UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Are we thinking a decision wave tomorrow?

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The application process has taught me to be patient and accept the decision outcome with grace regardless of that outcome. I have learned not to read too much into admissions tea leaves, as that only adds to the stress of an already stress-filled process. But, just now, as I was casually checking my Instagram, I ran across the usually quiet UMich Admissions Insta that just posted a TBT about the excitement of move-in day last year. It looks like a hint of things to come to me. Curious as to your thoughts


Did she apply LSA? D22 doesn’t attend a feeder, but she’s at an in state public HS. The only LSA applicants from her HS that were accepted EA were TO or had SAT scores that were at or below the 25th percentile. There are some very good candidates with SAT’s in the 1400’s that are still waiting for a decision. It was/is very weird.


thoughts on wave tomorrow?

Fingers crossed, but breath not being held.

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Nobody knows, every Friday is a guessing game.

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They have other options? Did they withdraw UMich already?

Yeah, since we haven’t seen many reports of rejections yet I can see that being the case. So if you all get decisions tomorrow and we don’t, I’ll consider it a soft rejection and it won’t be too much of a gut punch.

I honestly don’t even know what makes a feeder, unless it’s some big AA school or fancy private. I also don’t know what a TO is :grimacing:

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And thanks all for the reassurance :slight_smile:. Son just confirmed that I’d be more disappointed than he would, and he does want to go tomorrow, so I guess we’re good to go. Even if he went to a school that UM takes 50%, he likely has the stats of the other 50%. Darn I wish it was still as (non)competitive as when I went! My HS grades were a disaster :rofl:

Same at my daughter’s feeder school. Those accepted EA had lower stats. It is strange. I assume they filled some dimension UMich was seeking.


Test optional

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Michigan is protecting yield. These kids are more likely to attend than higher achievers who might go elsewhere. That is a possibility.


That definitely wasn’t the case at our school
higher stats and super involved kids got it
so not entirely sure what their thought process is, but I wouldn’t say one way or another about any specific patterns.

Best wishes to everyone tomorrow! :tada:


More “we’ve tilled this soil” before.

There’s no “cut line” (like golf) and only the highest stats applicants are admitted. They’re putting together a class and other characteristics matter.


Yuppers. :blush::+1:

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Yay for lower stats and a mystery dimension! It’s our only hope! :crazy_face::crazy_face:

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I definitely didn’t say that. Shared an unusal trend at our school.

No no I mean it’s good!! I want to hear some “lower stats” getting in
 gives some of us hope! My kid had a couple low grades freshman year, then went straight A’s, then end of Junior yr GPA got wrecked after 3 online semesters and a string of C’s. First term is back up, but the GPA on its own looks REALLY bad for of U of M admit, so that’s why I’m just going for the “holistic” thing. At least, for another 12 hours

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Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: Hope he gets good news tomorrow (or whenever Umich gets around to releases lol !!)

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