UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Yes, you’re stating the obvious and I have no idea why you’re directing your comments to me.

Yes, I know UVA is transparent. I’ve read Dean J’s comments over the years.

And yes, Michigan has never been transparent. Not the least bit.

And yes, that’s an issue to those who must wait for a decision from Michigan. Again, none of this is news to me.

Every year, deferred Michigan applicants complain about Michigan’s deferral process and waiting. Every year. But, none of this is new news to me.


See, there’s a signficant difference between in-state and OOS. OOS, there are pockets of the country (and specific type of schools) where guidance counselors inform every applicant that they’re going to get postponed no matter what. That is then what happens, and anyone who gets in to UM gets in after they were initially postponed. We have two children that have gone through this process- one public and one private- and the private school everyone who wasn’t a committed athlete was postponed in EA. Many of them were eventually accepted. Public, the overwhelming majority were postponed- and every student who was in the top 10% was postponed.

I’m reading what you’re writing, and it seems you believe people are upset about the actual decision of postponement. I don’t think anyone is. You also seem to assume that postponement means less of a chance of acceptance than normal EA. Again, that’s not the case for a bunch of our kids. People wouldn’t be complaining about rejection. They’re merely complaining about the process.


I was responding to your comment to me. Sorry that you seem to think nothing is “news” because you have been on this thread a long time. For others, it’s all news. Most have no idea at all about the inner workings of UM. But thanks for the insights in other areas.


Then perhaps just scroll on.


Yes lots of complaining for sure. We can agree on that. :rofl::joy:
I’m not in-state I just know at our 2 hs the same amount of kids were accepted as previous years. But far more applications for sure.

Everyone is leading to the same debate over and over… Sorry :wink:… The mods have always been lenient on this thread and we always appreciate it. Most have broken the TOS below several times. But it is understandable the angst :cry:… But the reality is the reality and EA has been over for a long time now. This is only RD. If you entered EA and didn’t get in then your RD now and for several months now. Michigan did notify you in an email and website that if you didn’t get in EA then your possibly waiting till about the first week of April regardless of waves they had in the past. Everyone knows that. Nothing is going to change that except a wave prior to April. We are all surprised by it.

OK. My plane is taking off and I have to get off now. Have at it :airplane::joy:


I do give some leniency in this thread, but I’m going to step in.

As the recent posts have been dominated by a handful of users, I have put the thread on slow mode until morning. My hope is this will allow other users to join the conversation and prompt the more exuberant users to be strategic in postings.


You are jumping to the conclusion that people are upset with individual outcomes (postponement). I don’t believe this is the situation for most of us. My daughter was rejected from a safety school in Jan; we never once complained and, frankly we understand why they rejected her. GC, at her school, have been pitching this particular school as a safety option for at least the last 6 years. As a result ~ 60 kids apply every yr, most a re accepted and ~ 2 enroll.
UM has this same option to reject, and given your assertion they need to reject more this year, there is even less reason for them to punt on making decisions. Bottom line is they are not living up to their end of the agreement by not making timely decisions- playing a yield game with 17 & 18 yr olds is despicable.


Joining the heated conversation late … not sure if this is incremental but this is my 3rd kid applying to U of M form OOS. First one got in EA in December 2016, second kid thought she was definitely getting in and got deferred EA in Dec. 2018, then waitlisted, then rejected. I can’t really speak to the cycle for HS class of 2017 cause my son got in early and I didn’t really follow this board for U of M that year, but my daughter’s experience from class of 2019 was that the vast majority of kids got deferred EA and everyone thought it was due the overwhelming # of candidates applying early and U of M’s inability to process all of them in time for December release. I will say, we knew of several kids who got accepted EA for class of 2019 with objectively inferior stats (and nothing else obvious that would enhance their candidacy) to my D’s quals (and those of her cousin’s who fared the same as my D … deferred EA, WL, then rejection). It seemed quite arbitrary and almost as if U of M filled up by the time they got to my D and her cousin’s apps in RD. I would imagine in 2021, with Covid impacting admissions offices, and the never ending increase in # of apps filed by each prospective kid, the EA problem at U of M has only worsened. Try to be patient. Decisions can’t be more than 2-3 weeks away now. Once we move into May and beyond, kids/parents will not remember the short term anguish of waiting. It’s irrelevant in the long term and not a reason to harbor bad feelings towards the school IMO.


“The Early Action decision will be one of three: admit; postpone for a final decision by early April; or deny.”

Not one person has told me how Michigan hasn’t lived up to what is actually stated on their actual EA page. It’s not early April yet. How can you be unhappy with process if they’re doing exactly what they said. They can’t be any more transparent. Yes maybe an exact day in April would be nice. I just don’t get all the complaining. They kept up their end of the bargain. They accepted kids EA In Jan. But as someone said earlier misery loves company. Not to mention you just called their handling of this despicable? That’s harsh. How can we judge if we don’t have actual numbers, for all we know they accepted the same amount they always accept. I don’t understand why you would call a school your child actually wants to attend despicable. That’s the last word that comes to my mind when I think of UMich.


I responded to Julie R in post #6593 re: 2020 vs. 2021 apps. You then responded to me for some unknown reason. :man_facepalming:

But hey, let’s stop responding to each other from now on and our slate will be wiped clean. :wink:

Ok, @sushritto. Maybe I am imaging this is your post :joy: But yes, let’s agree not to respond to any more “news”

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Kids are definitely very stressful with the UMich application process. So are the parents.


What does “slow mode” mean?

Actually, I would not call and email and “be relentless.” That could work against a student if they are not following the school’s request to only send mid-year grades and the “optional” ECI. The last thing they need or want is more stuff to wade through such as Recommendation letters, etc


You need to wait 15 minutes between posts in this thread

Oh wow, good to know. We got the exact opposite info. I mean certainly not 20 e-mails but definitely a bunch. Just making sure they know it’s top choice blah blah blah. I haven’t reached out, my kid has. No negative feedback from school yet but I’ll mention to cut back. Thank you.

I’m a UM grad and I thought admissions was still rolling until like, 6 months ago :rofl::rofl:. I’ve only learned here about “recent precedent.” I had no clue, and I live in Ann Arbor, so you’re not the only one :slight_smile:

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I think it is mostly the parents who are stressed. When I asked my daughter if she checked the portal on Friday, she said: oh right, today is Friday, I should check. It’s mostly parents on this thread. Students pop in on Fridays to get the word on whether there is any sign of a wave. I keep telling myself that it’s just another 3 weeks before there will be a decision.