Hey all! So I was accepted to both schools EA. I don’t qualify for financial and and didn’t receive any from either school.
UMich: Applied to Ross but didn’t hear back yet (is it true that this is a good thing?), went to campus day and absolutely fell in love with the school and Ann Arbor… but chances are I won’t get preferred admission into Ross and I don’t exactly love the idea of applying again freshman year with no guarantee of being able to study at Ross for the three years after that
Northeastern: Gave me 20k merit aid and put me in the honors program, visited the school today and I really like the campus and co-ops are amazing but it’s nowhere near the amount of love I have for U-M
Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks 
Even with a $20k scholarship, NEU will not be significantly cheaper than Michigan. If you are willing to take a risk, go to Michigan and work hard to get into Ross (assuming you are not pre-admitted). If you are unwilling to take a risk, go for NEU, but it is nowhere nearly as good as Michigan overall, or in business. Depending on your career aspirations, an Economics degree from Michigan could more valuable than a Business degree from NEU.
My son is in nearly identical situation. He got some money from UMich but got $24K more from NEU.
We were also at NEU yesterday and he liked it very much.
Despite what Alexander says, $20k makes NEU SUBSTANTIALLY cheaper than UMich.
My son is also in love with UMich (and I am too) but he can see himself at NEU.
Fact of actually going and pursuing a business curriculum instead of an economics degree is also not lost on him.
Chance of not getting into Ross makes UMich a tricky proposition.
I still haven’t heard back from Ross either! While I understand the wait is killing you, I think you should take the next to weeks until you will have heard from Ross and then decided. If you do get the pre-admit - go without any hesitation!
I am in the same situation with Emory, where I got 15k in scholarship, but I decided to choose UMich or Georgetown, even though it costs a little more. Of course, it individually depends on how much cost is a issue but, I think UMich, regardless if Ross or not, will give you much more opportunities.
Thank you all so far for your inputs
I won’t be making a final decision until I hear back from Ross, but there sure is a lot to think about!