UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I don’t know if there is a ‘one single thing’ to convey at the interviews. Just be honest about why you want to be part of the program and why you are interested in medicine. I know that sounds like a cheap answer, but I mean, don’t go into it making sure to say what you think they want to hear. Show something you’ve done in high school (like for me it was working on the newspaper) and what you’ve gained from that experience that will make you a good doctor/ a good addition to the program. Narrow down for yourself what you, specifically, will bring to the program. The interview is a chance for interviewers to see why they should accept you, find something different and unique. The red cross thing, for example, is amazing. I think if you made that a focus, it would work well for you.

thanks for that insight. Could you give me some basic stats of yours just so I know where I stand? (in state or no, etc.)

be up to date with current events.

im going to apply to this. im from out of state
how hard is it to get into?
i have all the qualifications and much more too

what state? how are you so sure that you’re qualified?

i come from florida im not sure but i meet at least their min. i just meant that im not trying to apply without having what is necessary

At the interview do you get questioned by a group of people or just one person

If you are selected for an interview, you have to take a math test in the morning and then you get a tour and a presentation. there is also a financial aid information thing after lunch. The interviews are conducted between like 1 and 4 in the afternoon. (it is a LONG day) usually on any given day they have between 2 and 6 different interviewers. each candidate is interviewed by 2 (or 3) people, at least one physician and one non-physician. One of mine lasted about 10 minutes, while another lasted over half an hour. It was pretty formal. There were 6 other kids there that day, all of the boys wore coats and ties and both I and the other girl wore business suits (a friend warned me ahead of time about the formality).

i have a 27 on the act
an unweighted gpa of 3.7
i’m ranked 29/605
i’ve taken 9 AP & 10 honors
i’m out of state (AR)

do i even have a chance?

im not sure what the minimum requirement of act but i know you need to post up your extra curriculars. and more about your ap scores

It’s actually pretty difficult to gauge if you will be accepted or not; they turn town a lot of seemingly excellent candidates every year. From everyone I have talked to, it is much more difficult to get in as an out-of-state student because about 3/4 of the accepted applicants are from Missouri, while the other 25-30ish students are from out of state. For an out of state student I would definitely try and pull that ACT score to 30+ and make srue that you are truly committed to a medical career. That means lots of exposure to the medical field (volunteering and hands-on activities, more than shadowing). You have to be very serious about pursuing an MD, to be accepted.

in state
going to be a senior

4.81 GPA


SAT 2390
ACT 35

student body president
NHS president
varsity cross country
varsity basketball
varsity tennis
3 time national qualifying debater
Siemens regional finalist
3 times at ISEF, total of $6500 won

maybe you should aim for Brown PLME or Northwester HPME instead of this school
you are pretty much set for this school

even for umkc i don’t know if you are set. it seems you don’t have any EX’s dealing with medicine. most of your activities are sports. even though you have the scores, you don’t show a passion or dedication to the medical field.

if you insist…
research since 9th g.; led to Siemens and Intel Fair
300 hrs since 9th g. at university hospital
shadowed last summer and continuing now

you definitely want to make sure that you are doing more than just shadowing at the hospitals (involvement, as much as possible, is a BIG plus)

true, this doesn’t sound very creative, but how do you go beyond the research, volunteering, and shadowing and be involved even more?

there might be some clubs at your school or hospital you can join. you can start one if there’s not. that’s just one of many options.

do I have any chances???

5.01 gpa
13/527 in one of the top 20 high schools in the nation
1340/1600 SAT
1940/2400 SAT
SAT II’s in october (which one’s do I need to take?) (I can probably do extremely well in math, chem, and bio)

Vice President of Science Honors Society (Excaliber)
200+ hours volunteering in the hospital (with 125+ in the ER)
Odyssey of the Mind- since 9th grade
Science Olympiad- 4 medals at regionals
I also joined other clubs such as Chess club, NHS, Interact, and many others
I am also kicking off a couple of clubs over the summer of which I’ll be president
Entering Siemens

anything that I need to do or should improve please post. i’ll appreciate it.

I think you only need to improve sat scores like me. other than that, you are set ’

Chances on me
Location: Arcadia CA
High School: Public, Very competitive
Race: Chinese
Second Generation
school doesnt rank

GPA: 4.0 unweighted 4.4weighted.
AP Classes: Ap Bio: 5 AP Chem 5 AP Ap US 5 AP Psych 5 AP Calc BC 5
SAT: 2000/2400 I will retake. (equivalent to 30 on act)
SAT IIs: Math IIC: 790, Biology:790 , Chem: 790

Key Club
Chess Club 11 [Officer]

Volunteer at Dialysis Center 150 hours +
Shadowing a nephrologist 8 hours +
not sure if i should join EMT
and still having trouble finding clinical research hours