UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Congratulations to all. My son also got in.

i believe they are still rolling @curiousstudent123

Congrats to all. My DC also got in. So happy.


Daughter got in! Congratulations to all who got in! Thanks everyone for their inputs/advice!

I also got in!!! So Excited!!!

Congrats everyone who got in. My D got in as well.

I unfortunately didn’t get in but do you know if its possible to speak to someone about your app and see what the reason for not allowing you to be in the program may be?

@curiousstudent123 As a applicant, you can email to admission office, and ask…“what went wrong in my application and how I can improve next time”. They will study your application and will reply you back.

This program became so so much competative now…, and there will not be a one specific reply to your question. As a applicant, all are working really so hard to get in,.

@curiousstudent123 You can definitely send the admission office an email. It doesn’t hurt to contact them. It would be good to get feedback. You can also apply again next year during freshman year for the program. Good luck.

What do the chances look like for college freshmen who reapply to the 6 Year Program? How many apply and how many of those who apply get into the program?
I was curious because I did not get into the program but I would like to reapply next year.

Hey @catmouse, are you in-state or out-of-state? We don’t have publicly available statistics when it comes to those who apply as college freshman to get into the program, unfortunately. I would just apply to the program anyways this upcoming fall. Maybe call over to the admissions office to find out & get feedback on the weaknesses in your application which you can improve on.

Speaking of subject to apply after freshman year, Mt Sinai in NY is considered highly reputable and any one can apply from any UG.


I am in-state. I called the office and they are unavailable to take calls right now so I emailed them.
Thank you!

@PPofEngrDr ,

I will definitely look into it. Thank you!


Great!!! Since you’re an in-state student, it might actually be worth going to UMKC or one of the other undergraduate schools that are in the UM-system and then applying to the UMKC BA/MD program this fall.

Your cumulative GPA in college during that time will count if you were to make it into the BA/MD program and you’ll have the advantage of having a transition period during your freshman year.

@Roentgen how would we figure out what AP courses can offset those required courses? Who do we contact to find out? When does the school start? What can we do to prepare for the program this summer(if any )? Thank you so much for providing a lot of helpful information on UMKC these years.

@Roentgen I got waitlisted for the 6-year medical program at UMKC. I am also an out of state student. Do you know how hard or easy it is to get off the waitlist? What are the chances I can get off the waitlist? I was also wondering how long it usually takes to get notified. I also wanted to know your general opinion on the program itself, what are the weakness and strengths of the program?

Does anyone know if there is a facebook page for incoming freshman UMKC BA/MD program? I can’t seem to find it. Also, is there one for parents as well?

when I was attending the QA session on the interview day, they mentioned that they will send out the invitation to around 125 to 130 people to fill the 105 seats. I’m sure few of them will decline the offer and will attend some other schools. If they couldn’t get 105 from their initial invitation, they may offer invitation to the waitlist people, I think.