UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@Bill0112 I couldn’t find it’s either. Someone told that they were led to the facebook page after they committed though.

Quick question about the program- Can a 4 or a 5 on the AP Chem exam let you skip out of Gen Chem 1 and 2 with lab?

Hey @BAMDHopeful,

You can see the different degree plans here:




You can see what scores from AP/IB/CLEP exams fulfill requirements and for what courses here:

You can also get in contact with your Year 1 Education Team Coordinator by email as well.

If you look at the UMKC Academic Calendar (, you can see that coursework starts on August 24th.

I would enjoy my last summer before school starts as much as possible, since the 6 year program runs year round w/no official summer breaks off. You may hear from other Year 1s or fellow students to buy the textbook and start studying for Year 1 undergraduate level Anatomy (frequently called “Baby Anatomy”) but I really think it’s not necessary.


See here to see how the waitlist process works after May 1 when applicants given initial offers have to respond w/their decision:

I think it varies year to year w/regards to the waitlist as it’s hard to predict how many in each applicant pool will decline the offer and for really good reasons (other Bachelor/MD programs, higher tier 4 year undergraduate institutions, the cost of the program w/o much scholarship/grant support or at least not enough to make a huge dent since you pay School of Medicine rate tuition from Day 1 of this program).

I think the calculation is also different for people who are out-of-state, as students pay a ridiculous amount of tuition for the program, so it may not necessarily be worth it even if you were to save 2 years.


You can see here – but a “4” gets you out of Chem I + Lab, and a “5” gets you out of Chem I & Chem II + labs for both

Can the people who got in post there stats please

Thanks for your prompt response.

@Roentgen Truly appreciate your advice and help!

Can you take organic chemistry on the Fall or Spring of year 1 if your chemistry 1-2 are waived, instead of first year summer?

Hi all Congrats for those that got admitted and hope everyone is safe !!!

If anyone is from Texas can you mention here or share the stats in the results thread.

My C will apply from Texas next year and Is assuming only 1 or 2 seats from Texas, hence ultra competitive/very very low probability



I’m trying to understand what went wrong in my application/ interview. I was hoping to gain admission to this program. I am ready to apply next year, but I need to know how I can improve my chances of getting in. Apart from checking with UMKC, is there a way I could gain some insight as to what I was lacking in my application?
Here are my stats:

32 on the ACT.
drum major for three years.
I have 106 hospital shadowing hours and have been apart of several community service clubs and projects. (earthquake and flood relief, volunteered at food bank, donated items to the animal shelter)
Clubs: History Club, National Honor Society, Junior Classical League, Band
GPA: UW 4.0 and W 4.31
I taught dance to the youth of the community.

Do I need to retake the ACT over the summer? Is that an option that will increase my chances?
Also, will my GPA next year (as a college freshman) matter the most or will it be a combination of my ACT and GPA.

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So the Organic Chemistry course that UMKC BA/MD students take as part of the 6 year program is not the traditional Organic Chemistry I & II + Labs courses. It’s a one-semester Organic Chemistry survey course (CHEM 320 + CHEM 320 Lab):

I believe that Organic course is only offered in the Spring and Summer semesters. Most students who have completed/gotten credit for General Chemistry I & II + Labs tend to take it in Spring of Year 1.


I wouldn’t retake the ACT. According to the BA/MD admissions website, “The average ACT score for a student admitted to the B.A./M.D. program is a 32 (SAT 1420).” So you’re already there. The amount of effort it would take to get a higher score might be energy you could spend in other areas of the application – like healthcare activities/exposure.

As someone applying as a freshman, your freshman year GPA will matter much more although your previous high school performance will be included. You can see that under “Additional Requirements for Current College Students” here:

This is where finding out from UMKC SOM admissions directly which parts of your application were weaker would be key so you know which areas of your application to focus on, since it will likely be the same application this upcoming fall.

@ Roentgen

 Thank you so much for your response. That clears a few of the questions that I had. In terms of getting off the waitlist, when do they start sending out the fist cycles of emails? Do they start as soon as people start to accept and decline or do they start after May 1st? In addition to that, do you know any other specific details pertaining to the out of state students on the waitlist? Since there are only 15 OOS students chosen, would the number of people on the waitlist be very limited or small? Is there a general estimate of the number of students who could be on the waitlist? As you explained the process of the 2-week cycle, I am wondering if that would apply as much to the OOS because there are not as many chosen as in-state students.
Also, I would like to know your opinion on the viability of an out of state student joining this program considering the costs as well as the time and no need to take the MCAT. Would it be more worth it to pursue the 4 by 4 track? Thank you again for responding to these questions  


If you read my post and the link above that I included, it explains it:
it’s after May 1st, and in 2 week cycles till the class is filled from 3 separate waitlist pools (in-state, regional, out-of-state) so that at the end, the same composition of the class is maintained. So an out-of-state spot that is not filled would be filled by another out-of-stater (not a regional or in-stater). It doesn’t mix between pools.

There is no publicly released data on UMKC BA/MD waitlist statistics and it really can vary a lot from year to year just bc people have different reasons for choosing or not choosing the BA/MD program. Some years everyone can choose to go and other years a lot may choose not to, for very good & valid reasons. That’s why it’s hard to extrapolate.

I do think that for out-of-staters, the tuition cost for all 6 years is actually much higher and thus is not a real benefit vs if the person had done a normal 4+4 (even the UMKC SOM scholarships they do have, I’ve heard, aren’t really weighted towards out-of-staters).

And honestly, I don’t think the 2 years saved + no MCAT (in a profession that will have a lot of standardized exams after the MCAT) alone are good enough reasons by themselves to do the program, especially for out-of-staters. You give up quite a bit as an out-of-stater coming to this program in Kansas City, MO, unlike those who are in-state & regional who are much closer by, so I think the experience can be quite different.

@Roentgen ,
Thank you!
Will it be more beneficial as an applicant if I go through the Honors College? Will that make my application more competitive?


That program started in Fall 2015 (so long after I graduated), but I don’t think that really makes a difference in terms of BA/MD admissions since it’s more just a sequence of courses:

What I would do is find commonalities in undergraduate course requirements between Year 1 & 2 of the BA/MD program from those major maps that I posted above, and the curriculum plan of a regular college freshman at UMKC, in whatever major you’re choosing.

So like, for example, if you were to complete General Chemistry I & II + Labs and General Biology I & II + Labs in freshman year (which are premed requirements anyways) & then you happen to find out next March that you made it into the BA/MD program for that upcoming fall, you could potentially take Cell Biology 202 that fall & then Genetics 206 in the Spring of Year 1 in the BA/MD program bc you’ve already completed the prerequisites. Same with General Education core requirements:

Can a Student in the 6 year program get resident status in year 2?

@istherehope, see my post here:

I don’t know any BA/MD student who would be able to get in-state status by the beginning of Year 2 in the program, it does take a while and even then it’s not 100% assured.

That determination is made by the main university and not the UMKC SOM so I’d send an email and/or call over to find out what the process is & when would be the earliest you’d potentially qualify to be classified as in-state (see the petition on the right hand side):

@Roentgen Do you think students that apply from private schools where there is no class rank are at a disadvantage? We are in-state and all students that applied from the public school got admitted through the years whereas the private school kids have not, even though our level of study is more rigorous.