UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

umm i didn’t know they sent out their decisions seperately

Does anyone know if you can get the supplemental med app online? If not, then can you send in the reg. UMKC app online and mail in your supplemental app sepearately?
Visali: thanks, but are u positive they send in their decisions separately…?

Does any one know about their fine arts requirement? In Illinois we don’t have such a requirement. How strict is UMKC on that?

yes, you can apply on line to reg admission and paper for the supplements

I’m pretty sure they do send out the decision seperately. I read through the previous posts and I think you do. I’ll ask UMKC tomorrow. I called them Friday to ask if you can send in ACT scores from October and etc. It’s better to get answers straight from the school.

Momat: I don’t have fine arts either, but I asked my counselor at school and they said that they use my grades from grade school to fulfill the requirements. I really don’t think they are too strict on that. If they are, you could tell them that you’re willing to take classes in the summer or something.

Oshkosh: You can get the supplement application. The deadline is Nov. 15th. Go to this site.

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

You’ll see a link for the supplement application. :slight_smile:

It is still a paper app. You ca’t apply on line

Isn’t the regular app online and then you fill out the paper app and then mail it in? So basically, is it not possible to apply undergrad to UMKC and then fill out the 6year supplemental and have a shot at the 6 year program?

so you’re saying that we can’t apply online??? cuz the stupid website always like says “slow response” or something, and i can’t even access the online application…how come the link still doesn’t work???

On that link, there is both the regular application and the supplement application. You can either send both of the applications by paper or you can send the regular application online but send the supplement application by paper.

They don’t have the online application for the supplement application. The deadline for both of the application is Nov. 15th, but you can still update them with information that you think will help you get admitted. For example, you can send in your standerized test scores even after Nov. 15th.

892JCello: What link are you talking about? My link? Or the links on their website?

Here is the link for the online regular application:

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Create an username and work on the application.

Here is the link for the paper version of the supplement application:

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

It’s an Adobe file.

You can’t apply for the UMKC undergrad and then, send in the application for SOM. You have to apply to both and the deadline is Nov. 15th.

im applying for the 2007-2008 school year and i am scared out of my mind! what is the average ACT score for instate students?

I copied and pasted the requirements for the 6-year med program from their website:

Application Requirements

Applicants for admission to Year 1 of the Medical School program must first be accepted into UMKC.

Additional requirements include:

Graduation from an accredited United States high school with curriculum including:

(One unit equals one year in class)

• Four units of mathematics

• Three units of science (including one unit biology, one unit chemistry)

• Three units of social studies

• One unit of fine arts (visual arts, music, dance or theater)

• Two units of a single foreign language


One unit of physics and one-half unit of computer science are highly recommended. If your high school does not offer biology, chemistry, physics or foreign language, please contact the Council on Selection at (816) 235-1870. Students are strongly urged to earn Advanced Placement (AP) credit in math, English, European history or American history if available at your school.

U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status by Nov. 15, 2005. A copy of the permanent resident card must accompany your application

A non-refundable $35 application fee is required for in-state students, $50 for out-of-state students

Additional Requirements

Missouri Residents:

-ACT score of 26 or higher

-Rank in the upper 20 percent of your high school graduating class

Out of State Residents:

-Score of 28 or higher on the American College Test (An SAT M+V standard score of 1,200 will be considered, however, the ACT is strongly preferred)

-Rank in the upper 10 percent of your high school graduating class

Selection Criteria

The Council on Selection reviews all applications to the UMKC School of Medicine. Applicants under final consideration are invited to the school for a required interview.

Other selection criteria include:

-Demonstrated ability to perform successfully at the college level, particularly in UMKC’s six-year program, as evidenced by a combination of high school class rank, scores on the American College Test (ACT), and completion of the ACT Student Profile

-Successful performance on the Toledo Chemistry Test administered at the time of interview will be required to be fully admitted into the program

-Personal characteristics such as maturity, leadership, stamina, reliability, motivation for medicine, range of interests and interpersonal skills

-Work experience, extracurricular participation and other responsibilities

-Submission of the UMKC application as well as the Year 1 Medical School supplemental application, including personal statement and letters of recommendation by Nov. 15, 2005

-Preference for Year 1 positions is given to Missouri residents

-Students accepted into the UMKC School of Medicine must submit to a criminal background check prior to entering the program

tiedyetabi: Calm down. You have a greater chance of getting accepted than out-of-state students. I hope my post above helps you. :slight_smile:

how many times have you all gone to visit UMKC?

none… send me pictures when you do go for the college visit

seconding that

I never even visited the campus. I’ve just seen pictures online. ^^;

Ive never even been to kansas city. i went on the online tour though and the school seems pretty awesome. At mizzou u have to have a 30+ on the ACT inorder to get early admission so i wanted to make sure UMKC wasnt the same. is anyone here already attending the school or is everyone still applying?

If you read the previous or early posts in this thread, you would see…I think two years of people applying. If you read through all the posts, you’ll know about their stats, how their interview went, how they hated to wait to know their application status, and if they were accepted or not.

I did call Mary Anne, and she said that for the out-of-state students, the average score was 30. And the last month to take the ACT would be next month. So, I guess, you can’t really update your profile after you send it in…

I don’t know. I asked the SOM and recieved the supplement application by mail. They said that October is the last day. Here is what they said:

"Applicants for the Year-1 of the 6-Year Program must furnish OFFICIAL American College Test results (UMKC’s ACT code is 2380). Only those scores send directly from ACT will be considered official. You should plan to take the ACT no later than the October test date. Check with your high school counselor for ACT information.

We wish to indicate that this is a selective program and it is important to adhere to deadlines and credential requirements."

has any applied for regular admission yet or are you waiting till Nov. 15?