UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I’m going to be a junior at a public MO highschool.

Unweighted GPA - 3.9
Weighted - 4.7

Ranked 2/530

ACT- 32

I will be taking AP Chem II, AP Calculus, AP physics, AP Spanish 4, and AP Lit junior year.

ECs - Varsity wrestler/ team captain and 2X state medalist
JV Cross Country
Character Education Member for class of '08
Chem Bowl
International Club
Volunteer at Nursery for neglected/abused children

What are my chances?

well…I can’t say your gpa is too shabby… in fact its great but you already know that. Your act score is probably fine and you obviously love wrestling. your gpa and wrestling should get you in to the interviews, but I don’t decide. Other than that your ec’s are somewhat generic, so get involved in “medical activities,” as others have talked about.

how about me?

madamebovary: your stats are pretty good. join EMT and try to find a research opportunity, or do more hours at the hospital. you want to stand out, and i’m sure everyone has 100-200 hours, but 500 hrs+ really stands out. especially since you’re out of state, you will have more competition and you will want to be the best.

thanks madamebovary for your insight. what are my chances??? my stats are posted above but i just copied and pasted them below again (except for a few additions):
5.01 gpa weighted
3.83 unweighted
13/527 in one of the top 20 high schools in the nation
1340/1600 SAT
1940/2400 SAT
SAT II’s in october (which one’s do I need to take?) (I can probably do extremely well in math, chem, and bio)

Vice President of Science Honors Society (Excaliber)
200+ hours volunteering in the hospital (with 125+ in the ER)
Odyssey of the Mind- since 9th grade
Science Olympiad- 4 medals at regionals
I also joined other clubs such as Chess club, NHS, Interact, and many others
I am also kicking off a couple of clubs over the summer of which I’ll be president
Entering Siemens

comments are greatly appreciated.

how can you get over a 5.0 gpa?
even if you take all AP classes from 9-12 and get A’s in all of them, that would still only get you a 5.0. so how is a 5.01 possible?

im pretty sure its impossible
each school semester has 6-7 classes, and i am incredulous that one can take 6 APs - 7 APs in one school year.

i took 8 ib classes in last year (11th grade) which award 6 credit points and during my 9th and 10th grade years i took pre-ib classes (5 points). now that that’s answered, what’re my chances???

im sorry im not familiar with ib courses;i dont live in orange county.

yeah, i’ve just recently heard of IB courses. still not familiar with them, though.

is it true that there is two University of Missouri program (ba/md)
University of Missouri Kansas City
University of Missouri- Columbia

an ib class is weighted the same as an ap class except that there is no double block ib class (compared to ap bio and chem). each ib class gives 6 quality points and every pre ib class awards 5 quality points. in other words you can look at ib and ap the same. what’re my chances???

you have a 5.01 gpa yet a 3.83 UW gpa; that seems wierd. Anyways, take the ACT b/c that’s what UMKC accepts. It would also help if you could improve your SAT scores. As for EC’s, they’re fine. I’m not sure, but I might give you 75-80% of getting in to the interviews. From that point on, it’s only you and nothing on paper that matters. GOod luCK

kannada, thanks a lot. does anyone know how to conduct a good interview (attire, speech, presenting yourself…etc)? anyone that got in to umkc, or anyone else, please post. just curious- does umkc require an mcat?

umkc does not require mcat. the interview is formal. each interviewer asks their own questions, some may be medically related, some not. just be up to date with medical news and know yourself.

what do you mean by medical news (any specific website)? Are you currently in umkc’s program? if you’ve had an interview, what do they ask? thanks.

can anyone who got into umkc’s program post your stats?

yes, i’m going to be attending umkc this fall. the interviewers ask their own questions; i know some people who had interviewers who asked no medical questions, and other people who asked mostly medical questions. just be prepared overall. search medical news in google, you’ll find thousands of websites.

rank 12/470
4.5 weighted GPA
33 ACT, 2250 SAT

varsity tennis
lots of school clubs - science olympiads, NHS officer, SNHS, etc.
volunteered for school and started a volunteer project
volunteered about 1000 hours at hospital
did medical research at Kansas University

i did more, but those are the things off the top of my head.

thanks otacon88 and congrats!

quick question-- I’m a student thinking of applying next year to umkc and was looking at their degree requirements and choosing a major thing, and I wanted to know, because I heard most people choose liberal arts, if I choose bio or chem, would that set me apart from everyone else and give me any bonus points when i’m going for residencies after the program?