UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Yeah, I wasn’t sure if I was going at first, but through the fine art of persuasion, my fam’s helped convince me that I should do this. And to neal540: you’ve got good options, it’s j/ a matter of whether u want to deal with all the competition and stress of doing a pre-med program for cheap at college, or spending more $$ at UMKC, but saving time and maybe some stress.

UMKC is not too bad in the expense department when compared to other medical schools in MO. With UMKC the advantages are pretty interesting. You are out 2 years earlier!! No MCATS, no more interviews and essays in hopes of getting in. Do not have to sit through four years undergraduate before working with patients, a sense of teamwork, students assisting other students, the list goes on.

Some of the budgets listed for the other school expenses for MO residents.

St. Louis University - 1st year - 54,063.00
2nd year - 53,157.00
3rd year - 56,161.00
4th year - 57,279.00

Washington University -new figures out this week puts expenses around 198,000.00 for the four years.

University of Missouri-Columbia - 1st year - 37,040.00
2nd year - 37,710.00
3rd year - 41,920.00
4th year - 40,670.00

If anyone has better figures to work with let me know.

AH…me too…alternate lister, I called one of the offices, about ranking, and I found out I’m in the ninetieth percentile, but that doen’t really mean anything to me…so I’m wondering if I called mary anne (sp?) could I possibly get a number ranking? Sarah/angelfish72487/alternate list/out of state.

Ozarks05, that’s true that UMKC expenses really aren’t that bad compared to the typical 4 yr undergrad/ 4 yr. med school method. However, if u attend college on a full/almost full-paid scholarship, the cost evens out in the end. Actually, it might even be cheaper for out-of staters…
And sar05, that sucks, but you probably still have a shot. I’m sure it can’t hurt to try Maryanne, although I swear, she’s never in her office. Out of curiosity, when you called them up, did they give you a reason why you were waitlisted? B/c I know some1 who was w.l. also and she claims they told her it was b/c they weren’t sure if she would be able to afford the program, which I think is complete bs…um, isn’t that illegal lol, but w/e

Obcydian, I don’t know, I didn’t actually ask what their reason was for wait listing me…but I think I’ll be checking in on it, eh, I mean I suppose getting wait listed is better than getting rejected.

my friend and i were both accept out of state, and neither of us will attend, so good news for alternates

My daughter got a letter that she is an alternate (out of state).
Does any one knows how what are the chances and how many alternates are there all together? Are there two alternate list (one for in-state and one for out of state)?

where are you out of staters from that plan to go?

There are 23 candidates on the out of state list, they don’t generally accept more than 3 candidates from the list, and there are two different lists one for in state and one for out of state. If you call MaryAnne Morgenegg she can give you the details as to what your daughter’s ranking is on the list. Good luck and Best of wishes!

Gah! I can’t believe we got placed on the alternate list!! Yeah, it’s definitely better than being rejected off the bat, but it’s like college admissions in the fall all over again!

I’m also from out of state, and sar05, there are only 23 from the out of state alternate list? But they only accept 3 from the out of state alt. list or all together? How many students were from out of state that actually got admitted?

I called Basma Jaffri and MaryAnne, but which one is better to call? Or should I say, should we call the one with more power? lol!

Good luck! diana/surfin10isgirl/out of state

Definitely call Mary Anne, but send her an email because I got a reply to the email almost immediately. I’m not sure about how many on which list go where, but I’m guessing that whoever drops whether in or out of state is where the alternates from whatever coinciding list gets in. You can definitely email her though and get all the details. Also, if you don’t get in this year you can reapply next year and if not then you can get into their MD program in four years. So yeah, my advice, definitely email Mary Anne. I’m really far down the list so I’m going to make other plans college wise, but best of luck to you!!!

basma is the secretary, mary anne morgenegg is her boss. she is very nice, usually she knows the names of the acceptees and interviewees etc. talk to her, she can get you more information

for those who got in, when is your deadline to either accept or decline?

by april 11th you have to send the “authorization for registration” in and if you decide to go there, by may 2nd. if you withdraw, they will just cancel your registration…

Okay - quick question -

I know UMKC has this awesome program where you would get your MD in 6 years!! But what is there to do in KC, MO? I stopped by the Plaza (I think that’s what it is called and I loved shopping!) but I mean, other than that (and studying), what’s it really like? My 2 days of interview wasn’t really enough to know what student life is like, you know? So those of you who are in staters, or those who just know KC, what do you think?

So, I got waitlisted unfortunately! :frowning: But my backup is UCLA, which isn’t too bad. LA is definitely exciting, and I love all aspects of it. It’s just not med school!!! I’m still gonna try for UMKC, so those of you who have better schools than it that are out of state, you should drop and let ME in! hehe I’m just kidding.

KC isn’t really big…but I guess it has it’s ups.

CHIEFS GAMES!..and other stuff I guess.

OK, so I just got the housing apps today. Anyone know when they’re due??

BTW-anytime I’ve seen KC, it j/ looks like a huge ghetto to me, but I’ve heard from ppl who graduated from the program that besides shopping, there are also a lot of coffeshops/hang-outs to chill at, and that Kansas City has a huge music scene, which makes me happy :). They also said that the clubs were OK to pretty good, and that living there really isn’t that bad. It’s probably the same as living in the typical urban city. The only negative thing they said was that Kansas City really doesn’t offer much for the outdoorsy-type. And they noted that ppl in the program are usually too busy to find many complaints with the activity/nightlife scene there, b/c when you do have time, you’ll always find something fun to do.

KC is a ghetto town no doubt, but as most of you have looked through the Panorama guide, a lot of the grads end up at really nice places for their residencies e.g. UCLA harbor, Mayo clinic (there were like 7 in 2004), JH etc. So it is worth living in a crappy town for 6 years. Also, the shopping is fine. There are a lot of restaurants, club scene is mainly in Westport, however, a lot of people go to KU on Thursday or Friday nights to go to the clubs there. The main problem is that UMKC is a big commuter school, a lot of the people that live nearby leave for the weekend which is pretty gay, but oh well…


If UCLA’s cost is not that big of a deal, and you are confident with getting into med school go there. Westwood is soo nice, a lot to do/eat, plus you are in LA and the weather is nice etc. If you get into UMKC, then its a good opportunity if you want to be a doctor. If I lived in California, I’d either go to LA, Cal or SD. Amazing public schools.
