UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I notice that march 25th is a saturday and some one in a state office is going to send e mails and letters on a day off ! very unlikely.

you guys are stressing about this way, way too much! if i could give you any advice it would just be to relax and enjoy your last days as a high school senior. you wont get those days back and you can’t change anything now, so there’s no point worrying! :slight_smile: GO PLAY OUTSIDE

Hey, I e-mailed Mary Ann Morgenegg and she told me that the letters will be sent out on Friday except if something wierd happens.

so well get em by tues the 27

Are they sending them friday 24th or friday 31st ?

probably Friday the 24th,

I spoke to someone today and they mailed the letters today. I wonder when the emails will go out.

I’d guess monday

will the emails be sent out veofre we get the mailed out one?

I’m not sure what their policy will be for this year, but this was posted on the thread from last year…

"For all of you out there awaiting decisions this was recently posted on the UMKC message board:
"We will send out admission and denial letters in the mail and than we will send two days later after the admission letters go out an e-mail indicating if a student has been admitted. We will not send out an e-mail indicating if a student has been denied.

Chris Chidester/Office of Admissions""

So maybe that means the e-mails will be sent automatically on Sunday, or we have to wait until Monday, when they are in the office.

any one in metro kansas city area received their results ?

i called mrs jaffri and she was like there aren’t going to be emails this year…

well thats rotten. oh well, everyone here in KC should probalby have their letters in hand by tomorrow or tuesday… if they were mailed friday. aaahhhhh!!!

jaffri said they’re gona be mailed monday

Why is there so much conflicting information lol

Did US MAIL go out on friday as was mentioned in earlier thread ? Are they referring to E-MAIL going out on monday ? clarify guys

well, according to RFelicia and Chelseagirl the post letters were mailed on Friday. and according to Fenca mrs jaffri said there wont be e-mails sent this year and the post letters wont be mailed until Monday. hmmm maybe I’ll give the office a call to clarify this. But I’m betting that the letters didnt get mailed until today… so we should know within a few days either way.

I spoke with maryanne and no mail has been sent out either through us mail or e mail and they are waiting for some info.

Did she say how long it would be? Or what they are waiting on?

hehe well never find out