Hello all! UMich has been by dream school FOREVER and I have become very anxious while waiting on a decision. So I was just wondering what you guys think my chances may be!
-Weighted GPA: 4.25
-Unweighted; 3.97
-ACT: 31
-New SAT: 1390
-Extra Curriculars:
Drum Major of my Marching Band (In the band with other leadership positions all years of hs)
Student Council (Freshman and Sophomore VP and Junior Class Secretary)
NHS Secretary (11th and 12th)
Two Varsity Sports (Cheerleading and Tennis)
Link Crew (Basically helping new students and freshman in the school)
Homecoming Court (I’m not sure if this is considered but Court was chosen by teachers and administrators)
-My dad is a UMich Alumni
-Two letters of recommendation
-Attended “Slice of Life” and the “Admissions Workshop” at UMich
-In State
-Top 3%
-AP Classes (Chem, Biology, Calculus, and Psychology)
-The rest of my courses are honors
-5 years of a foreign language (spanish)
In state or out of state?
@LaDoscha I can’t read English properly.
@morgeliz17 Looks good, I don’t think you should have much trouble getting in.
Our stats look very similar, except you’re in state and I am not. You look like you have decent chances! Mind chancing me?
Applied Early Action
GPA: 4.09 W, 3.99 UW
ACT: 31
APs: APUSH, AP Bio, AP Calc BC, AP Psych, AP Spanish
-Cross country (4 years, 3 varsity letters, 2016 captain, 3x team conference/sectional champs, 3 top team finishes at state, All State Honorable Mention, 2x First Team All Conference)
-Track (4 varsity letters, 2017 captain, 4x8 conference champs and school record, 3200 m conference champion, Most Improved Athlete Award)
-Band (4 years, first flute, solo and ensemble competitor)
-school service club (11-12, leadership committee)
-Team Leader (like a junior counselor) at summer camp
-Basketball (9-10, co-captain JV)
-Bass guitar player at my church (4 years)
-Group leader on school trip to Cuba
-Big Buddy Little Buddy (10, member)
-Key Club (9-10, member)
Essays: pretty solid I think!
Letters of Rec: from my math and Spanish teachers, probably pretty good
Right now I’m thinking about majoring in Neuroscience on a pre-med track.
Thank you so much!! Good luck to everyone!