UMich Waitlist

I emailed my AO for info about whether theyll be using waitlist this year. All they said was a one line email that says “At this moment, deposits are up”. What does that mean?

I think it means they’re seeing a larger number of deposits (higher yield) than expected.


Yeah me too. Thank you!

Well crap. That is a huge bummer. But I guess not surprising.

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What exactly did you email them?

I asked if they knew whether they’d be admitting students off waitlist since deposit day was yesterday.

Deposits are up - I am reading and understanding as deposits are due at this moment. They are counting enrollment deposits right now. This is the way I decode it.

It means yield is better than they anticipated.


I heard this second hand (friend of a friend) so cannot officially confirm, that a few students got off of the waitlist yesterday and one student received an email that the waitlist is now closed. I am assuming they were all LSA but did not get details. FTR- My DS is on the waitlist for Kinesiology and SMI has not heard anything yet. Just curious if anyone heard about waitlist movement yesterday.

Pretty sure if the waitlist was closed everyone would have received that same email. Perhaps it was a waitlist for a specific major?

I think it would be highly unlikely the waitlist is already closed. Students are hearing from other schools (several got off the waitlist at Cornell and Duke already) and so they are going to be moving schools, opening up other spots. Unless Michigan is overenrolled already, they will still go to the waitlist and it could be a while before people hear.




Hi All, has anyone heard of any update/movement on the waitlist for the College of Egg?

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Hoping for some news next week.

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has anyone heard back from michigan as yet?

Two nursing students have been admitted from waitlist as far as I know!

Has anyone heard anything lately? I wish we could contact the AO but they definitely don’t want to be contacted! :grinning:


Do you think admissions is using delay as a way to reduce the waitlist and/or to test who will really enroll if accepted off the waitlist?

I contacted my AO. They said they plan on finishing up the waitlist in June. Even though it says on portal it can go until June it might be good to know.

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You would think it would be in their interest to move people off the waitlist as soon as they can. Once students start registering for classes then it would make it difficult to transition over. But, my guess is there is very limited spots maybe 1-2% so it doesn’t much matter to them.

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