UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Is the ACT absolutely mandatory in order to be considered for this program? I have a 2300 on the SAT which I don’t want overshadowed by a possibly worse score on the ACT. Frankly, I don’t want or have the time to study for the ACT either.

Could anyone tell me if I’ve got a chance at this program? I would reeeally appreciate any feedback!!! btw- I’m in state; going to be a senior; private school

GPA: 3.76
class rank: about 11%
I don’t have a weighted GPA because I haven’t taken any AP’s yet but I’m taking 2 next yr.
ACT comp: 28; science: 25 (retaking)
SAT: 1890 (retaking) (equiv. to about 29 on ACT)
Debate Club (secretary)
Admissions Ambassador
varsity tennis (10th)
JV tennis (9th)
part-time tennis tutor
Karate black belt (several tournament awards)
National Merit (commended/semifinalist) scholar
volunteer at hospital:24 hrs.
short-term hospital exposure outside of country
volunteer at another hospital 40+ hrs

I think you might have a chance if you can pull up that SATand ACT. Also you might need more ec’s. I like giving honest feedback so that people can improve so as of now with your current stats, I don’t think you’ll get in. sry

Thanks for the feedback. How much do you think I need to bring my ACT/SAT up to? Doesn’t the av. admitted student have an ACT score of 28? I’m planning to retake the ACT for a 29… do you think that’s still too low? Do you know if they give a whole lot of extra weightage to the science section of the ACT or do they look at all the scores wholistically? I’m really passionate about this program so any extra advice would help!!! thanks!

updated stats:
SAT: 1910 (accidently said 1890 last time)
ec’s also include:
VBS church volunteer and organizer
Church Retreat volunteer and organizer
Tech Team
Book Club
Spanish Club (class rep)
many school awards
tennis (3rd place district doubles)

bring up the scores, get more involved medically. do more volunteering, shadowing, and a research internship.

what do you do when the place your researching finally gave up on their research? Mine could not find enough patients to comply with the experiment.

Can somebody answer my question? I feel sort of blown off here.

well the website says its not required, so you dont have to take it.
now answer my question

filabus’- from some message board, it says:

“A SAT M+V standard score of 1200 will be considered, however, the ACT is strongly preferred”

Of course, it needs to be higher than that even on a 1600 scale.

madame- if you really like researching there, go find patients by yourself (advertising, asking, sounds wierd, but why not). Or, just go somewhere else.

Do they have a paper version of the application too? I was looking for the online version, Is there an essay for their application? How about rec letters? I don’t see any of those requirements??? Can anyone tell me if they applied on paper or on line last year?

I have read that they strongly prefer the ACT, but what exactly does that mean? Do they give more consideration to someone who sent in an ACT score as opposed to somebody who sent in a comparable SAT score? Or does the ACT just make the admissions people feel all warm and tingly inside?

why don’t you guys just call them and ask yourself? it will be much easier for you and you can show them that you are really interested in the program.

im pretty sure that act or sat will be taken into equal consideration. They will probably convert your sat score into ACT score. Plus, the score is just a requirement to get into interview. AFter that, everyone is equal and must do their best iin the interviews to get in.

filabusta–they take a chart and convert your SAT score into an ACT score. They prefer it because that’s the main test used in that area, but it’s not like they’ll chop you off the list for taking the SAT over the ACT.

I agree; just call in and you don’t have to wait for kids’ responses

If I graduate in 2008, when should I apply to UMKC?

Fall 07 (10 chars)

what’s “10 chars?”

When it won’t let me post a mssg because I don’t have 10 Characters in it.

Is UMKC mainly for Primary Care? or does it have the research thing oging on too?

Hey guys—

I’m a student thinking of applying next year to umkc and was looking at their degree requirements and choosing a major thing, and I wanted to know, because I heard most people choose liberal arts, if I choose bio or chem, would that set me apart from everyone else and give me any bonus points when i’m going for residencies after the program?