UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I agree with you! Reading previous threads, everyone seemed to be really laid back but now the scores and ec’s are sky high!

I applied before october 15th…still haven’t heard back. I called, and they said I should get a reply anytime this week for sure. I’m from the midwest.


<pre><code> I wonder if only the college confidential UMKC SOM applicants are the ones with the awesome statistics? If not, then this is going to be a really competitive year… just think what it would be like having 100-120 classmates that have academic capabilities equal or greater than your own. However, what does not kill you, only makes you stronger!

Very true. Let’s see how it goes. <em>fingers crossed</em>

Anyone else on alternate list?

Did anyone get an email today??

Waitlisted :frowning:

i got an email saying:

The Council on Selection in the School of Medicine has carefully considered your application for a position in the B.A./M.D. program. We regret to inform you that the Council is unable to award you a position in the Fall 2013 class.

so sad…

hoping for VCU now.

i got accepted for an interview! from OOS, NJ.

I just recieved my email from UMKC. I got an interview!

sanguinne and bullsfan did u guys get an interview email?

i called them and said that if you don’t get an email, it’s most likely a rejection i think.
good luck to u all! i wish you all the best! don’t worry.

No! I got an email but they said they put me on an alternate list as of right now.

This is what my email said:
At this time, the Council has decided to place you on the alternate list for an interview. Being placed on the alternate list allows the Council to still consider your application if any additional interview positions become available.

I am from OOS( California ) and applying on Nov 1st deadline. Havent received any email yet . Is that mean I am a rejectee material ?

You may have no received anything because they sent out decisions to those who applied by the act. 15th deadline first.

Butterfli, what were your stats? I have pretty good stats and was surprised to be waitlisted.

not that great, but better than what they asked for:
Rank: 1
100+ volunteer at hospital
50+ shadowing physicians
research: lab assistant for professor
random medical ec like seminars and open heart surgery
Tons and tons of leadership in school…like Spanish Club VP, SADD club VP, Math club Pres, Choir secretary, literary magazine senior editor, etc…

Thank you butterfli123. That meant I still have a slightly hope huh ? Your stats lot better than mine and waitlist…wonder if i would have that chance to be waitlisted next round.
Hope you get in eventually butterfli123

This is the only ba/md i applied for. it is a last minute thing…1 wk before deadline my dad remembered UMKC and recommended me to apply since he was there 25 yrs ago. Otherwise I would go the normal 4+4 route

butterfli, you’re stats are over average, very good. They should not have waitlisted you either. Anyone who got accepted for interview, like desigirl, what were your stats?