UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Any idea when would be decision for UMKC BS/MD program ?

@Gjessi2020 - Sorry not able to understand your question clearly? If you mean what is the next step? The next step would be one has to be called for the Interview. Typically 1400+ applicants apply. They usually call around 380+ candidates for the interview. So, close to little less than 1/3 will be called for the interview. If you get the interview which is usually around middle to late January and the interviews are usually conducted during middle of February (they usually give you 4 days of interview days choice which you pick one). Then offer of admission is made around March 21 (based on previous years data on a Thursday before the spring break for UMKC) to about 27% of the interviewed candidates (1 in 4 chance - but note since in-state has more seats than regional than out-of-state so this is not an easy math as there is no data available or published pertaining to above classifications regarding applicants.) Good luck!

My question was when would be interview sent out date ? As per your reply looks like you answered that now .

Waiting , Waiting

@Gjessi2020, it’s gonna be a while so enjoy your winter holidays and New Year’s. Invitations for BA/MD interview don’t come out until January ( Last year, the first interview notification post on this thread was January 24th, 2018 (available interview dates were Feb. 12, 13, 26, 27) and the year before that, the interview email came out January 18th, 2017 (available interview dates were from Feb 13 - 16).

In the meantime, I would look at these resources for the MMI (Multiple Mini Interview):

Hey Roengten, or anyone else, I’m currently an applicant as a transfer student and just wanted to know if you have the statistics to the program coming as a transfer student from a regional area.

Hey @Nshah1026, the school doesn’t release statistics publicly w/regards to applicants applying as current college freshman students into the 6 year BA/MD program, unfortunately. As you can imagine, most students applying to the program are high school seniors. Make sure you do send a transcript including your fall semester undergraduate grades by the deadline of January 21:, as that will be needed before the application can be reviewed for interview.

@Roentgen , I was studying umkcs 2018 match list
and they had a bunch of outstanding matches such as integrated IR, integrated plastics, derm, orthopaedic surgery, bunch of gen surg, and lots outside primary care. Any reason why this program is unfavorable in the eyes of many on this forum?

Hey, @ZacharyGelfond,

So one thing I would say is that evaluating a medical school based on just one match list doesn’t give you an accurate view as to the quality of the medical school. Even in the traditional application process in evaluating med schools you get acceptances to, you shouldn’t do this. Besides the fact that quality of medical school education is so much more than just one match list, each med school class can have its own characteristics and traits which dictate which specialties people decide to pursue and which ones they are able to match into.

In general, you want to go through several years worth of match lists to notice trends. It’s difficult for those who are high schoolers and premeds to do this as you don’t know what to emphasize and can misinterpret even the particular programs (i.e. Johns Hopkins Bayview or Johns Hopkins Sinai is not equal to Johns Hopkins Osler). Primary Care is defined as Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, sometimes OB-Gyn depending on the source, although obviously many in Peds and IM may end up eventually subspecializing thru a fellowship.

You also don’t know the story behind each person’s individual match. For example, was that person AOA (vs. other medical schools in which a student doesn’t have to be AOA in order to match into a particular specialty bc of the strength & caliber of their medical school)? Did they have to take a year off to go do research somewhere else to get publications (in order to even be competitive with the applicant pool from other schools) bc it wasn’t available at UMKC? Did they do a really super-duper program like an NIH fellowship? Is that person an MD-only student (not a BA/MD student)? All those things are factors that you may not be able to immediately see just from looking at the match list alone esp. for the more competitive specialties (Gen Surgery usually tends to not fall in this category). Thus, why at least on that particular year’s match, noticing 1 Integrated IR and 1 Integrated Plastics match out of a class of about 114 students is not something I would hang an entire decision on.

I think the unfavorability of the program in comparison to other Bachelor/MD programs is multi-factorial, and as you can see, has been discussed since this forum started back in 2004, although there have been improvements in some areas (it would really suck and not a good sign for any educational institution if the way it is in 2018 was exactly the way it was in 2008, for example). I’ll leave that to current students to chime in on.

I think it’s a combination of time (6 years right after high school with no summer breaks at all, even during the first 2 years), hopping straight into med school basic sciences relatively soon in Year 2 w/o a good foundation from a comprehensive and full undergraduate curriculum, some would say even not a really great basic science curriculum w/respect to Step 1, very high tuition esp. if you’re out-of-state, being an unranked medical school, not so great student-administration interactions, uneven & vague application of rules when it comes to promotion decisions (;, etc.

Hope that helps answer your question (if not, let me know!). I’d be happy to answer any other questions you might have or if you have questions on a particular aspect of the school.

To those asking me, here are the allowed curriculum plans for those in the BA/MD program:

B.A. in Liberal Arts (as part of the BA/MD program)

B.A. in Biology (as part of the BA/MD program)

B.A. in Chemistry (as part of the BA/MD program)

You can do a comparison of the combined BA degrees from above (Liberal Arts, Bio, Chem) to those not part of the BA/MD program doing only an undergraduate degree and can see that a lot of undergraduate courses (in a degree that is already watered down to a BA vs. a BS) are taken out & we’re exempt from, just bc we get so few semesters to complete undergraduate work in the 6 years.

@ZacharyGelfond - Always in any program few will be dissatisfied or not content what they get/got from the program. I know so many people who graduated from UMKC (doing extremely well) and who are currently in the program including my daughter (class of 2023) are well satisfied. Note this program is not easy, especially if you want to be in the top of the program. Many of the students come to this program with very high achievement and some do struggle but they do give you fair warning during orientation - this is no high school where you can slog one night before the exam and get an A! Things get progressively tougher. The first essence is Anatomy in the 1st semester. Then during the first summer, many has to take org chem and cell bio - Not easy as it’s shortened 8 week session. You need to be on your toes to get good grades! Then in the fall of 2nd year you will get another tough one Bio-Chem. Note from Bio-Chem and Genetics (which you will take during 2nd year Fall as well) becomes part of your USMLE part 1 preparation. Pretty much then you are in the 4th semester (2nd year Spring) in the full blown MD part of your studies where things get lot harder and also moves very quicker than Summer as HSF part 1, 2, 3, and 4 are staggered in 6 week curriculum and one can’t relax as almost alternate week you have to take an exam that is almost weighed in 33% of your grade!

My advise is to do proper all round research instead of coming to conclusion from few negative postings from here or elsewhere. Good luck!

Hello Roentgen, My son is very interested in this program. We are OOS. He has 32 ACT and 3.8 gpa. He has lots of medical volunteering (shadowing physicians and assisting in hospital setting). He has some medical research as well. He is working on IB program with High level Chemistry, Math and Biology. He will be applying in next admission cycle in 2019. Can you please advise if he has a shot at it? He doesn’t have time to retake ACT. Also, do you know how many medical volunteering hours does he need so he can accumulate them while he is in his junior year. Thanks.

@WGSK88 thanks so much for all your advice! In your opinion when should we start looking for a place for my child (class 2024) to live after year one? Feb or March or sooner/later? OOS so I would have to fly into KC to help with the search. Hoping to buy a condo. Perhaps we might qualify for in state tuition in year 5 and 6… We’ve heard that the Metropolitan, Manhattan, and the View are popular. I see some listings for the Metro on Zillow but not the others. Any recommendations, particular real estate agent? Good to everyone applying! First semester done. My child is happy and the UMKC environment is supportive. Thanks so much.

@plantar - Yes, we started looking around end of January. But in our case we found it in March and we had to pay a hold fee for April as your move in date will be typically around middle of May. I think this year it is May 17 where you have to move out unless you pay additional fees to stay during the mandatory hospital experience week (May 20 - 24) for 1st year students. My daughter is at Manhattan. You can go to Manhattan building web site and look for openings or message me, I can send you the real estate agent contacts. Regarding buying a condo I would be cautious! You can private message me regarding this as well. Yes, I had to go and help my daughter for the move. But most do move themselves with the help of others. Metro is the cheapest then Manhattan and then View (most expensive). One good thing about Manhattan is all utilities are covered in the rent itself! So no variable monthly expense. Most live in these 3 buildings but there are other places (Union Hill, International, etc.) as well where some of the med students live. Most of these other places are little expensive. Manhattan building did lot of renovation later part of last year, so it looks lot better now than we originally saw! I feel safety wise to live in a building rather than in a town home! Manhattan has 24-hour manned security and cameras all over the building. Good luck!

@WGSK88 - Thanks so much for all the info! I am not allowed to use PM on CC yet given I have less than 15 posts (new CC rule). However, I would be very interested to hear your concerns about buying a condo in KC. I’m not sure if you can PM me given you are not a “new member”. If you can PM or post with any advice and the name of the real estate agent you liked that would be great! Thanks again.

@Bond99 @DSOF20192023 as far as application process goes, UG admission office and Medical school admission office are not on good handshaking terms. We had similar issues during last year admission cycle, w.r.t. what you see in portal, what you have been told by UG office and ping-pong between UG and medical office, poor response time (multiple followups over a course of 2-3 weeks to get simple answers). Last year we were told it is their new system and so blame them, guess it seems not improved even after another year.
What we found working is keep calling if information is not matching between different portal areas, what is being told vs what is being seen, submit a question in writing and expect from them to answer in writing. This is not to suggest any foul play, rather keep your application protected for your own sake.

@PPofEngrDr thanks.

Finally medical web site got updated and status shows application processed. So wait is now for interview call.

Someone should really check in and ask when they will post the interview dates.

@Nshah1026 last year interview invitation email came on Jan 24th evening, after 5:30 PM CST, as

Congratulations! You have been selected for an interview for a position in the B.A./M.D. program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine. As you know, we have many outstanding applicants and the Council on Selection is pleased to offer you an interview.

As an applicant selected to interview, you will have a choice of interview dates to select from. You must interview in person at the UMKC Volker campus, as the Council on Selection does not allow phone interviews. You may select from the following interview dates:

Monday, February 12, 2018
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Monday, February 26, 2018
Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Based on that I would plan for similar Monday/Tuesday in Feb.

Thanks @PPofEngrDr