UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Hi, my son submitted his portal application by 3rd, when he called them they said only portal application is enough, but we thought to be on safe side we will submit the general app application also. When he was submiting the general app application he submit the payment but forgot to press submit for the application. Now we came to know today that his application is in late submission. What are the chances for him and is there a chance if we call them and request with the above info so that they will consider in regular process.
2 pm
He submitted the general app application also on 5 th though, but they considered the general app application submitted date only instead of portal application submission daye.

Hey @NPK, so everything was due by the Nov 1st date, so anything after that would be considered “late”. Just FYI, the UMKC General Application for Admission is not optional. It’s also required. You can see that here, with Steps 1-5: I don’t know who you called at UMKC who said the portal application (I’m assuming you’re talking about the BA/MD supplemental application) is enough alone, but that’s actually not correct.

It also says in the link above at the bottom:
“November 1 is the final deadline to submit all application materials, including the General Application for Admission to UMKC and application fee, the School of Medicine Online Supplemental Application, reference forms, official transcripts and official test scores. If any of these materials are submitted after the November 1 deadline, the application will be considered late and reviewed with other late applications and only on a space available basis. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.”

I don’t know what the chances are in terms of late applications as I’m sure it varies year to year and how many invitations they put out from the on-time group before moving on to the “late group”.

They changed the date from Nov 1st to 3rd this year. Any late applicants got the call for the interview before?
Thank you for the info.

@NPK write to and see whether they will make an exception. Good luck.

Okay will request them. TQ.

Has anyone starting preparing for UMKC’s multiple mini interview yet? At my DC’s school, I have heard that several of the other applicants have already started preparing with mock interviews because they were not given much advance notice last year. Should my DC be doing the same?

I would love to hear from those of you who went through the process last year and in previous years.

@Rainiertx We never knew when my daughter went for the interview (what to expect) this year. But she did well. They did give clear instructions on the day of the interview. They even advise that don’t feel bad if you messed up one or 2 as no one can do well in all the scenarios given. My advise based on my daughter is to be truthful, relaxed and be practical. They split into 2 groups of students. One set will do the interview and the other set will take the Toledo Chemistry test in the AM session and vice versa after lunch. Interviewers could be professors, students, and medical school staff but you won’t know as they won’t let you know who they are except their names. One thing my daughter did find out is once you are in the program the adviser will discuss your interview results. It was amazing to know that 80% to 90% of the interviewers graded my daughter the same way! UMKC interview is more fairer compared to other program interviews! Good Luck.

@Rainiertx We started preparing for UMKC’s interview in Dec last year. I’m glad we did because the program gave us less than 2 weeks notification if my memory serves me correctly. Some students will say they didn’t prepare at all and got in but speaking for my family only, the mock interviews helped tremendously. Good luck to you.

@kkfields Hi! I’m a senior who applied to UMKC bs/md recently, and am pretty confident that I will get an interview. How did you all prepare for the mini interview? I have been trying to find material and am unsure of what to do…

@kkfields There is no material available. Students who were interviewed previously (previous years) were clearly advised not to post the scenarios in the internet or share with anyone given to them during their interviews. Does it mean they have the same scenarios every year, I guess not but it will be some variation, I would guess. Understand there is no correct or perfect answer to this interview scenarios. All they are trying to determine is given a complex situation what you will do to overcome/handle the situation? Again be practical, truthful, and relaxed everything will fall in place. You are being interviewed by 8 to 10 different people in an hour period. It’s a fair game. Each of the interviewer is looking at various aspects of evaluation. For Toledo Chemistry test if you had high school chemistry is good enough (AP chemistry might help, when my daughter took the test she was taking AP Chemistry). Note, Toledo Chemistry test is not used in the selection process. If you get selected into the program and if you didn’t score the required minimum points in the Toledo Chemistry test, then you will be required to take Chemistry class prior to beginning the program. Good Luck.

I have one correction to ACT to SAT conversion and strangely I have seen this at UMKC site as well, where ACT of 31 converts to 1430 new SAT per ACT-SAT concordance table. UMKC prefers ACT though:

@WGSK88 there are plenty of resources out there for UMKC. The practice interviews were almost identical to the actual interview questions my DC had. I’m guessing the questions come from a pool. Also, telling applicants to just be practical, truthful and relaxed is like saying just be yourself and we all know there’s more to doing well on the interview than just that. During our interview practice, we were told that there are lots of WRONG answers so while there may not be one perfect answer, knowing HOW to avoid the wrong answers was even more helpful. All in all, I’m glad things worked out for your family and thanks for sharing your experience.

@priyaluvsbooks There is a list of books posted by @Roentgen in this thread. One of the books on that list is Multiple Mini Interview for the Mind. I recommend starting with that and then we supplemented with interview practice. Good luck :slight_smile:

Has anyone heard back for an interview? Do they warn you before they send out the email, or do you check your portal?

How do you practice for UMKC’s interview?

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Does anyone know when the interviews come out? On the website all they say is Jan…is it late january? And when have the taken place in previous years?


See the timeline here:

The interviews used to be in late Feb/early March which I thought was great as it gave students more than enough time to learn about, practice, and prepare for the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI), once you receive notification about whether you got the BA/MD interview. Last year it moved earlier, and interviews were done in the middle of February from 13th-16th.

To those who wanted to prepare in advance for the UMKC BA/MD interview day, here was my prior post in the thread in the 2016-2017 application cycle:

@Roentgen Do students only come for one day, or are they required to stay multiple days for the interview?

@priyaluvsbooks, it’s a one day interview. But they have several days so they can get thru the entire pool of people who accepted the invitation to interview.