UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

My interview is on Wednesday, but I’m already here in KC just incase this blizzard really does hit. I’m freaking out a little! Anyone have any last minute advice or tips for the interview? I’d really appreciate it!

Good luck on your interview! I had mine like two weeks ago. The people are so nice and they make you feel comfortable, so they’re your advocates. As for the Chem exam, it’s fairly easy. Like you will be shocked At the level of some of the questions. Lemme know if you have more questions.

For anyone in the med program, is there a lot of physics involved in the six years?

Thanks! It’s SO SNOWY here. They said that they are having interviews regardless of how bad the weather gets though. I’ve been studying for this chemistry test all day. It’s amazing how much you forget in two years.

I’m a little worried about the interview. Did they ask you about universal healthcare?

bubbles94, what kind of questions were you asked?

Hi! I’m new here but I have an interview Thursday and I’m freaking out! Can anyone thats had their already or knows anything about what it will be like please help me??

i had some similar questions as asked previously
is there a lot of or any physics/math involved in this program?
also, what exactly does the “narrative assessment” encompass? is it about a medical topic or what? it sounds weird!

i’m in the program…no math, no physics unless u take undergrad classes in those disciplines. i have no idea what this narrative assessment is either…must be a new thing

hey everyone! i had my interview at UMKC last week, so i wanted to let you all know about it since everyone seems nervous. trust me, there’s NO reason to be! everyone there is extremely nice and they are there to get to know more about you, not to try to throw you off. anyways, this is how the day went down. you first sign in and they greet you with your schedule and some more information about the school. then there is about 30 mins of intro by the administration. the group of candidates are randomly split into 2 groups. one group interviews first while the other takes the chemistry test/narrative test first. the interviews are 30 mins each with randomly assigned people, including council on selection members, doctors, students, etc. what they ask you really depends on the person you have. i was talking to some people who got completely different questions than me. however, both of my interviews were fairly informal and i had very nice interviewers. then there is lunch while a student panel answers any questions that all candidates have. then, the parents are taken on a tour of the school while the candidates are taken on a tour as well. seeing everything made me even more positive that i wanted to go there! there are little offices that each student gets after the 3rd year, and the rest of the school looks really nice too! then, the day is basically over unless you want to take the volker campus tour. my parents and i took that too, so you go over to volker campus where there is about an hour tour by a student just about the general college, gym, lecture rooms, etc.
but please don’t stress guys! it’s much more simple than it sounds. you will all be fantastic! good luck to all! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info.
@interviewsoon, I’m interviewing tomorrow too! Hopefully all goes well. :slight_smile:

did anyone have dr. stella interview them?

Hi. I’m a junior and I just recently learned about this program. I’m really interested in it and was just wondering what you thought of my admissions chances. I’m not really a “well-rounded” person. The classes I have taken include: math up to calculus, chemistry, biology 11, AP bio, AP psychology,AP stats. My ACT is 30. For extra curriculars, I have done varsity swimming soph and jr year. I also have done tutoring of elementary kids soph and jr year too. I am in National Honor Society, but that’s about it. Do you think I have a chance of getting in? And, do I need to take physics next year as a science, or can I wait to take it until college?

swimmer: do something that shows interest in medicine, i.e. volunteering at a hospital, working in a research lab, etc. what’s your gpa? class rank? are you in or out of state?

On the subject of physics:

I took all the pre-med classes at the university level prior to doing the UMKC MD-Only program. Of all the pre-med classes, I’d argue that physics is among the most integral in understanding the basic medical sciences. Especially physiology. Voltage, resistance, and current are taught as concepts of electricity in physics, but the same notions are applicable to the cardiovascular system and anything related to hydrostatic force/pressure is something that will often come up. It’s also hard to understand EKGs if you don’t understand vectors (as electrical vectors drive deflections on a rhythm strip). That being said, I really sucked at physics and it wasn’t something I couldn’t overcome, but it would have made life much easier. I know the 6 year program doesn’t require physics, but I believe you have to take it in high school. It’s worth your time to try and understand the concepts.

Ironically, the pre-med course that everyone seems to look at, Organic Chemistry (which I loved and was good at) seems to have little utility in the basic medical sciences. Go figure.

My interview is actually this coming thursday the 10th! im so nervous i cant keep my days straight!! In the interview do they ask any ethics questions (i.e. abortion, birth control) or anything about current events (i.e. healthcare, relief in Haiti, whats going on in Egypt)?? This is my weakest area and i’m really nervous i’ll have no idea what to say if asked anything about them! Please please help!!!

interviewsoon,please do not be nervous because you would ruin your good chances since one of the key features of a good candidate is being calm,cool,collected or at least protrayal of this.If you are nervous inside it will show.BS your way through the interview and you will be fine.

Haha thanks! I’ll plan on my best BSing lol =) any idea about ethics/current event interpretation questions though?

this is for everyone asking about the ethical questions from interviewers…
like i said earlier, it really depends on who is interviewing you. i got no ethical questions, but i heard that it’s different based on who is interviewing you. i did get one, but it was about cheating, so the answer was fairly obvious. i don’t think they’ll try to screw you up with a hard one… either way, stick to your view and support it well!
if anyone else has questions about how my interview was personally, feel free to ask! i’ll get back to you asap. :slight_smile:

i have a choice of taking chem 2 or ap chem and only 15% of people get a 4 or 5 for the ap chem test because the teacher doesnt explain good. but the chem 2 one is really good as well just not as hectic i guess but cud this be a factor as to weather or not i get accepted? …thanks!

haha, no it definitely wont be a factor. Just take the class that prepares you more and get the higher AP test score. UMKC will most probably look at overall GPA, theres no way that decision would affect whether you receive an interview or not :slight_smile: