UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

well, i declined the offer… i couldn’t pass up an 8 year tuition and fee scholarship. i know, i know, money shouldn’t be an issue, but gosh! lol there’s one spot open for an out of stater… good luck to everyone! i know yall will do great wherever you end up:)

i wonder if since you declined, it opens up a spot for an instater or out of stater…

I’m pretty sure it opens up a spot for out of state, but Basma told me that they accepted like 30 people from out of state and 20 from out of state were put on the waiting list. I forgot how many total were admitted… Anyways, but it’s not neccessarily true that since macantu17 declined means that another spot is open unfortunately…

The college decision has been totally weird this year! I know with USC and UCLA they have been extra strange accepting people you would have never expected and rejecting those who you thought would be a sure shot! (Go Bruins for me!)

Where do most people from UMKC end up for residency?

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here is the match list from last year

Accepted and considering going.
email: <a href="mailto:pauln555■■■■■■.com">pauln555■■■■■■.com</a>
If you are going too, maybe we can get to know each other some before we get there.

ACT: 34
SAT: 1550
GPA: 3.8
Class Rank 50/642 (I know, not too good)
100+ hrs volunteering in ER
Published research (fifth author)
Near completing first-authored research
President of Math Honor Society
Tennis team
all the usual clubs too
5 on four ap tests

Also considering the Conley Scholars program at University of Missouri-Columbia (UM main campus) that gives guaranteed admission into the medical school w/o mcat.
I know of two other in-state people accepted, one who is going, one who isn’t.

I hope you get in from the waitlist. I am the guy from MO who interviewed the same day as you. Good luck!

What is the housing like that the first year med students live in? I visited the campus and saw the actual units in the Oak Street Hall, but I am wondering what the life is like there, especially because UMKC is mostly a commuter campus. Do the med students all live together on the same floor or wing? Are the other students who live there generally smart and hard working or towards the bottom of the UMKC student body? Do the med students hang out with each other mostly or with other students? How much of campus has wireless internet coverage? Also, how much of your time do you get to spend at the med school? Thanks for the info.

Currently most of the medical students live on the 5th floor in the main building. I however live in the honors dorms which I find to be nice because they are more quiet… however next year I am living in the main building because people over there have more fun. :slight_smile: My only advice to you is to ROOM WITH A MEDICAL STUDENT. Find someone at orientation or request it on your housing application.

As for if the students are “at the bottom of the UMKC student body” I have no idea since I rarely evaluate people based on their academic intelligence. There are plenty of hard working people in the dorms that you can get together and study with… and there are plenty of people to party hardy with also. I mostly hang out with other med students, but that just happens to be because we are together constantly… the other students are equally as nice. One thing I have noticed is that most students are not here for only undergrad, but are very focused on their future careers and planning to go into law, politics, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, architecture, graduate school or a combination of these.

As for time at the med school, it is directly proportional with your years in the program. This year I only travel up to the med school for random meetings or for docent at Western Missouri Mental Hospital. As of year 2, most of your classes 2nd semester will be at the med school and of course during years 3-6 it is your second home. :slight_smile:

I don’t have a laptop yet, but from what I’ve seen, wireless internet is pretty much everywhere you need it to be, and even in some places where it’s probably not supposed to be (I’ve heard of it in random bathroom stalls… don’t ask lol).

I hope that answers most of your questions. If any of you are planning on coming up here for the summer send me an email. :slight_smile:

Melodious, whould you happen to know UMKC’s average board scores?

Not off the top of my head no. :slight_smile:

anyone looking for a roommate?

Anybody here going to the April 30th orientation, because I am…

august 5th, im going to be out of town on all the other dates…kind of sucks because i really want to find a roommate before i leave.

anyone from kansas city area wanna meet sometime…better to room with someone you know a little than with a totally random person that may end up being really weird you know…

neal, i would room w/ you except… well… i am a girl.

lol gender should not be an issue in this matter…:wink:

I’m on the alternate list. Ms. Morgenegg last told me my ranking early to mid-April, and since then I have sent at least sent 6 things to the Council on Selection in attempt to bring up my ranking. When do you think would be a good time to contact her again and inquire about my position?

Do you think it would be a good idea for someone (out-of-state) who did not make it into the 2005-2006 entering class to go ahead and attend UMKC, and then re-apply to the medical school again the following year? Would they be considered in-state at that point (because wouldn’t that then increase their chances of getting in)?

Personally cookiefairy, I wouldn’t bank on getting in next year and if you do not get in next year, you’ll have to transfer becasue undergrad there is not the best one possible.

Alright it is May 8th. This thread needs a resurrection.

So as most of us have now decided where we are going, lets talk about UMKC.

Name/SN/Date of orientation/Thoughts on attending UMKC

Neal/neal540/currently scheduled for august 5th, but i am trying to switch it to june 18th/at first i didn’t really want to go, now i am happy that i got in and am going there and wont have to take the mcat…also i saw some people at the friends of mo. thing, doesn’t seem like a lot of people showed up?

Kevin/kevpat18/I think I am going on the august 5th…I have to check.,

oh also add where your from, kansas city