UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I am applying for the 6 year BA/MD program at UMKC. I would really appreciate it if you could tell me if I had a chance of getting an interview based on this information.Thank you!

GPA: 3.7/4.3
SAT: 1230
Class rank: 18/60
NOT a resident of Kansas


  • CSF President and Sealbearer at graduation
  • Red Cross Co-president and founder
  • Link Crew
  • ASB Outreach Committee Member
  • Science Olympiad 1st place medals in Robot Arm
  • Research at the Biochemistry Department at University of California, Riverside
  • Research was a three-year long experiment that I formulated that observes the effects of oil spills on sea life
  • science fair medals based on my research (2nd place at district, 2nd place at county, 1st place in Department of Biochemistry at UCR)
  • awarded with scholars diploma because of my research
  • 200 volunteer hours at Kaiser Permanente Hospital
  • interned during the summer at the Pathology Department at Kaiser

Thank you for your time!

I am a silent lurker here and finally opened my CC account. Do you think interview invitations will be sent out this week or next week?

@BballFan1 Welcome. Last year they came out on 1/24 (per last year posts)

You may want to check in the following thread for all BS/MD programs.

Thanks @DSOF20192023 ! A year before (in 2017) notifications came out on 1/18…that is on Wednesdays, Today is Wednesday as well :slight_smile: … so I was just wondering. But number of applicants keep increasing not decreasing so it looks like they’ll come out next week.

@BballFan1 …How are we notified, via email or regular mail??

@sajju786 Email will be sent around after 4 pm CST or so. That’s what I have seen including interview letter or acceptance letter in 2017. Good luck!

Thanks @WGSK88 …so anytime this week or next to expect…

@Roentgen I see that the fall semester for the Year 1 students contains “22 hours” and the spring semester contains “23 hours” as per the course plan ( How do these hours compare to the number of hours spent in the classroom each week? And if they are not correlated, what is the average number of hours spent in the classroom each week for Year 1 students?

@kadestowell In the 22 credit hours for Fall (1st year) 5 credit hours are for Fund. of Medical Practice I. This is graded as clinical grading basis (Honors/High Pass/Satisfactory Pass, etc.). Also, there is 1 credit hour of Medical Terminology (CR/No CR) and 1 credit of Learn Basic Medical Sciences which accounts for general GPA. This Basic Medical Sciences meet for 1 time on alternate weeks for an hour or 2. Also, Docent doesn’t start until after Labor day for the Fall Semester.

For Fund. of Medical Practice 1 - it’s Docent (2 days of Docent on Tuesdays/Thursdays). Usually few hours. Also the actual 22 and 23 credit hours can vary based on if you are getting AP credits as well as which Major you are taking. Usually they recommend not to do Chem Major. 95% of the students major in Liberal Arts. Rest usually are Bio Majors.

Anatomy with Lab (3 + 2) is 5 credits in the 1st Semester. And then based on your major you take 3 other courses apart from the above. So, you are actually really taking 4 courses (with Lab(s)) which meets 2 times/week.

2nd Semester you take Fund of Medical Practice 2 (5 Credit hours - Again docent for 2 days - Clinical Grading basis.) and then your courses related to your Major. Again 4 other courses!

Usually depending up on the docent team the work load may vary (you might be asked to present). So no exam per se. for the Fund of Medical Practice 1 or 2. Depending on the Dr. assigned to your Docent team the amount of work will vary that is spent outside the Hospital Visits during Docent days.

Based on what I saw with my daughter 1st year is a breeze! Though the hours seems to be 1.5 times the full time course load for College Freshman. It’s actually not that bad. As I stated in my previous postings watch out for the Anatomy in the 1st semester as this is a critical course that goes to account towards your Sciences GPA.

Summer gets tough - Most will be taking Org Chem (with Lab) and Cell Bio. Due to 8 week term and 4 days/week classes if you want to get an A you need to be on your toes!

Hey @kadestowell, to answer your question:

“One academic credit hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction is equivalent to 50 minutes of clock time”

Laboratory courses are calculated slightly differently:
“One academic credit hour for a laboratory class is equivalent to two scheduled hours of laboratory experience per week”

interview notifications are out.

@sajju786 Congratulations !!! On Umkc interview.

Like to say, thank you to all teachers of my daughter…
She gets an interview!

I got waitlisted, does anyone know from prior experience how likely it is to get off the waitlist and get an interview?

Also is anyone OOS?

Thanks @whitecane …congrats to you too…

@pun2018… yes we are OOS form IL

@sajju786 but for umkc you are considered as regional not OOS.

What is the likeliness for an OOS to get into this program? I am from VA but am waitlisted, however UMKC is my top choice

@pun2018 My advise is to be patient. Yes, it is competitive for OOS based on previous posts on this thread, but many OOS opt of out for various reasons and waitlisted candidates are taken off the list and are invited for interview.