UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Does Ms. Jaffri really not mind telling, or does she sound exasperated?

BTW which number do I call, in case I change my mind about calling? Is it the main office number?

i’m out of state too (IL). I was really worried because they were talking about how out of 100 people, only 20 could be out of state residents and the rest had to be Missouri people.

ouch, i’ve got a big fat REJECTION stamped on my forehead, spoke with mrs. jaffri after school. oh well.

(816) 235-1783

I’m out of state, too

alternate ***

I am in and I am a female looking for female roommate.e-mail me at <a href="mailto:poofy61■■■■■■■■■■■■">poofy61■■■■■■■■■■■■</a>

Accepted! (in state) I got my letter today in the mail, very exciting! But still not really sure this is the program for me.

same situation as shortie.

this is really expensive though, are there any ways to alleviate the financial burden for out-of-state kids who want to go to UMKC

Shortie, Where else do you think you might go if you don’t go to UMKC?

MU…I interviewed for the Conley Scholars program, but I still haven’t heard from them. I’m seriously considering going to MU even if I don’t get accepted for Conley, and applying for med school in four years. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to make the sacrifices that are needed in order to attend UMKC.

I recived my acceptance letter today. They seem to be in a rush and they want some of the forms returned by april 10th. I also interviewed at conleys and I want to wait for their decision before I send in my deposit fee to UMKC. any advise M1’s and M2’s ?

there really arent that many sacrifices to attend umkc…1 is summers. if you are doing 4+4 you are going to have to research and work in the hospital over the summers anyways. year 1 your summer is pretty easy as well. only 6 credit hours for me.

yeah i agree with neal. but i guess we’re kind of biased lol. instead of 4 years of undergrad, we get two years and its just the basics and some easy electives. the entire six years we are spoon fed the information and are essentially done taking classes by year four. which means that… by the time people are starting med school… we’re taking boards. it’s nice, but not for everyone. you should do what you’re comfortable with.

yeah, you have to be prepared to sit on your ass and study, b.c 6 years of class condensed into 4 with a lot of clinical work is a lot of work.

but don’t you also miss out on the social life and the real undergrad experience? UMKC is a great program, but what are the chances one can go to the east or west coast and get into some of the nations top residencies?

well I researched this as well, i had a full ride to USC and a 3/4 ride to Umiami. I know those colleges are reputable and have amazing social lives. BUT, you must take into consideration that there are between 3-4:1 med applicants to med school spots. So my choice was either to work really hard for 4 years (I’de say harder than I work now), do really well on the MCATs, keep damn near a 4.0, research every summer OR have a spot in medical school. I chose option 2 and I am very happy about that. At times, I wish UMKC was a larger school because the campus situation is not what I like. It’s not in a college town. I really wanted to live in a college town but hey we have fun here. If we really want to go clubbin lets say, there are like a multitude of options in Lawrence which is about 40 min away. So I can say I have had/am having my share of fun.

as far as residencies and stuff go, how hard is it to get into a good one from umkc? and how many kids end up failing from umkc?

There’s an 81% graduation rate.

umkc does have a bias towards internal medicine…but you can do whatever you want. the clinical experience you gather over the 6 years is mostly internal meds related. and yeah there is a 81% graduation rate. our class is doing well though. 2 people have left, mainly due to personal reasons.