UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Can’t hurt.

If you could list your full stats, maybe we could help you better.

Sending questions to doctors is great but I don’t think it qualifies as an extracurricular medical activity. :stuck_out_tongue: If you’re applying next year I recommend getting as involved as possible (volunteering, shadowing) over the summer because you don’t have much time left.


did u receive a letter from umkc or an email that notified u about ur acceptance?

Stats (not including tests, because I’m not done taking them)

rank - in the 1-2%

extracurricular (when it is all said and done)

-shadowing a doctor
-interviewing doctors (i guess it’s not an ec, but still listing it here)
-science olympiad
-scholar bowl
-HI STEP (high school taught education program)

work - desk clerk

I think that’s about it.

X -
I got a letter in the mail. :slight_smile: A few other people in the nearby area have heard as well, so I’m guessing you’ll hear soon (letters were sent out thursday/friday)

Do you have other friends that applied and got in, summergirl? :slight_smile:

What I know so far:

Anna | <a href=""></a>, tickle skittle | Accepted
Jaclyn | Chiquita1487 | Accepted
Anu | | Accepted
Monee | | Accepted
Daksha | | Accepted

Shaun | | Rejected
Mihir | | Rejected
Brandon | | Rejected

add to it if you know anymore…hopefully i, and many others, will know on more on monday.

are these people you know personally?

and liz-
i only know one actually… and he was rejected. :frowning: after five years of volunteering at a hospital… how unfortunate

I’m going completely crazy waiting for the decision. Does anyone know for sure that e-mails go out tomorrow? I’m from NH so I’m not sure how long it takes for the mail to get here. Summergirl, what do the acceptance packets look like? Is it a big envelope with a lot of stuff inside? I really hope I get to see one for myself, hopefully tomorrow, I can’t wait for this all to be over so that I can make a choice, which will be UMKC if I get in.

i know the waiting sucks, but i’m pretty sure emails will be going out tomorrow (letters sent on friday and monday is two days later). the acceptance letter is in a big 8" x 11" white envelope that says “important admissions information inside.” it has a bunch of registration forms and stuff, along with the actual acceptance letter. from what i’ve heard, the rejection letter is a small thin envelope, so you should know the minute you see it. :slight_smile: good luck to everyone!!

I’ve really never felt this horrible. And that’s saying a lot, there have been some surpremely awful times in my life. I’ve really never wanted anything so badly and I’m so afraid now that I really won’t get it. If emails were automatically sent out when it changed to Monday then I already have not been accepted because it’s Monday there and I didn’t get an email.

patelakshar, where did you hear from all of those people (aside from Anna)?

summergirl12 – yes, they are personnally aquantinces (and/or ppl i’ve stubled onto on the internet)…and that guy you speak of: is he brandon dwiddle?

liznowen – don’t worry, when i called Ms. Jaffrey on friday, she said that they might not be sending out e-mails. And, even if they are going to be sent out today, they probably won’t be sent out until mid-day.

I just got my letter, rejected.

patelakshar -
yes! it is actually is brandon dwiddle, i found him on a xanga blogring and we’ve talked. :slight_smile:

i also got my email today! here’s what it says:


This email is to notify you that you have been offered acceptance into the
University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine.

Many of you will immediately think: What do I need to do now?

First, enjoy! You, your parents, and your previous teachers should be very
proud of this accomplishment.

Second, WAIT for the mailed packet.

Within the next few days, you will be receiving a packet of detailed
information. This information will answer many of your immediate questions.
Please wait and review this information before calling the Medical School.
If you do NOT receive your packet by Friday, April 8th, please call our
Selection Office at (816) 235-1870 immediately.

Third, arrange your schedule for several activities that are coming very

If you are planning to attend summer school at UMKC or any other
university or college, please register for the Saturday, April 30th UMKC
Freshmen Orientation. You may call Toni Zaner at (816) 235-1205 to register
with credit card. As a UMKC Medical Student, you will be required to attend
one Freshmen Orientation. Other dates are available through the summer if
you are unable to attend the April 30th session.
The Friends of Medicine will be hosting receptions for newly admitted
students in St. Louis on April 16th and in Kansas City on May 1. These
receptions are a wonderful opportunity to meet administration, current
students and their parents. You will be receiving invitations in the
mailing very soon!
As soon as you have made the decision to attend UMKC School of Medicine,
complete and return admission and registration materials enclosed in your
mailed packet.


I look forward to meeting you.

Dr. Kim McNeley
Assistant Dean, Student Affairs
UMKC School of Medicine, M5-403
2411 Holmes
Kansas City, MO 64108
Dr. Kim McNeley
Assistant Dean, Student Affairs
UMKC School of Medicine, M5-403
2411 Holmes
Kansas City, MO 64108

(816) 235-1954

I’m in!!! :slight_smile: Just got letter and e-mail today. I’ll go ahead and continue the list, and congrats to everyone who’s been accepted! And for those who weren’t accepted, just shake it off and realize that it probably wasn’t because you weren’t qualified, this is just a very competitive program, especially for out-of-staters. And cmon, either way, we’re all gonna do it big wherever we end up Fall 2005…right?? :slight_smile: Also, could everyone please make sure to copy/paste to add to the decision list when you hear, k?

Shirley l papiosfinest l Accepted
Anna | <a href=""></a>, tickle skittle | Accepted
Jaclyn | Chiquita1487 | Accepted
Anu | ??? | Accepted
Monee | ??? | Accepted
Daksha | ??? | Accepted

Shaun | | Rejected
Mihir | | Rejected
Brandon | | Rejected

anybody else recieve the email?

On the list you guys are making of who has been accepted/rejected can you list who is instate and out of state?


um, i got in, i was outta state, hope that helps with ur list


hey yall! i got in. out of state. <a href=""></a>



I got accepted, but I have to take Chemistry 211 over the summer. The only problem is that it says the class is from May 23 through June 24. I don’t graduation until June 3. Is there another session?

Melodious, do you anything about the summer session?