UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

i dont think it would really matter- i hope i can chose a history major for the program. that would be great

This is in response to people judging other people’s stats over here and telling them to have a lot of community service, making assumptions that you need like 250 hours of service to get into umkc or a 35 or whatever:

i got accepted into umkc fall 05 and have been there since last fall.

im gonna go out on a limb and say the most important thing is your interview.

in the end you may be the president of every club, have 1000000 hours of community service, 35.5 on your ACT, varsity medalist in every sport, researched the cure to cancer, BUT if you cannot interview well, it is much to your disadvantage. umkc is a very different application process, 500+ people apply, ~250 of them get interviews (what people think is that if they get an interview with amazing stats, they’ll still get in.) what UMKC does is they level the playing field. you may be interviewing with a person that has a 25 on the ACT compared to your 35.5. What the interviewing physician does not care about is your stats. So let me reiterate, it’s nice to have good stats but its very very important to have people skills.


Well said.

I don’t know what ACT score UMKC is looking for, but do u think an sat I score ~2200 is good enough?

i think you should be ok

ok, here are the rest of my stats:

SAT I: 2200 (plan to retake it oct)
PSAT: 221 (commended/semifinalist)
SAT IIs: 790 bio, 790 math, 760 chem
APs: 5 in bio, 4 in chem, eng lang, euro
GPA: UW 3.9/ W 4.15 (9-12)/ W 4.23 (10-12)
ACT: (plan to take it september)
Class rank: not sure, but at least top 10%, hopefully top 4%

Science Olympiad medals (2) for wright stuff and one ribbon for designer genes
Science Olympiad team captain
SO team made it to state twice in a row (got third in regionals twice)
Research at UCI dealing with arthritis and multiple sclerosis
IUSD Honor Orchestra
All-Southern Honor Orchestra
All-State Honor Orchestra
Joined Key Club (Publicity Officer)
Joined SSR
research summer camp
50 hours at western medical center (plan to do 100 hours)
Karate brown belt
4th place in a karate tournament
Solo for Susan Koman Benefit Concert

these are the stuff off the top of my head

hey, if you are going for this program, you dont have to retake sat.

currently I have a 1940 sat score and am anticipating a 2140- should that be good enough for this program?

check the website of UMKC for this program. It states we only need about a 28 on ACT, which is approximately a 1870. So im assuming it is the other criterias like ap, extracurricular, and essay that factor your admission.

how many people does the UMKC program take? (i couldnt find it on the website)

I’m going to take a stab and say most of you won’t get in. Ok, maybe you will but either way you are trying way to damn hard. So you got 4th place in a karate tournament. who cares. I was in maybe two organizations during my entire high school span. If you roll into your interview and start spouting off your stats like they define who you are, you’re going to be disappointed. One question that I do remember during my interview was? Why me? Why should they pick me? I said, “i’m determined”, he promptly replied, “who isn’t”. If you don’t want to become a doctor for yourself, you won’t like this place anyway.

to answer your question. they try to accept around 100. my year, some 500 applied, 250 got interviewed and they accepted like 100-110 of us. Your class will get smaller. we have like 80 now.

well said-you deserve a standing ovation

Do they accept a very small amount of out-of-staters?

Or do they not really care where you are from?

I believe they only accept 10-15 out of staters, maybe a little more, i’m not for certain. But your best bet is if you have the time to buy a house in Missouri and then apply as instate. My friend did it, his parents just rented out the house, or if you own a business in missouri. You have to check into it. Personally, i wouldn’t come here if you’re out of state, its not worth it. i pay instate tutition and i can’t imagine paying twice the amount and being satisfied with my education, however i know a lot of people doing it and they seem happy.

How do you apply for this program? Do you use the regular application form for the undergraduate admission? Or is there a special app for the 6yr program? When does the app come available?

last year, they accepted only 17 out of staters

Anyone have a good guess when the applications will be released? Are we talking September or October?

i second what mazurkie said- does anyone know if they’ll also be online soon?

Got my application today, so disregard the previous question.

To everyone, I’ve been a licensed pharmacy technician for going on 3 years (thousands of hours), in addition to the usual gamot of volunteering, will this be as much of a plus since I’m an employee?

I’m sorry, this is a bit off topic, but in a previous post someone wrote that a lot depends on the people skill. I’m a pretty quiet person, and I want to change that. Is talking to people a lot the only thing I can do to make me more comfortable with talking to people?