UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Just received my interview confirmation!

Just received my interview confirmation as well!
Good luck to one and all.Don’t stress too much.Things always workout for our best.

did anyone receive a rejection either in the mail or email? Im just wondering what to expect if we havent received any notification today.

Congrats 8yearman and Cherry! I’m still waiting D: Mind sharing your stats?

Got the interview notification today :slight_smile:

yea, i got a notification today too

Just got interview email today

Has anyone interviewed yet?

Check with pavlovsdog since he interviewed on Jan 13th !

yeah, i interviewed last week

its almost February and i haven’t gotten anything through email or regular mail, what should I expect?

ok i’m a missouri resident a junior
• Debate 2
• Modern Language Club
• Mock Trial Team
• Volunteering in St Mary’s Hospital OR room / storage/ Elderly Transportation every summer since my freshman year and on weekends 2nd semester of my junior year
• findraised for Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City
• Involved in the Muslim American Society Youth Volley Ball and Basketball team.
• Green Club
• PAWS (Protection of Animal Welfare Society) club. ( for Animal treatment state law advocacies) currently participating in the Prop B advocacy to MO legislators
• In the student leader committee of Truman Medical Center Medical Explorers
• Raising Money for a community of families living in Africa through Outreach International
• Volunteered in School selling snacks
• In A+ Tutoring
• Tutored neighborhood elementary school Franklin Smith kids over their summer school and will be this summer as well.

i am currently takin my normal classes except anatomy and physiology and pre ap calc my act score so far is a 26 however im gonna be taking it again in february
i also have skipped the 8th grade so i will be in college at 17 top 20% of my class out of 483 easy to get along with i have taken 2 languages for 2 years all my math credits are done as are science credits but next year i want to be taking ap english ap calc ap bio ap chem and senate then an elective i suppose shud i take ap bio or ap physics and overall do you think i still have a chance for the 6 year medical program thankyou so much!

For chaos113,remember this order of importance:gpa,act,ec/shadowing and letters of recommedation letters GETS you the interview and the all of the above plus interview get you the spot ia.

You should shadow a physician and show passion for medicine and maturity and poise.Get the teachers and the physician to write you good rec letters.
Go attend classes to improve your ACT scores and you will fine !

To BSing2MD just be patient,I think there is a waitlist for the interviews as well and you may get the email in the first week of Feb,'cause I noticed in the previous years thread someone getting an email opn 2/9.

Who has interviewed?
I got my interview email last week…I’m nervous and don’t know what to expect!

For anyone that has taken the Toledo chemistry exam:

What should I be studying? I haven’t taken chemistry since my sophomore year and I’m a little worried. I know it doesn’t count towards acceptance, but I don’t want to risk failing I and having to take a summer course. Can anyone give me any advice on what concepts are on the test???

It’s greatly appreciated!

Google it !

So if i took physics last year should i take it ap senior year? or should i concentrate on Ap chem instead? orr should i take both id be taking ap calc as well…i dunno bout my load so how many ap classes should i take senior year?

Chaos113,take AP chem and calculus and may be AP physics if you can handle it.But it’s only Feb of junior year.You have at least 6 months to decide.Enjoy your Junior year and concentrate on ACT prep dude!
Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you!

how many more interview days are there?