UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

UMKC sent me the regular freshman application twice, but not the supplimental application for the Med Prog. Does anyone know the release date for the supplimental application?

can someone where i can get it online because when i went on the site and clicked on “fill it out online,” it just came up with an error page. is this happening to anyone else?

hahha yeah visali i understand your freaking out too…

Oshkosh: Don’t you get the supplement application after you get submit and get accepted by UMKC? At least, that’s what I thought happened.

md4me: I can still get it. Just click on Admissions at the top of the page and then, click apply now for undergraduate. You should get it. It worked for me.

Aspen D: How can I not freak out? I have a really bad ACT score. Most colleges look at your ACT score and your GPA to determine if they need to interview you. What if I don’t get one because of my stupid 25?! I have like less than 2 weeks before the ACT, and I hope I do good.

lol Visali…i said that i understand the freaking out hahaha

Aspen D: How could understand? … Are you in the same position as me? Or are you one of those smart people who are number 1 and score a 33 on the ACT easily?

If you are in the position as me, I’m sorry. It’s a bad a position to be in. If you’re not, lucky you! I hope you get accepted by the program. :slight_smile:

Your pos. Standardized testing can kiss my butt . lets mix in an OOS with that combo

What’s an OOS? Are you retaking the ACT?

out of state

i have yet t take the ACT :[

You haven’t taken it yet? Have you studied for it? I’m also out of state. I wish I wasn’t because I’m like 30-40 mins. away from St. Louis. It makes me mad. Good luck. :slight_smile:

I think I’m gonna wing it and maybe glance at a few books beforehand…not enough time!

aww youre much closer.

Good luck. I hoping that I can take the ACT in October as well. It’ll be my last time taking the ACT. The scores will be available online around Nov. 15 if you take it in October. I don’t know. I have to do good. I’m afraid I won’t get accepted into any programs or colleges with my score. :frowning:

I already took the ACT twice. First time, I got an average of 25. Second time, I would have improved to a 27-28, but my reading score dropped 9 points. (27 to 18). I was so mad. I just hope I can get near a 30. I’m really afraid. (I think I’ve made that point clear.) :smiley:

Yeah I’m getting 26ish on practices…how loser :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you calling yourself a loser or me? LoL :smiley:

Well, if you study or practice till the last minute, it might help.

I just want to know if we can submit the October ACT Test scores. I mean, you have to get accepted by UMKC. I think you get your reply like in December. Then, they send it to the SOM. So, they won’t even see my application until Jan., right?

I don’t know. I’m confused. :frowning:

I’m calling test scores loser.

LoL. I’m sorry. That’s the first time I’ve heard the test scores called losers.

Next week is the ACT. I’m really nervous even though I have taken it before. I’m scared. :frowning: The ACT is my only negative point or that’s what I think. If I can’t make it into a positive, I don’t think I’m competetive for this program…

The ACT doesn’t define you. <3 haha

I know it doesn’t. But when I’m applying right now, all that matters is how the colleges see me. If they only see my ACT, then I’m toast. I don’t have proof, but I’m quite positive that UMKC will accept you or read your application after they have seen your ACT scores and GPA. I mean, if you fit the requirements and have good essays, then you’ll move on to the final step, which is the interview.

I have to make sure I can at least get that far. Hopefully, I’ll be able to. I don’t think it’s just UMKC. I think all colleges look at your tests and GPA and then everything else. I don’t know, but that’s what my parents have always said. They always stressed about doing well on the ACT. Maybe, that’s why I think that colleges also do the same thing. I don’t know.

Visali: yeah- I was confused about that~ so is Nov. 15th the deadline for both the regular application AND the supplemental one?!?
so when’s the deadline for the reg. app to UMKC because doesn’t it take a while to get back the reg. UMKC acceptance letter??? So by the time it might be too late to send in the supplemental app… I’m not too late for anything am I???

Oshkosh- No, you’re not late. Their deadline is Nov. 15. I think you send the application with the supplement. I’m not sure, but you will get your reply from UMKC if you got accepted by the university or not in December or something. Then, they will send your application to SOM and of course, you go through the interview process and everything like that.

If you really want to know, I would suggest calling. They are really nice and patient. They will listen to you and help you. So, don’t be afraid of calling them. :slight_smile: