UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

You seem to be very helpful. I have also applied to UMKC. Do you have any idea when to expect an interview or denial? Do they sent out denials the same time… or will they keep me waiting for ever like some other programs?
I have only gotten one interview so far and feel very anxious ?

I understand the anxiety :slight_smile: , but just try to relax and keep yourself busy with other work while you wait to get the anxiety out, am assuming they will come out by end of this month. Based on what we have seen typically in the past, am assuming towards end of next week. Notifications of interview invitations, waitlist and rejections should all be trickling same time based on my review of the forums here. I am watching this space as my son applied.

It was an opinion, am assuming that overall t cost could be one factor for assumption. There is no factual data for that basis, so just dont take that assumption too serious :- )

I would say… there will be "less chance for an OOS " student to get it but doesn’t mean you won’t.

Simple math
for simplicity assume 100 seats , 100 people from instate, regional and OOS

You got 60%,30% for Instate and Regional (and only 10%10seats for OOS).

So the % of OOS students to get is ONLY 10% whereas it’s 70% for local

PS : Yeah… you guessed it , i am techie by profession :slight_smile:

Local / Instate is one category (60%), Regional is one 30% , OOS is 10%. In your scenario am assuming you are saying 100 seats, 100 ppl get it? that distribution is simple based on approximate %s. I was debating “less changes for an OOS” as we dont know how many apply in each pool. Thats where i was trying to say being OOS may be sometimes advantages as less applicants due to large fee as factor? for 60 local there may be 600 applicants as most locals may go for it… vs 10 OOS seats 20 may apply 1:10 vs 1:2… .just thinking loud :slight_smile:

I get your point :slight_smile:

I was thinking from other side i.e. more people do apply (OOS) as NJ, NY, PA folks itself … apart from West coast…

BTW , the fee structure is NOT that costly for OOS as Meds fees are anyway in the $70-$90K range anyway


I just did review of past posts 5yrs and see below for notifications that some shared…see if this helps you on when aspect :slight_smile:
2017 - Jan 18 (Wed)
2018-Jan 25 (Thur)
2019-Jan 18 (Fri)
2020-Jan 17 (Fri)
2021 -Jan 28 (Thur)


Thank you so much!

Hello Again:
I am sharing my application details
ACT: 35
High school rank :3 /460
GPA: UW 4 w: 4.59 ( my school gives 4.0 Gpa even for A- ) And I do have a lot of A-
At the time of application : 4 Ap done : 6 AP enrolled- but they didn’t ask for AP in application
Dr shadowing 360 hrs total
Medicine NSLC leadership summer camp: 2 weeks
Research assistant at local hospital : no publications
Down country volunteering for 4 years
Beta club
Tennis team varsity and captain: all 4 years
Student council all 4 hrs : president for 4 years
Unfortunately I took SAT with only 1350 score .

Do you think I can have a chance for interview at UMKC ?
I got lot of rejections already
Only one interview so far

Thanks :pray:

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Stats look great, ACT is awesome(that should negate SAT) … you local or regional… irrespective, you seem to have good chances for interview.

I fall in regional category

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Very good stats

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Very good stats… (don’t want to compare but better than many students i have helped).

Don’t worry about rejections.

I don’t want to talk about other students who i coached but as i told my D (who’s doing this year), you never know … what someone is looking for … experience, regions, state/location, essays and allocation (based on where u r and other factors).

Just relax and enjoy the process.

Don’t be surprised if you get an interview from IVY league and get rejected from “lower” (what’s perceived)… LOL (Believe me my D is confused too)


Thank you. I wanted to get help for my essays. But everything is so expensive. So I just tried to do the best I can. Hope it works


It’s okay… we can’t rewrite things in the past.

TBH, it’s better the essays came from “your heart” :+1:

Though i have helped students (and this year my D), I never write essays for anyone (I review to give feedback).

People who do this for living (can/will smell it) in interviews.

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Waiting is so hard!!! I thought interview invites might be out now. Anyone heard anything?

Agreed :slight_smile: am assuming it will be around thurs/fri next week.

Hey guys,
I also applied to the program and I was wondering if anyone got an interview this year yet?

oh wait well that is a dumb question now that I am reading the two posts above me! thanks for the info and Good Luck to all of yall!

Thank you and good luck you as well.