UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I’ve always wanted to go to UMKC, but I don’t know how my stats stack up, so can someone tell me how likely I am to get in. I am currently a junior.

I have a 3.76 GPA at a private school and am in state. My dad is an alum of the 6 year med program, and my mom did their pharmacy program. And I currently have a 34 on the ACT.

you definitely have a good shot of getting in, especially since you in state.

Awhislyle: how are your leadership, clinical, volunteering experiences?

how are the interviews going?

i have an interview for next week. could some tell me the type of questions they ask? i am really nervous

Hi you guys I have an interview next week too

does anyone know any of the questions they ask?? how hard is it. How about the Toledo Assessment test wth is that anyways?
E-mail me I never check this.

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leave an aim sn and we can talk thanks so much!!

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to prepare for the chem test? I’m afraid I don’t remember much from chem sophomore year.

Hello. I had a question, does anyone know the number needed correct for passing. I know there are a total of 60 questions.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

40/60 10 chars

Is anybody from Connecticut

Hi everyone I am new here and I am going to be a senior in high school (2008 graduating class) and I am extremely nervous about getting into 6 year med program after I apply. I don’t think I will be able to make the cut with my stats. I am in state also. Any help would be nice. Does anyone know the average ACT scores of people who get into the 6 year Med Program. Ever since I was a little kid I have wanted to be a doctor and I don’t want my dream to be crushed just because of minor things or just one test like the ACT. Anyways here are my stats:

Class Rank: 10 of 253
ACT Score: 26
100 hours of community service at VA hospital.
Clubs: Habitat for Humanity, Chem Club, Math Club, Leo Club, Beta Club. (lots of other clubs that I can’t remember right now)
Achievements and Other Extracurriculars: NHS, A Honor Roll throughout high school, National Acievement Academy. Played Tennis all 3 years so far and will senior year also. (Other things I can’t remember right now)

Heart Surgeon123: your stats look good to me.

are u in state or out- I think it makes a BIG difference

there is not as much competitions for in staters, since they make up about 80% of a class


do you know the average ACT for out of staters

Yeah i am in state. I think the only thing that is hindering me so far is my ACT score. The thing is I usually get a 29 or a 30 on the practice tests but somehow I get a 26 on the real thing.

itisgood: no i don’t know the average ACT; I want to say 26 is their minimum

How are the residency opportunities for umkc graduates? How well do people match?

Check out UMKC SOM’s April issue of P.R.N. to see where our graduates matched: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

hey, i want to join the UMKC Md program except i don’t know what i need to do to enter. I’m only a soph. so i still have 2 years to plan out everything.
anyway, can someone tell me what i need to do in order to get it?

do i have to take the MCAT and send it in with my application?

i already know i need to take the ACT and SAT.
what do i need to score on the act and sat?

any comment would help me a lot! thanks!

by the way, i’m an out of stater.