UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@GreenPoison Again this is my friend’s count. So, I am not sure whether it’s right as I stated. It also most likely doesn’t include Muslim names (since some of them can be from Pakistan/Bangladesh/Middle East, etc.). So, the data might not be right data to begin with. For my daughter class of 2023, it was about 44 or so out of 106 - again not the actual data.

Ok, just so everyone is on the same page (and since we still seem to be on the perennial topic of racial demographics of the BA/MD student body) here are the actual reported numerical statistics from 2017-2018 you guys can look at with respect to UMKC School of Medicine, which you can compare with other medical schools in the state as well as nationally (rather than going by anecdote). Since UMKC is compared to traditional 4 year medical schools, the AAMC counts it for the last 4 years of the program, which is Years 3-6 (as Years 1-2 would be considered unofficially more the “undergraduate” portion of the program).

Missouri Kansas City

American Indian or Alaska Native = 7 b**
Asian = 201 b**
Black or African American = 33 b**
Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish Origin = 13 b**
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander = 0
White = 171 b**
Other = 9 b**
Multiple Race/Ethnicity = 5 b**
Unknown Race/Ethnicity = 22 b**
Non-U.S. Citizen and Non-Permanent Resident = 0

Total Enrollment = 461 b**

I am at regional level and here are my stats:
SAT 1510
ACT 33 (Writing 11)
GPA 3.65 (Unweighted) / 4.26 (Weighted)
Total 14 AP classes by end of senior year
AP English - 3
AP Chemistry - 3
AP US History - 3
AP Psychology - 3
AP European History - 3
AP Human Geography - 3
SAT 2 (Math – 750 and Chemistry - 720)
National Honors Society
National Spanish Society
Band – Marching and Concerts Bands 4 Years
Debate (Competed at State and was in the top 16. Also I competed at national tournaments)
Forensics Club (Vice-President)
FBLA (President)
Science Olympiad (won 1st place in events two years in a row at state level)
Piano – Playing Piano for 14 years and received highest ranks in most competitions.

Medical Experience:
300+ volunteer hours at the trauma hospital – (Cancer unit, Heart Center, Transplant Units, Heart and Lungs ICU Unit, and many other units)
Research – 120 Hours of research about the stem cells in the clinical Lab (Not published)
Camp Counselor – Worked as a camp counselor for disabled kids for a week
50 hrs - Emergency room and Trauma unit with ER doctors
50 hrs – Cardiologist / Electrophysiologist
35 hrs – Endocrinologist
20 hrs – Surgical Pathologist
15 hrs – General Surgeon
Medical Camp – Cardiac camp 1 week
I am senior and planning to apply this year for BS/MD program.
I understand that my regular GPA is low but is there any chance to reach to the interview?
I really appreciate any help!

Does having a social media account (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc) contribute to your chances of getting admitted into the program in any way? Do you guys think the admissions officers check the applicants’ accounts?

@Ridhikulous, I don’t think it contributes to your chances in anyway as it’s rubric based based on the application components, but I would still increase your privacy settings on your accounts in the meantime. You can see my response here from December 2015:

Hey @mkjohnson, I actually think you do have a good shot esp. with regional seats to at least get an interview assuming your essays are pretty good & well polished, as I think your medical experiences are varied and pretty good w/respect to understanding the medical field which can make up for the GPA. AP scores and SAT II scores do not factor into the UMKC BA/MD process.

UMKC lists “One unit of fine arts” as requirements but my D do not have it as she is taking many more STEM topics in high school. Is this a blocker for her application?

Hey @DSOF20192023, it says one unit of fine arts, which can be anything in visual arts, music, dance or theater. Most high schools (even private & STEM oriented schools) require this to graduate. It’s fine if she takes it in her senior year as well.

@DSOF20192023 Ask your D to write to School (both UMKC general as well as Med School). My D didn’t have 1 full year of fine arts when she applied (Class of 2023) as she had only 0.5 credits of fine arts and they did make an exception looking at her HS school course work (which was heavy on Sciences) as well as her ACT score. Initially they were suggesting she can take it online and sent a link as well to fulfill the requirements. Once they looked at her transcript from HS they made an exception. Good Luck!

@Roentgen - In my D school, they have tech ed as compulsory alternative for fine arts. So unless student takes fine arts as one of the electives, it is not required for graduation.

Emailed to admissions office and here is the response.

"If your daughter is unable to enroll in a fine art course through her high school, there are other ways to fulfill this requirement.

One option to consider is enrolling in a fine art course through a local college/community college. Another option would be to enroll in a fine art course through an online high school such as the University of Missouri online High School. Further information regarding the UM High School may be accessed at the following URL:

Some examples of fine art courses we would consider are: art, music, drama, dance, choir, band, photography, art history, art appreciation, music history and music appreciation.

Please note that one unit of fine art is the equivalent of 2 semesters in high school (full year course) or one semester at a college/community college.

If your daughter plans to enroll in a fine art course next semester, then she will need to indicate this on her general application when she applies for the 6 year med program. This information may be reported under the section of the general application where students provide their “in progress” senior year coursework. In addition to listing the name of the course she will need to indicate the number of units for each class (.5 unit = semester course/ 1 unit = full year course)"

@DSOF20192023 Sorry to hear. I guess everything is case by case basis and rules change as well. May be lot of people are in the same situation and the School decided not to encourage this exception any more (My guess).

@WGSK88 It should be fine, my D said she will take music related course online in next semester and mention that in application. I presume this should not be a blocker to get admission.

My D has 1 sem history and 2 sem Economics… Would she be eligble to apply for UKMC as OOS. As they need 3 unit of history…

Future Med Girl,

Most high schools require courses like: World Geography, World History, US History, US Govt, Economics to graduate from high school. Is that not the case in your daughter’s school?

Hi guys, just wondering how good my chances are looking as I apply to this program.

ACT: 33, 11 on writing

Which score should I submit? My unweighted and weighted gpas are 3.9/4.5 and I have around 100 hours of physician shadowing combined from a cardiologist and pulmonologist with recommendations from both. I also lead a club at my school, play volleyball and am involved thoroughly in extracurriculars. I have also conducted research in synthetic and organic chemistry (not published) and have 300 volunteer hours in the community.

I am a regional applicant. How do my chances look?

Hey @tombrady101, so according to online conversion charts, your SAT score converts to a 33 ACT, which is the same as your real ACT, so I would just send the ACT score. Just glancing at your abbreviated CV, I think, assuming with well written essays, you have a chance to get an interview, since regional, while less than in-state has more seats allocated than out-of-state.

@sl7654321, hey, no problem, happy to help. click on my username on the left-hand side. Then click on the orange “Message” button and send a private message.

@Roentgen I cannot personally message you. I think it may be because I only have 1 post and am not considered a “Junior Member” with 15 posts. Is there any other way we could talk?

@sl7654321, oh ok, you’re correct, that might be the reason you’re unable to. I’m not sure of the bar that has to be reached in terms of posts before getting to PM members. I’ll message you.

Hello everyone! I am a former UMKC medical student from their six year program. I withdrew from the program for a couple different reasons. I wish I had known more about the program because in my opinion, there are some negative aspects of the program that I learned about as I moved forward as a student in the program. I am planning to start an anonymous blog about my experiences as a student in the program and why I chose to voluntarily withdraw and leave UMKC. Also, before anyone asks, no I am not bitter or upset about my withdrawal (it was my decision and I am very happy I did what was best for me) and no, I did not fail out of the program. My GPA upon withdrawal was 3.981. My goal with my blog will be to highlight my experiences and to provide students with information and experiences about the program. I wish I had more information on the program before joining because in my opinion, the program is over glorified. I am reaching out to all you sdn members because I am struggling to find current statistics about withdrawal and attrition rates for the program. Since I was a student in the program, I know the rough number but I am seeking hard evidence. So far, the only information I could find is from 2009 ( I can not find anything else, so I would appreciate any help with this search! Thank you all so much!

Check out the 2017-2018 UMKC thread on student doctor network.