UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

haha, ya community bathrooms suck…but i guess it doesn’t matter as long as i get in

hey guys… im a year 1 in the program and wanted to let you know that if you get in, you will NOT have community bathrooms. all med students are required to live in the new dorm year 1, and it has a private bathroom for every two rooms (suite). if you have any other questions, let me know! back to studying…

30 more days. I was told at conley last week that they will inform admission decisions to 8 yr program in 4 th week of april.

Hi, did you mean 4th week of March(30days)?

How has your first year been going? How do you like UMKC?

hey mathchick -
my first year is going really well so far (knock on wood). this week has been so hectic though… i had a six page paper due and a midterm in comparative religion, a microbiology lab practical exam, and tomorrow i have a microbiology lecture exam. but i’m out for spring break this friday! can’t wait… i’m a little burnt out at the moment :slight_smile:

most of the time, i’m really glad i came here. there are days when im just stressed out or days that i get nostalgic for living at home and my high school, but who doesn’t? the dorm is really nice, i’ve met some really nice people (and some obnoxious not-so-nice people), and i really feel like everything has a purpose here, which is really important for me because i’m very goal-oriented.

you know what I do hate, though?! how i’ve gained like 10 lbs since coming here! no joke, the cafeteria here will kill you.

no, they are talking april last week. conley interviews till 3 week of april

summergirl, do you know how many people get chosen off teh alternate list? and also what is the min GPA requirement? Do you ever get like lonely and depressed bc of the small town and stuff? is there any social life and is there time for it? Thanks

fenca -
i have no idea about the alternate list, sorry! do you mean the minimum GPA requirement to be accepted or the minimum GPA to stay in the program? im not sure what you need to get in, but you need to maintain about a 3.0 to stay in (theres a bunch of rules but they explain it later).

also, KC isn’t really a small town. we’re right by the plaza and only about 10 mins from downtown. there is definitely a social life if you want it, and there’s also plenty of time for it (during your first year at least, or thats what i’ve experienced), and there’s also no reason to be lonely if you stay busy and hang out with friends!

thanks for the infoooo! ahh im awaiting my decision

we seriously have to wait until the end of April for a decision? That’s so inefficient. You have to submit your acceptances of other colleges by May 1. How are they going to give you like, a week to decide?

Or are you talking about Conley Scholars, not the 6 year?

I was already accepted into Conley Scholars. I got the letter yesterday

Just a question…how many people on this forum are Indian?

i’d say that a good majority are indian (including me)

I’m Indian too. I’d agree - a lot of people, when posting their stats here, mention that they’re indian, if not asian.

What exactly is Conley Scholars?

Conley Scholars is an 8 year program offered at Mizzou where if you complete your undergrad there you are automatically admitted into their medical school. I finally got called for my interview on Friday, but it was seriously short notice. I have to go out there this Tuesday. I’m kinda stressing. So are people already finding out if they’re aceepted into Conley? I thought they would interview everyone first. If anyone has been interviewed for the Conley program and would like to share their experience with me I would greatly appreciate it. And anyone who is applied both to Conley and UMKC 6-year, which do you prefer?

Does anyone know when they will start mailing out UMKC acceptance/rejection letters? Do we get an email too?

I’m neither asian nor indian.

I don’t think that anyone will have to wait until late April for the UMKC admissions decisions. When I had my interview (in January), I was told that they were shooting to have all decisions made and mailed by March 8th (yes, in 3 days). However, they were reluctant to make a guarantee. They said all decisions would be recieved by April 1st at the latest. If I remember correctly, they told me that if you are accepted, you would recieve e-mail confirmation sometime after March 8th, but if you are denied, you will be notified by post mail before April 1st. I have my fingers crossed really tightly!

ahh thats so close