UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

She is not sure about Syracuse now. I think she may apply to Immersion program. I have contacts with kids in the program and will reach out to them and find out more.l And I think we will go to admitted school day at Wisconsin and UF. Lots to figure out in the next few weeks but we will get there.


Waitlisted COE. 3rd waitlist in a week. Only has been accepted at his safties. I have a sad S22 at home. Have 3 more schools to go this week- hoping for someone to want him!
Postponed EA
1550 SAT one sitting
Salutatorian - weird GPA Calculations but probably a 4.0 UW
2 sport varsity athlete, captain of 1
Highest Rigor available, all honors/APā€™s
Pre Engineering program in high school all 4 years
Strong essays/ EC/ LORā€™s ā€¦heā€™s so frustrated at this process. We are too.

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Last 2 Fridays have been brutal for my daughter as well. Pls tell your son to hang-in. Good luck for his remaining decisions!


His stats is very good, these days we donā€™t know why got waitlisted.


So sorryā€¦Iā€™m sure very frustrating for him because the whole process is so lottery like and defies logic!


My daughter has very similar stats and has had a brutal week as well. 1530 SAT, 4.0UW/4.45W, all Honors/APs, President of Class, created reading program for youth, lots of ECs, etc. Waitlisted at WashU, Case Western, and Northwestern (her dream school). Accepted at Northeastern and Michigan and MSU Honors College. Waiting for BU and Vandy, but given how the others went she has lost any and all confidence. There is no rhyme or reason (especially when she knows kids from her school that got into ones she did not). I have tried to tell her that all her hard work is for something, that she has learned a good work ethic and will be successful because of that. I have to admit, I am running out of words and am struggling (without showing her) with the process as much as she is. She is a super logical person (all math and science) so she is struggling with the reasoning. Really has taken a lot of the fun out of it. :frowning:


Son wants UM over SMU Cox? Thatā€™s a fantastic option.

For in state applicants I can compare my S21 with D22 Son accepted EA and D22 EA deferred and waitlisted.
Son had rigor all honors and APs where offered. D had only 4 AP and didnā€™t take any AP tests junior year.
Son had many in school and outside school XC, debate, golf in school hockey out and captain of that team.
D had only one huge interest which took all of her time which was an outside of school XC.
Son had 1420 SAT (780 math). D didnā€™t do great on standardized test (27 ACT) so went test optional.
On the surface my D had a higher GPA UW 4.0 vs 3.7 but the rigor and in school XC really mattered. And also test optional didnā€™t help my D.
My son also reached out to a professor to interview for his essay which also helped I believe.
Hard to tell for sure but these are some of the things that stood out for me.
I know many with great stats got waitlisted this year. I hope the kids will come through stronger and land in a place that is perfect for them. I personally believe my D will do great at anything she puts her mind to. She has determination and focus that sometimes is a bit lacking in my son lol. So good luck to all in your future endeavors!


Thank youā€¦same to your daughter!

As parents, we are feeling like we steered him to a too lofty list. One of his waitlist schools we thought was a target.


Iā€™ve been lurking here for weeks with equal levels of empathy and fascination. We live in Ann Arbor, and yesterday our D was not accepted for F22 but was given a spot as a sophomore in F23 at U-M if she goes to another college for two semesters and earns transferable grades with at least a 3.2 GPA. I did some research and itā€™s called a ā€œguaranteed transfer option.ā€ Isnā€™t that interesting? U-M is by far her #1 and she wrote beautiful essays. She was accepted at her #2 and some other schools, waiting to hear on a few, so at least there are options. Still, trying to get our feelings around it all. She really wants the dorm experience and doesnā€™t want to go to a CC for a year. So sheā€™ll go to one of her other acceptances and reevaluate in a year, I guess.
Congrats to the kids who got in, and deep empathy for those in limbo or rejected. Your effort and talents will ultimately be what define you in life.


Iā€™m glad she has options but sorry that the waitlist was her dreamā€¦I can definitely commiserate. I too am running out of things to say to make him feel better. The schools he got into (ie: our State flagship) he feels like ā€œeveryone gets inā€ and ā€œwhy did I work so hard just to HAVE to go thereā€. This process is NO funā€¦itā€™s like house buying- it sounds like fun until you get into the nitty-gritty of it. Good luck to you daughter!


Congratulations to those with acceptances but also congratulations to those with rejections. You know your situation now. You can concentrate on your next moves.

One reason I was preaching looking into your options and not waiting was because of yesterday. Many saw this coming.

Wait listed applicants and what to do. Suggestions is just concentrate on your next options. If your still dreaming maize and blue then donā€™t pull out. Just let your decision ride. A few years ago Michigan went to the wait list very early. I really donā€™t see that happening but heh, definitely can be wrong here. One year it was before May 1st and one year just after. After May 1st the theory is spots open up. How many? Who knows but you got NOTHING to lose by staying on right. Many on CC got a wait list acceptance in June and are attending Michigan now. Yes, you will lose your current deposit to where you put it down alsoā€¦

One thing I have learned being on here for years is that the students flourish where they are. My own daughter didnā€™t go to her #1 school that she was accepted to. Finances got in the way. Her #2 looking back at it was so much better for her but we couldnā€™t see that on acceptance day. So take a few days to digest your new realities and move forward. I would love to hear where everyone lands

Good Luck to everyone and we are still here helping if we can.


I am hoping that she gets off the waitlist at Northwestern, but highly unlikely. My daughter said the same, she said she wouldā€™ve had a lot more fun in high school and not worked so hard if she wouldā€™ve known. I think just frustration talkingā€¦It will all work out for all of them!


Iā€™m dropping by to offer congratulations to those who were accepted, and condolences to those who were waitlisted or rejected. Our D pulled her app last week from UM, so did not received a decision.

Her school was completely waitlisted. Some very unhappy students, many of whom had applications that historically have gained acceptance into UM from our school. Interesting is that, in years past we would generally yield between 1-3 attending students, this cycle would have yielded more based on the current situation.

Our D was accepted into Wash U this weekend, rejected from Northwestern. She has four decisions this coming Thursday, and will make her decision next weekend. Some great options in the hopper, and she feels extremely fortunate. She has been thrilled, dissapointed, stressed, and frustrated at various times during this process. The only school she harbors resentment towards is actually the one school she didnā€™t receive a decision from. For whatever reason, she feels UM was not genuine in how they approached this process for her and her friends. Whether sheā€™s right or wrong, whether her feelings are justified or notā€¦sheā€™s an 18-yr old ball of nerves and hormones, and amongst all of her friends this is a fairly common feeling. Itā€™s not due to their waitlist- most of them have been rejected and waitlisted a ton the last few weeks. Itā€™s that they felt jerked around. Again, Iā€™m past the judging and completely released all of my feelings towards UM when D pulled her app last week, but I do hope they consider that they are somewhat unique in terms of perception amongst the applicant crowd this cycle.

Best guess? They played their normal yield protect game in EAā€¦but miscalculated the current cycle and likely over accepted. Panic set in, and they under accepted from the postponed pool. Yield protect turning into enroll protect. A bit of a backfire.

Is this what happened? No idea, and nobody on this thread has any real sense. But there is no doubt that UM completely pivoted this cycle.


Congrats to your daughter! She does have fantastic choices.

Similar thoughts hereā€¦
Between Yield protection and a test optional environment, I feel I steered my son towards the higher end of his spectrumā€¦

Heā€™s waitlisted at several schools that we thought were within ā€œrangeā€ for his statsā€¦


S22 postponed in EA, waitlisted Kinesiology
OOS PA, 4.0 UW, 4.47 W, 33 ACT
Same as many here - strong ECs, leadership, service, job
Did not submit LOCI
No Legacy

He was not surprised by WL and is glad that all of his decisions are finally in (I think mentally had already moved on from UMich since being postponed). He has a few great choices with honors programs and merit offers and is likely heading to warmer weather! I think the financial burden of UMich being OOS is reason enough for us to move on to another school. I agree this has been a rough admissions cycle for our kiddos and I am hopeful they will all find their fit.

(BTW - One of his best friends also postponed EA was admitted LSA yesterday. He did send the LOCI and has a sibling currently enrolled. We are so happy for his friend as it is his first choice, and for all of you who were accepted!)


My kids were accepted,rejected and wait listed from some really great schools. Where they landed wasnā€™t their first choices. But both now looking back couldnā€™t imagine being anywhere else.

It gets betterā€¦ :wink:


Late to the game but hereā€™s my S22ā€™s info:

School of Kinesiology/Sport Management
ACT 35 (one sitting)
Avg ECsā€”HS and Travel Hockey/hockey ref/ hockey student coach/ sled hockey volunteer
Decent essays
Legacy: N
From Private school in FL

In at Purdue/OSU/UMass Amherst/CU Boulder/Rensselaer/Miami (OH)/ Temple

Also waitlisted at Pitt/Denison/UIUC/Haverford/Rice/Carnegie Mellon

Rejected WashU (ED), JHU, Northwestern

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