UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

But how much sway does gpa have versus extra currics and letters of rec and such?

well im waiting on my sat’s. theyre supposed to be in on monday.
but for now, Ive taken five ap’s in sophomore and junior year. euro(exam score 4), art(3), and comp sci a, apush, and calc ab this year. and my school is a hella hard private school in san jose. i dunno if that helps.

to-be Eagle Scout after all this paper work- did blood drive as eagle project
Junior assistant scoutmaster(grades 10,11) and scribe(grade 9)
Science Fair-3 years of 1st place technical papers
entered state science fair water competition, so far won $100
500 hours of community service so far- tech museum, blood drive, and stanford hospital
teacher at hindu community center
organizer,treasurer of a swamiji program too
orchestra sophomore and junior year

and recs im fairly sure, i could get a pretty good one from a science teacher.

the reason why my gpa is so low is cuz of my sophomore year. that year i had a 3.6 weighted. but this year, iv gotten like 4.1 weighted.

hey is anyone looking for a roommate?

Yes, it is necessary to have a car. Kansas City has some of the worst suburban sprawl in the country, and absolutely no public transit (well they do, but it’s impossible to use). Trust me, I’m from KC, and I love the city, but without a car, you’ll be completely stuck.

i am from baltimore, maryland and am looking for a roomate

(i am a guy)

I am also a guy…from kansas city. (well technically Overland Park, KS, but it’s a suburb)

how much does it cost for in state? i guess i missed the mail where they gave that info.

hey guys, im still deciding if i should do this program or got to a regular 4-year university to earn a degree and then apply for med school…any words of advice?

oh, and sorry, forgot to ask–are their any good opportunities to do research at the school of medicine once in med school?

so…who is going for sure…plus where are you from?

  1. solid786 - Baltimore, MD

I’m going for sure.

  1. solid 786- Baltimore, MD
  2. villageidiot- Chicago, IL

yep, changed my mind to go to UMKC pretty much at the last minute.

  1. solid 786- Baltimore, MD
  2. villageidiot- Chicago, IL
  3. otacon88 - Overland Park, KS

i think we should also post sn’s so we can get to know each other, ya know.
mine is LancerEvo26

  1. solid 786- Baltimore, MD
  2. villageidiot- Chicago, IL
  3. otacon88 - Overland Park, KS
    4.) A1987- Chicago, IL AIM: Snowflake876
  1. solid 786- Baltimore, MD AIM: live like ali 72
  2. villageidiot- Chicago, IL
  3. otacon88 - Overland Park, KS
    4.) A1987- Chicago, IL AIM: Snowflake876
  1. solid 786- Baltimore, MD AIM: live like ali 72
  2. villageidiot- Chicago, IL
  3. otacon88 - Overland Park, KS
  4. A1987- Chicago, IL AIM: Snowflake876
  5. powerofprocrastination- Overland Park, KS AIM: sleepyazn111

Hey-- anyone know, does having a major in bio or chem give you a better shot at a competitive residency after the 6 year program than just doing a bla?

  1. solid 786- Baltimore, MD AIM: live like ali 72
  2. villageidiot- Chicago, IL
  3. otacon88 - Overland Park, KS
  4. A1987- Chicago, IL AIM: Snowflake876
  5. powerofprocrastination- Overland Park, KS AIM: sleepyazn111
  6. mst54c- female, St. Louis, MO. AIM: RuudistheMan

good idea, posting the gender. i’m a male. therefore:

  1. solid 786- Baltimore, MD, male. AIM: live like ali 72
  2. villageidiot- Chicago, IL
  3. otacon88 - Overland Park, KS, male.
  4. A1987- Chicago, IL AIM: Snowflake876
  5. powerofprocrastination- Overland Park, KS, male. AIM: sleepyazn111
  6. mst54c- female, St. Louis, MO. AIM: RuudistheMan

(i know some of the other people on this list)

  1. solid 786- Baltimore, MD, male. AIM: live like ali 72
  2. villageidiot- Chicago, IL, female.
  3. otacon88 - Overland Park, KS, male. AIM: LancerEvo26
  4. A1987- Chicago, IL AIM: Snowflake876
  5. powerofprocrastination- Overland Park, KS, male. AIM: sleepyazn111
  6. mst54c- female, St. Louis, MO. AIM: RuudistheMan