UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

lol I’d prefer it to be so close rather than waiting another month…

I posted on the UMKC Board…


Decisions will be in the mail March 20th.

Chris Chidester.

Office of Admissions"

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

i todl u guys thrid week of march…

man i cannot wait. I am excited man. I am pumped.

Well, at least March 20th is earlier than April 1st. However, it still doesn’t ease the nerves.

where is everyone frommm

I’m from Michigan

I live in KCMO… My house is only a mile and a half from the UMKC campus; so its VERY convenient.

im from ny so its a long ways but i really wana gooo

Wow March 20th, its so close. Good Luck to everyone. I’m from MO about half an hour away from KC.

edwardsville illinois. go E-ville.

lol how many of you guys are South Asian (brown)… btw i am a year 1 over here. you can instant message me (neal540) if you want any questions answered.

lol I’m brown (w00t)

Does anyone know which program is better, the Medical scholars program at SLU or the UMKC BA/MD?

Well, personally I’m kinda iffy about the UMKC program. I haven’t heard many good things about it. I also got into the Medical Scholars program, but it’s not a total guaranteed admission. You still have to apply to med schoo, and although mcat scores don’t matter, you must have a 3.5…even with all these things, some people are still accepted to med school. It’s an early admission to med school, not a guaranteed admission. Of the programs in missouri, I think Conley scholars is the best. Overall, top programs are Conley, RPI, Union, Brown, Rice/Baylor, and Casewestern.

wow you guys are getting your letters early! i remember getting mine april 2nd or something last year. good luck! :slight_smile:

i’m not indian! or asian, for that matter. plain old caucasian. i know, hard to believe, haha.

Why do you think Conley is better?

do u know about how many out of staters usually get in

im brown lol from ny

lotsofcurls2006- i think 98% of the people who meet the requirements in the medical scholars program, make it into the medical school. so its kind of a gauruntee…