UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

i got a 30 on ACT this september but it is still equivalent to my sat score: 2000
i guess ill try sat again

They really don’t care about your SAT scores at all … And a 30 is average for the program, im sure you will be fine.

A 30 is fine for this program. Don’t waste your time or money on the SAT or ACT again. It’s a good score. :slight_smile:

do i HAVE to take the ACT or do they convert your SAT score?

they say it is prefered, but whats weird is that they want to see your sat 2 scores. Also is there a general essay for UMKC or do you just turn in your stats. I know there is a supplement with an essay, but is that the only personal statement.

That is the only essay.
But where do they ask about SAT 2 scores?

they dont, that is the problem.

How or why is that a problem?

i took the sat 2 and did fairly well in it, so i wanted to show the school

You can still show it if you want. I mean, isn’t there a section for extra information or whatever? I haven’t seen the application yet, but I’m sure they have something like that.

Also, as long as you fit the requirements and do well on the interview, you will get accepted, and once you do, I highly doubt you would wish to show your SAT IIs. I’m not trying to sound mean, but seriously, you fit the requirements. Be happy and apply.

There are some of us who are afraid that they won’t get accepted like me. I don’t have a good ACT score, and I know that very well. But I am a well-rounded person who is dedicated to medicine and wishes to get accepted by this program. I am a hardworker with a high GPA (I would consider a 3.87 high, wouldn’t you?). I participate in a lot of things and fill my time up with anything I can find only giving me four hours to relax every day. By relax, I either mean going online, having fun or sleeping. That’s it. BUT none of that matters because of my stupid ACT score. Because I don’t meet the ACT requirement, I may be rejected.

Seriously, do you have any idea how hard it is to live every day running around for 20 hours afraid that you might not be accepted by any good programs or college or that you might not be able to follow your passion?

A part of me is mad that you’re worrying about you not being able to put in your SAT II scores. You meet the requirements. You have a chance of getting accepted. If you do well on the interview, you will be accepted! Just be happy and apply.

sorry visali, i understand your frustration, since many of these programs have these really gay requirements. They look at the grades before they look at the person.

i understand you visali…<em>points to sleep deprived self</em>

Sorry if I got too emotional. It made me a little mad. :slight_smile:

I understand how you feel. i wish i had a 30 on the ACT. I also want to get in so bad and i worry constantly. i know how you feel running all the time. i think thats why my ACT score isnt a 30 because i dont have any free time to study. high school in itself is so stressful but once u put in trying to find college and everything, IT IS HORRIBLE! lol. i have a great personality but im afraid my ACT score wont show that.

No, you don’t understand. Maybe it’s because you’re from the west coast, but any ACT score that starts with a 3 is great! You don’t have to worry about this program. You fulfill the requirements so you’re good to go. I’m not. It’s not necessary for you to worry. Good luck.

“dont have any free time to study. high school in itself is so stressful but once u put in trying to find college and everything, IT IS HORRIBLE! lol. i have a great personality but im afraid my ACT score wont show that.”

YUP…oiii you know something…

just to make y’all feel better

Any place that’s crazy enough to turn us down…doesn’t deserve us. We’re too freaking awesome. Med isn’t a mult choice test…so our personalities rock harder

MAHAHA okay back to hw

As wonderful as that sounds, I wish reality was like that, but it’s not so I can’t think like that.

Oii be positive yaar.

yea, seriously, dont be so cynical and act as if UMKC 6 year is the only possible way of being a doctor. Be like Aspen D, our personalities are great. In any case, good luck.

I’m not trying to be negative, and I’m not trying to act as if UMKC is the only college either. I know I can get a degree from any college, but when you don’t have good stats, you don’t have that many options. Yeah, I know our personalities are great, but seriously, they won’t look at our character before our stats. Our stats matter whether we accept it or not.

I don’t have good stats. Because of that, I can’t apply to other accelerated programs because I don’t meet their requirements. UMKC is the only program that is even near my reach. That’s why I’m really serious about UMKC because I don’t want to go through this same process again for med. school. I don’t want to take the MCAT.

Of course, if I don’t get accepted by this program, then I have no choice but to go through 8-year program. I used to think our characters matter, but from where I grew up, stats matter more than character. I realized that two years ago, and every now and then, I forget about that fact and get reminded again.

Maybe, it’s harder for you to understand this because you have good stats. You have more options unlike me. But then again, I’m only a sixteen year old. What do I know?