ll/we’ll miss A2.


Yes, thank you!! :blush::+1:

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Thank you!! She is very thankful and excited about U of M! :blush:

Congratulations to your daughter, and best wishes after graduation!! :tada:


Fwiw, it’s also been floated on many other CC school forums this year with large numbers of applicants/deferrals.

A 40% increase in applications doesn’t mean a 40% increase in acceptances. Schools enroll pretty much the same number students every year. Accepting 5,000 of 40,000 and accepting 5,100 of 60,000 the next means there are many more deferred/rejected students. That’s just how it is. The “large number” of these should come as no surprise.

AFAIK, UM says you may hear on EA day or “early April”. UM has no role in “I know a guy, who knows a guy who told me”, or “based on last year’s data” or “I saw three pixels change on the website”.

In terms of “handling of communications” - maybe I just missed all of the misleading communications from official UM sources saying “deferred EA decisions will be released this Friday” and then not following through. Can someone clarify where official sources have committed to anything but “early April”?

Cornell has always said “Applicants are notified in early April of Cornell’s decision.” I don’t see the anger at their “misleading” communication on the Cornell forum.


Old article, but privatization has been bandied about:

It was even discussed here on CC back in 2009:

When looking to save money, Michigan began looking at the funding to Michigan.

Some claim, sure, but much of the $17 Billion has been raised by donations, restricted or not.

Having specific dates of releases would be a bonus. 4/1/22 or any other date would be preferable to ‘early April’. Not sure why the dates are so secret? But alas I doubt UMich will ask for my brilliant ideas so here we are!


In a word, precedent. The vast majority of schools have fairly established precedent as to how and when they release, and outside of maybe an adjustment during Covid they’ve maintained that schedule pretty consistently. Applicants know the process. They may or may not know the exact date of the release far in advance, but they know the range. As that date approaches, most peer schools give a heads up officially to the students, letting them know when to check their portals. This alleviates so much of the “waiting” stress for nervous teens.

Your reference to Cornell is actually the best example/argument for this point. Cornell releases on Ivy Day, with every other school at the exact same time every year. These kids know when they apply that they’re going to hear within a 1-2 week timeline end of March/early April, and by January or February they pretty much know the exact date.

UM has a precedent. It used to be EA in December (with lots of postponements), and then waves in the early part of the year. For those lucky enough to be accepted in December, this also allowed many other students from OOS to not overwhelm another half dozen schools with their apps, as UM would be a superior choice for them. Anyway, after Covid, UM went to the late January approach
with several following waves for postponed.

The problem is- unlike almost all other peer schools, UM doesn’t ever provide advance notice of these waves. One of the closest peer schools for OOS- UVA- is VERY particular. Here’s our EA date. Accept/defer/reject. If deferred, you will hear on the exact date our RD folks hear, it’ll be late March, and we’ll tell you 3-4 days in advance when to check. UM? Just keep kids looking at past precedent, trying to figure out when it might come out.

I understand it’s easy for parents not involved in the postponement process to say “I don’t understand? Why not just wait until it’s out, and then check!” or other similar statements. That doesn’t quite account for the psyche of the average teenager (which bleeds into the pysche of the average parent, who lives and dies with their student’s emotions during this time).

Our D’s GC made a great analogy. It is like a relationship. If the other person breaks up with you and there’s absolutely no chance it might rekindle
you go through the break up, process emotions, and eventually move on. But if it’s a breakup where you MIGHT get back together? That’s the hardest, because you sit there pining for the other. Definitive situations are important, and UM is the worst of any peer school. Simply because they are not transparent, even when set precedent has been ignored.


I’m going off of my sample of 2 HS on the east coast. So, yes, it’s not a hard and true number and certainly varies across the globe. That said, neither of those two schools has had an EA rejected in years. Literally zero. There have been a small smattering of acceptances, with every other applicant postponed. That’s our sample size of dozens (very small potatoes for UM, but relevant for us), and why our GC tells all of the students that they’re being postponed when they submit their apps in October.


This debate is going nowhere. There are two very different views about UMich’s handling of communications and their admissions process overall. For some it’s not a problem; for others it’s frustrating. As I’ve said a couple of times up thread - it’s ok to have these differences. Each side is entitled to their views and neither side is going to convince the other with their points and counter-points.

Let’s just agree to disagree and move on.


I would love to see admissions stats comparing kids from elite schools with elite GCs to those without.


Are you in state?

Oh, I wasn’t saying the STATE couldn’t do it. I was saying the university couldn’t unilaterally “go private.”

For those unhappy with the process please let admissions know. They won’t be tracking your personal information to your child. Little to busy for that. But at least afterwords at least. Maybe it will improve what they do in the future?


Yup, very :slight_smile:

Congratulations for your HS at least 7 got in last week.

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Oh for sure! I would have had no idea if it wasn’t for Reddit haha, I’m so disconnected and so is my son :laughing: