UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

talking to a lot of ppl isn’t people skills btw

wait how long does it take to get a paper application. i just requested one yesterday.

Sorry, bad choice of words. I guess I want my interview to show who I really am, and not this nervous person who stutters. I read that it helps to talk to people who make you nervous and things like that to make you more comfortable.

You know…preparing like that might screw you up even more, right? Go as you are right now. You’re probably like “whatever that’s crackhead advice” or something along those lines…but judging from my experiences with friends and family who have gotten in…it doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert…it’s totally random. It doesn’t hurt to be “YOU in such a situtation”. It’s part of you to be a little hesitant around people to in such situations…if you didn’t realize that.

My uncle is a VERy quiet person. In fact he was very shy when he interviewed, and he’ll be going to a combined prog this year (yeah weird to have an uncle that young lol). I remember he blushed, fidgeted, and screwed up words the entire time…not making as much eye contact as he should have either…but he got in!

How reputable is this program? I mean, I know you shouldn’t care too much about the reputation or whatever. But still…I think that thought lingers in the back of every applicant’s mind. I mean, what sound better? A graduate from Harvard or from UMKC? In my opinion, Harvard has established a name for itself which is much more powerful than UMKC. After all, UMKC is a state college, and Harvard is known world-wide.

I’m not trying to degrade this program or UMKC. In fact, I’m interested in this program, and I have no intention of applying to Harvard. For some reason, I just don’t like that college. Anyway, if I were to get accepted into this program and graduate with a medical degree, I want to make sure that it means something.

I’m out of state so I’ll be paying double the amount to attend. I live near St. Louis in IL, which really sucks for me since I’m just less than an hour away. If I’m paying that much to attend, it has got to be worth it. I know it’s not Northwestern’s program or whatever. I just don’t want to see myself with a degree that won’t be as reputable.

So, how is this program? Is it worth it for out of state students like me? I am interested in this program, but I don’t know…I’m just afraid that I’ll graduate from a college that doesn’t have a name. Does UMKC have a name for itself?

Once again, I’m not trying to degrade UMKC or this program. I’m sorry if it sounded that way. And I’m not a power-hungry person. I do want power and money can do to people. I have witnessed it in my life and it makes me very mad. But I want to know how good this program really is. If you could answer my question, thank you so much! I would be very grateful! :slight_smile:

My last message was incorrect. They simply sent me the regular freshman application, not the supplimental application. I’m calling today to see if they have a set release date for the supplimental application.

BTW, It’s a great program, pretty well known, and if you’re worried about being some sort of second-string doctor, not to worry. UMKC is well known in the medical community. UMKC graduates are highly rated and their records are immaculate. Getting first choice for residencies is like, > 94% (don’t quote me on that figure.) So basically, it comes down to what you are planning to do; UMKC is trying to create doctors who will practice, as opposed to executives.

I am currently a year 1 med student at umkc. i had the same questions as Visali when i was applying last year. i think it’s worth it because you have a finished product (the M.D. degree) in 6 years. UMKC is well known because of its docent rotations. they put year one students on clinical rounds the first week of school, totaling 6 years of clinical experience…i don’t know of any other school that does that. UMKC faculty is great too: we have teachers who graduated from yale, duke, rice, etc.

Thank you for replying. :smiley: I’m really glad that if I do get to UMKC and work my butt off, it’ll mean something. LoL. I want to become a doctor. But I don’t know how to show them why they should choose me. I mean, how am I suppose to answer that? I can’t say my stats because I think it’ll sound like bragging and plus, I don’t want them to think I’m nothing but stats. I know I’m dedicated, but who isn’t when they’re applying to this program?

I am not a person who got a good score on the ACT. I’m out of state. I’m not a validictorian, but I am near the top 5%. I’m a 16 year old Senior. How am I suppose to make myself shine? I hope you don’t mind, but could you please tell me if I even have a chance of getting in with my stats. So, it’s like “What are My Chances?” Post. I’m really sorry, but I just want to know if I even have a chance.

Grade: Senior

UW: 3.87
W: 4.3?

Age: 16 (June 28,1990)

Gender: Female

Race: Indian

ACT: 25 (retaking in Sept.)

Rank: 29 / 595

Senior Year Courses: 1st semester & 2nd Semester
Adv. Writing & Public Speaking, Creative Writing (I couldn’t take any more honors. No space. I doubled up on English for my 2nd semester.)
Spanish Year 4 Honors
Psychology Honors
Trig/Pre-Cal Honors
AP Chemistry
AP Physics

Octogan Club (Community service thing) 9-11
Ecology Club 9-10
Spanish Club 9-12
Spanish Honors Society 11-12
National Honors Society 11-12
Library Assistant 11-12
X-care (Promotes Character in school) 11-12

Student of the Month - 9th
English Departmental Award - 10th
Youth Salute (leadership) - 11th

Community Service:
Hospital Volunteer: 300+ hours.

I can’t get a job because of my age. I applied when I was 15, but got rejected because of my age. I applied when I turned 16, but no one was hiring. Now, I’m applying again so hopefully, I’ll get a job.

I live in a small town, and there is not many opportunities. I spent the first 11 years of life trying to learn English and become normal or even with other American students. Then, when I was 13, I went into the honors world and here I am now when I am 16.

So help me. I’m a hard worker. I don’t mind studying. I don’t mind working. I don’t mind if I don’t have a social life. I like to work. I like to study. I like to keep my time occupied by various things. I really want to get into this program. I don’t know what to do. I’m hoping to increase my ACT scores to at least a 30 this September, but what if I can’t? Am I allowed to send in scores from December or something to add to my application?

Thank you so much for your help! :slight_smile:

um… well you can only make the deadline nov 1 if you take the september ACT. the october ACT will be too late for the early admission.

Do you think I even stand a chance with my stats or should I just give up and save my application money?

Thanks Aspen D :slight_smile: It wasn’t crackhead advice at all.

Glad to hear that. :] Good luck

visali, I say go for it. I know the money adds up, but you seem like a down to earth person who admits their faults, weaknesses, so give it a shot now so you don’t regret it later. :]

Does any one know if I live in Johnson County, KS (part of Kansas City) whether I will be considered an in state applicant? I know there is a metro rate that will aid in the tuition if I am simply attending UMKC, but I don’t know if it will help me get into the School of Medicine as a Missouri resident.

Kannada: Is admitting my weaknesses a good thing? I mean, some people consider that as low self-esteem. I think that it’s a way of accepting oneself. I mean, I know I’m not a perfect student who got a 2400 on the SAT and 4.0 GPA and etc. I’m just an average girl from this small town.

I keep thinking that there is no chance for me. I know I have to think positive, but sometimes, it’s really hard. Seriously, would UMKC ever pick a girl with a 25 on the ACT? I highly doubt it. I don’t understand why I should even apply if I know I don’t have a chance?

All I have to say is DON’T GIVE UP!!! there are a lot of people in your position and I think you’ve got what it takes for the program.

Thank you, Oshkosh. :slight_smile: Maybe, a miracle will happen, and I’ll get accepted. I can’t wait until this year is over. The stress of applying to colleges and the agony of waiting for the admission letter is going to kill me. LoL. Thanks again.

Dude…admissions is so random…you might as well flip coins to see who gets in now. Well not really, but you get the general idea

did they just take the application off the site? i can’t find it anymore…

No, they still have it. I worked on it yesterday.


Aspen D: I understand what you mean. I hope I get lucky! :smiley: