UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

when i tried online app for undergrad, it wouldn’t work, why is that?

if you could post the link you used to apply online for undergrad I’ll try to help

couple of questions:
does anyone know around how many people are accpeted off the waitlist every yr? …and when do you know if you’re waitlisted? do they just put the people who get to the interview stage and aren’t selected on the waitlist or do they include people who aren’t even called for interview? did that make any sense…?…is this the link?

hmmm… I tried that link too and it doesn’t work (I dunno why)… I’m guessing there’s another link for the undergrad app- I have it somewhere- I’ll post it when I find it.

M17, do u like the program?

Actually, I decided not to attend the UMKC program (I know, all that work for nothing, right?) But I’m sure someone else got my spot who really wanted it.

There were a few really compelling reasons for me not to go, I learned at the interview… Anyway, I also was accepted into another guaranteed program, so I’m at that other one now.

wait what type of envelop do we use for the SOM application

aren’t you guys sending your apps through your school college counselors? …I would think they get to decide what envelope to put it in…

M17, what reasons compelled you not to choose UMKC?

im not sure whether to use the buisness size envelops or those big 10 by 12 ones.

I used buisness size

M17, what other program are you at now?

M17… where r u…? :slight_smile:

I’m here, I’m here. Sorry.

I am a bit hesitant to write this, I’ll admit, because UMKC is a good program, there’s no doubt about that. But…

When I went for my interview, there was a student tour guide who led us around the campus, and then he talked about the docent units, around the team units (that had colors, red, green, blue, yellow, etc., where each student had an office). I believe he was an M4 or M5, I remember he was pretty far into the program.

He was very honest, and he didn’t have very many good things to say. Regarding academics, he talked about how UMKC’s weren’t that great, and the social life was near non-existent, he wasn’t too enthusiastic about how crunched time was, that is, about continuous schooling through summer, etc. There was more, I’ll try to remember.

Like I said, UMKC is a well-regarded program, so all of this has to be taken with a grain of salt. However, as I spoke with this student face-to-face, his reaction to my questions and his general overall demeanor was hardly optimistic. I remember talking with the other person who was interviewing the same day as I did, and we both agreed that while it was “refreshing” that the student tour guide was brutally honest, he didn’t paint a good picture at all of the program. In the end I chose not to attend.

M17 where did you choose to go?

M17, was the tour guide talking about BA/MD students as a whole or just about himself… (did he say HE had a non-existant social life or that most of the students in the prog. don’t have a social life?)
oh, and to echo: where did u choose to go??

ive read a lot online about UMKC and a lot of students say they chose not to go because there was no social life. i guess that doesnt really matter to me. i go to football games, volunteer, do homework, and stay with my boyfriend. not much of a social life so i know UMKC can match it.

All that he said, as I remember it, pertained directly to students in BA/MD.

I’m at the GPPA (Guaranteed Professional Program Admissions) program at University of Illinois at Chicago.

what do you guys plan on majoring in?