UMich Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

submitted 1/28. completed 2/8. still no response. according to the Umich transfer thread last year, people who submitted material late should expect a result around 2/15.

sorry, 3/15

Congrats! When did you apply?


Any international applicants?

here. where you come from?


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v: dzx1014185770

错了 d1014185770

Got a friend who completed checklist Feb 5th got accepted today. Seems like they are moving through the pile

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wow good news to hear

MY WITHDRAW BOTTOM finally disappeared…

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When did you complete your checklist? Good luck!

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I keep checking and it’s still there SOS

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I submitted my application on 2/1 and sent the missing material on 2/6.

Let us know how it goes, best of luck to you!!

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What school?

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Yes best of luck!!!

good luck