UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I am not arguing about the process with you but answering your question- UM does not have ED, my son would have done that so that stopped him.

He wanted UM above any other school so did not want to commit to a binding contract elsewhere and give up the chance for Michigan. Decisions coming out in late January preclude any possible ED1 or ED2 options

Lastly people are supposed to pull the applications when they get in ED1 elsewhere- but many don’t as some kids and parents want to know all the places their kids would have gotten in


someone said that kids didn’t ED to other schools bc of Michigan. So what is stopping them from ED’ing other schools? I’m well aware that Michigan doesn’t offer it. Lol


if you read further, what is stopping them is if Michigan is their first choice then if they did ED elsewhere they give up on Michigan. Its not a physical stop but a theoretical stop.


I am sorry but are you trolling the other parents? Tensions are high and not sure why you are just like to be contrary or enjoy riling others. We all need compassion and kindness right now.


I can’t say I know any child that hasn’t pulled other apps after getting in ED. I don’t know many HS that wouldn’t call students down and ask them to remove remaining apps, it wouldn’t look good for them either if their students didn’t pull them.

In the end it’s a crapshoot you take your chances ED or EA there’s simply no guarantee. It’s heartbreaking when a child doesn’t get in to their top choice. But we know that’s a possibility from the beginning. Michigan has always been a top school with far more applicants than they can accept.

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Oh I was responding to someone, sorry. Compassion? We all got answers in Jan I’m upset people didn’t get what they wanted. Hopefully April will bring better news.

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Compassion as in having empathy for why they are feeling the way they do. No one is asking you to feel sorry for anyone but it seems you don’t want to give any room for anyone to be frustrated. There is a difference. Anyways, you do you.


There are recent posts on CC that I’ve seen with people who have mentioned that their kid got accepted ED and didn’t not pull her EAs. It happens.


I do

That’s terrible and should be a reason for some type of rescinded decision. Just not fair to all involved including CG, other students and the schools ( both college and high school)

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Congrats!!! :part_alternation_mark::part_alternation_mark::part_alternation_mark:
What makes you say they postponed more than usual? Just because they got more applications? Everyone seems to think they accepted the same amount they usually accept, but I guess they don’t release that info. Our family knows far more kids that got in vs postponed but also know kids that got rejected. And most guidance counselor’s will say move on if you got postponed. All those kids that got in early action heard in Jan. After that it’s a students choice to wait or move on. No one is forcing anyone to wait. If Michigan is still a top choice then call and e-mail anyone and everyone, be relentless. Make it known. But the waiting until April is a choice everyone has. In the end they will reject far more applications this year bc they received so many more. It’s just how it is. :frowning:


I agree, that’s just in poor taste. And not fair to other applicants. Very sad to hear that….really not the time to be greedy and trophy collecting. (Though maybe some people realize they have financial issues and can’t actually afford Ed school so have to weigh other options…)

Huh. Never, ever have I heard from anyone to “move on” if you got postponed from Michigan EA.


You have a choice. You didn’t get in Ea and if you don’t want to wait until early April move on. Otherwise be happy with postpone and waiting…


You said that you have had kids in UMich. Do you have another one attending this year? Did she/he get in or postponed?

I agree with @overstressed. I think if you/your kid got accepted EA, you should allow others to process their feelings with grace. You don’t know how they feel and telling folks to move or or other doesn’t help. Grace is a lovely characteristic. Let people express their feelings.


In all of history,no one has been able to stop people from complaining simply by telling them to not complain. This is a forum for people to engage in good faith discussions and vent their frustration about a tough process. I’m not sure what your motivation is at this point.


It’s just trolling

It’s just leading to the same debate over and over again

Maybe mods need to opine



2 that already graduated and 2 that applied this year. One pulled application, got in ED to another school and one held out for Michigan

You guys are having the same negative conversation day in and day out since Jan. I actually come to this thread hoping to find useful info but it’s just complaints about Michigan.