UMich Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

Mine says that “currently offers academic records ordering during the college application process through Parchment” but it won’t let me order it or do anything. Any tips? Also can I submit it without the high school transcript?

If you don’t mind what we’re your stats and what major?

Nevermind saw you already posted that

When did you guys get your Enrollment Connect info after applying?

I got mine 2 days after applying

Have you heard back yet? How long do decisions typically take to come in the UM transfer admission process?

Some decisions, both acceptances and rejections, have been coming in a remarkably short timeline this month, some even less than a week, but if you look at the threads for the last couple of years, many drag out for months, well into March, maybe even April - I’d have to look back.
Good luck!

Does UMICH prefer in state or out of state transfer students

Here’s what I notice…UofM walks the line of keeping just above 50% of attendance as In State students. So - In state applicants have that mathematical advantage - more generic spaces available to fill. For comparison - MSU is 70-80% In State students. There’s a lot more data that you could throw in the mix…But your single application, especially if it’s to a specific program…it’s more about seats being available in that program. 'm guessing if you are applying - you’ve got pretty good credentials to be a student at UofM.

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Anybody that applied after 1/15 get a decision already?

Applied 1/11
Accepted 1/25
3.86 GPA in state CC
51 completed credits


Their website says that transfer decisions start in mid-march and end mid-april. How did you get your decision so soon?

Their website says that transfer decisions start in mid-march and end mid-april. How did you get your decision so soon?

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It’s based on the date that they received all your materials. People have been getting decisions as early as mid january.

Someone further up the thread posted a link to a discord group for admitted transfers

It’s nowhere on their website that I could find, but transfer admissions are actually rolling. The deadline isn’t until February 1st, but they start making and communicating decisions starting in early January. The process continues until sometime late March to mid April. The official response from admissions is an applicant will hear by mid-March to mid-April. Some hear earlier, but many do not. Good luck!!

Anyone know how to get proof of high school completion and how to send that to UM? It says missing in my checklist

Have you sent your high school transcripts. This shows your proof of high school completion.

I attached my HS transcript on my Parchment file that sent my college transcript over and they received the college transcript but it says awaiting proof of HS completion. Is there another way to upload my transcript? Like in the portal or on common app?

I don’t think you can put your high school transcripts through common app for transferring. I sent my high school separately through parchment and I sent my college transcript through National Student Clearing House. Maybe you should try sending your high school transcript separately and not with your college transcript.