UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I am from Chicago

Guys, I need a roomie. And attending boarding school has taught me that in order to avoid rooming with people who have serious mental issues, disgusting habits, or are j/ plain annoying, you need to pick your roommate. So it’s come down to this, lol. Any girls who don’t have a roommate as of yet, get @ me at <a href=“”></a>, or through AIM- papiosfinest…trust me, this is better than playing the whole luck of the draw game. OK, I’m done w/ my little classified ad :). Now it’s back to finals…

lol obcydian i tried it, doesn’t work…
i figure i’ll just make the best of it

When does school start?

late august or early september?

starts in late august the 21st i think

Do you get summers off in UMKC…? Someone told me that in many of the 6 year programs, you end up not having 1 or 2 summers off… Is that true?

we will have classes during the summer. i know for at least Year 1, we’ll have about the last week of May off, classes thru June & July, and then 2 weeks off in August, until school starts again.

anyone else going to the aug 5 orientation?

going to umkc will be exciting and scary (im out of state)

has anyone started to figure out their schedule?

mascot is a kangaroo?

I’m sure you’re all sick of the “what are my chances?” posts, but I want to go to UMKC and will be applying this fall and I just wanted to know if I was being realistic.

GPA: weighted 3.8
SAT: 2050 Math: 660 Verbal: 770 Writing: 620
Biology: 660 (this is pending because they scored Ecological instead of molecular)
Math IC: 720
Literature: 740
U.S. History: 4
Bio: ?
Calc: ?
Government: ?
Literature: ?
Senior Year I’m taking Chem AP, Calc BC, Spanish AP, and Language

250+ hours of volunteering, job shadowing, clerical work in the hospital, organizing oncology protocols and pamphlets

Multicultural Club Secretary, NHS, French/Spanish Club Senator, Student Assembly, SADD, and HYPE (something that is supposed to promote school spirit)

does umkc require sat 2 scores?

anyone? and can anyone give me more info on umkc… like are mcats required, whats the program like?, etc.

ur credentials look great! wut they look for at the interview is maturity and a true desire to go into medicine. got that, and u have fab chances in my opinion!

u dont mcat scores for umkc. they take students right out of high school and look at their ACT or SAT scores along with volunteering, leadership, health care related experiences, etc.

i know they take students right out of highschool. (i know what an accelerated program is.) what i meant was do they require students to take the mcats after undergrad before going into the actual med school (so it would be after the first 2 years in the program).

For you incomplete alibi, it looks pretty good. What state are you from? If you are out of state, it’s a little bit harder to get in. Other than that, be smart at your interview, adn it should go fine.

UMKC is a straight outta high school 6 year med program soo no MCAT…and its not a bachelors degree in 2 years then 4 years of med…its like a combo of both…

I’m going there this fall so i can keep you guys updated…

I’m from Michigan


If your out of state… how the HECK are you paying for it… lolol… i’ve heard UMKC is pretty expensive… hmm

lol hopefully I’ll figure out a way.

How long does it take to become a resident of a new state?

I’m interested in the UMKC program, but I’m a bit worried about student preparedness to study medicine.

My teacher’s father is a doctor in the KC area and he teaches medical students who have graduated from UMKC’s 6yr program; he’s said that there are many instances where UMKC’s students aren’t all that prepared to practice medicine.

Like I said, I’m very interested in this program, and my stats meet the requirements so I think I’ve got a fair shot; however, has anyone had any experience with this program and would like to share whether they felt that they were “on the same level,” so to speak, as anyone who graduated from a full med-school track? Or any comments at all? Thanks for your help.

i’ve heard that you cant become a “instate student” till your 24… and most of you will have graduated by then…

M17, my brother in law also expressed his worries about the preparedness of medical students graduating from UMKC’s program. I want to go to this too, but he said that because it was a community hospital, compared to a university hospital, you wouldn’t be properly trained with interactions with patients and everything.