UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I think 20-30

you are accepted for conley. What are the criteria of moving on to med school? such as GPA and MCAT. Will they allow you to complete med school early by by 6 or 7 yrs?

do u knwo how many out of startes got interviewed and bout how many will get acceptances

about 25-30% of the people are out of state. i’m figuring thats probably about the same percentage of people that interview as well.

ahh i hope i get in…what are the chances for the ppl on teh alternate list?

Fenca- Have you already found out that you are on the alternate list?

No she hasn’t found out yet, I think she’s just wondering the changes of people who are on the alt. list.

I think the people who are on the top of the alt. list probably have somewhat of a chance since some accepted people might decline to go.

tru but they give out more acceptances then they actually want because they know everyone will not attend.

and no i haevnt heard from them yet

when was everyones interview

My interview was the second week in January. There were 6 other applicants there that day. My physician interview was with Dr. Salkind and the non-physician was Dr. Barkis. The first one went almost awful, but I thought the second was a success. March 20th is very close now… unless of course they do take until April 1st. My fingers are crossed for a week from now!

ahh i had salkind too. he scared me.

my interview was mid-december…i had dr. kilbride for physician and dr. shannon for non. yea i felt the physician one wasnt too strong but it was okay…the non-phys one with dr. shannon was really really good tho…i hope the second one has more influence

fenca - i had my interview with dr. kilbride last year :slight_smile: i don’t remember who my other one was… it was this short little lady who was very energetic though. i only remember dr. kilbride because of his unique name lol

lol was ur interview good with him? i felt that kilbride stared at me loll

Does anyone know exactly when they will notify if we are accepted?

my interview with him was good but definitely not perfect. i think i answered the ethics question wrong. oh well :slight_smile: even if your interview wasnt great theres nothing you can do now so you might as well just enjoy your last year of high school and not worry!

i was notified like april 4th last year, some of my friends were notified april 2nd.

do u get a real “college” experience at UMKC u think?

I have heard that letters will be mailed on March 20th. but it could still be as late as April 1st.

probably not what most people would define as a real “college” experience… first of all you only do undergrad stuff for about 1.5 years, you only live in the dorms for 1-2 years, and UMKC isn’t really known for having tons of huge parties or whatever. but that stuff isn’t important to me so I don’t mind.