UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Posted 2 pages ago

has anyone else who has applied to this program received the general UMKC acceptance? I still haven’t. I’m out of state. Could that be why?

@maani9422, u mean for the undergraduate institution right? I got mine a while ago (i think a couple of weeks ago) and i’m out of state too

got mine today


do you think that i will be accepted if i have a 28 act score, but all A’s, many volunteer hours, many extracurriculars and medical experience, and a 4.5 GPA out of 5? i’m really worried about my ACT score…

UMKCs testing scores average for the program is low so don’t worry about it

glad to hear u got it

Hey guys, I am applying from out of state. I’m kind of worried because I think my scores are low, I only have a 31 on the ACT. Do you think I still have a shot?

Hi Guys
I am applying in state, applied before Oct 15,2011 got admitted into undergraduate (the first step for BA/MD program) school and got a letter from UMKC School of medicine on Nov 18 stating that “Your application was complete by Oct 15, 2011 and is currently under review by the Council on Selection”.

My stats ACT 35 GPA 5/5 (weighted), skipped two grades (OMG completed 14 before UMKC application deadline) shadowing 50-70 hrs, Med explorer prog, volunteers 400 Hrs etc, no APs. (Done Anotomy )

Also applied St.Louis Univ BA/MD program, got admitted into BA Biology with Vice President Scholarship of 64K, medical scholar program results without an interview will be Mid March 2012.

I am not worrying either UMKC interview or SLU admission, if nothing working out due to my age, my goal is to do under grad in a regional univ with confidence of getting 4 GPA and 44 MCAT score.

Guys be cool.

“letter from UMKC School of medicine on Nov 18 stating that “Your application was complete by Oct 15, 2011 and is currently under review by the Council on Selection””

^ Did anyone else get this letter? I didn’t, and now I am concerned…
I turned everything in a couple of days before Oct 15. However, they did make one of my teachers redo a recommendation form. This letter was postmarked Oct 13. but it was not received/processed until Oct. 27. Should I contact admissions to see if I made the early notification round?

lovelyday0, my friend who also applied did get that letter too. I have not yet, but I hope it comes soon.

Hey, I was just wondering, how many people go into derm from this program? I’ve heard there isn’t a derm department or something? I do not want to do derm for sure, in fact I don’t really know what I want to focus on in the medical field at all, but I’m just wondering. On the match list for 2011, there were two people that did it.

Hey guys, I did early application as well as many of you on here. Let me know if/when you guys get letters of denial or emails of interview status as my last name is S so if they send the emails out in blasts so ill be farther down the list and I live in St. Louis so I’ll have a delayed letter compared to someone from KC if rejected. The program is my number one choice and I know that’s a pretty big risk that’s why I want to know ASAP. Thanks and good luck to everyone.

@sieliryan I am also from St. Louis, this is my number 1, and am really anxious to know about interview statuses. Anyone else hear back about an interview? They say “mid-december”, but that is very ambiguous…

i’ve heard nothing yet. I called after I came back from thanksgiving break and the medical school said they were still reviewing applications and have not sent out any notifications about an interview. I have a feeling that we will get letters before christmas break (or I hope at least).

Do they send rejection letters? Or do they just never contact you?

They send you a rejection letter if you dont get accepted and an email if you get an interview or are waitlisted for the interview. I feel like they will send out the emails Friday because the officers will work all this week finishing their decisions and then take the weekend as a break… but I have no clue. I know by mid December sounds ambiguous but at least its not “You will receive interview status in mid December” because that would be even worse. I would assume it will be before the 20th at the latest but again just making assumptions, I would guess and I hope for the end of this week.

I got an email. Waitlisted for interview, surprisingly. I put more effort into that application and got interviews at more competitive programs. Maybe they just chose in-state students.

I got an email as well. Wait listed. Super dedicated to the program so if there are any of you interviewing for the heck of it please pull your application and good luck to everyone going!

I got an interview!!! Do you guys have any suggestions to help me prepare?

what other programs NG14916?