UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

no, u don’t take the MCAT. u actually never take the MCAT because being accepted into this program means u are accepted into/attending medical school. about ur ACT, i believe the average is a 29/30. i think the higher it is, the less u’ll have to worry about. 26 is the minimum. but i have heard of people receiving interviews and entering the program with less than the minimum requirement. surprisingly, in my class there are people who have taken no AP classes and are still attending in the fall. so i guess it just comes down to ur work ethic and perseverance.

themtran: they’ll want to see the usuals like leadership, community service, extracurriculars, and of course a good GPA. also, it helps to have some clinical exposure and/or research experience-- and/or something to make you an unique candidate.

once you’re at the point of your interview, they look for maturity and clear desire to be in the field of medicine.

awesome! thanks for the reply! i’m getting ready to take the ACT in 2 days. hope i do well.
but what about the sat score?
I’m an out of stater and i heard that it matters a lot. do out of stater have a lower chance of getting in?

Yes, it is harder for out-of-staters to get in, but according to the website, the minimum act score is 28 and you have to be at least in the top ten percentile of your graduating class. However, this is only the MINIMUM. To be able to qualify for the interviews, I would aim for at least a 31 or 32 on the act or a 2200 on the sat I just to be on the safe side at least.

hey…im new here. I REALLY BADLY wanna go to Boston U’s bs/md progrma but don’t know if i cna make it or not… can someone please tell me… here are my stats (im only a sophmore though so…)

GPA: 3.85/4.0
APs: AP World History, next year- Biology, Physology ( i think i spelled that wrong), Calc AB, English Lang.
ec: rED cROSS, Hospital volunteering, Kumon tutor, Historian of French Honor Society, Science CLub, Science Olympiad, Math Honor Society.
next year - English Honor Society, Hstory HS, NHS, Debate, Model UN, and something else.
GEMS internship program, leadership instituton, dance for 7 years (im performed at some prestgious places) and singing… i think thats all
Im hoping that i will get at least 2000 on SAT i think i cna get that… do u think that is good enough or will i need to do something xtra for that “edge” everyones been talkng about?

How about VCU? Im a virgnian but VCU is looked down upon in my school but i heard that the accelerated prpgram ther es excellent? anybody going there?

can somebody please tell me I m desperate

themtran: there is more competition for out-of-staters since a class will only ultimately be about 25% out-of-state. there are fewer out-of-staters chosen, so they’re going to pick who they think is the cream of the crop.

what do you mean by “or”

do i have to send in both act and sat?
or just the act?

sorry for the double post, but i would also like to know when i should be applying. During my senior year or before my senior year? I looked at their main website and it said applications are due Aug. 1. Is that the Aug after my senior year, or before my senior year?

I was an out-of-state applicant, and I’ll be going to UMKC this fall. The deadline for applicationfor our class was Nov. 15th (they are available August 1st), so aim to have everything (recommendations, service hours on record, transcipt, etc) ready by early November. Although I would call the med admissions office to verify that (816-235-1870). They call for interviews in the winter months: Jan., Feb., Marchish.
As a junior, I’d make sure to talk to any teachers, doctors that you may know and your counselor for them to write a recommendation for you now, so you don’t have to worry about it next year. Also, being an out-of-state applicant, you have to have a stronger application. Try to get any shadowing, volunteer work, etc in over your summer vacation.
When interviews roll around, make sure to be confident in your record and w/ who you are as a person. I’m sure you’ll do fine!

awesome!!! can’t wait till i get everything ready for UMKC.
can you tell me what your stats was? it’ll help me have a reference when I try to improve on mine…

mine isn’t that good at the moment.

well this is my stats so far. (keep in mind I’m only a sophomore going to be a junior this fall)

act: (taking test in 2 days)
sat: (not taken yet)

gpa: 4.0
class ranking: 1st (so far)

STL(student technology leadership)
Science Olympiad: 4th place during regional for disease detective
Bible club
piano club
National honor society
book club
Newspaper staff
cross country

volunteer experiences:
hospital: about 100 hours (still volunteering)
(i’ll be doing more volunteering in junior year because of NHS)

Ap classes: (that i know I will be taking in junior year)
ap us history
ap chemistry
ap calculus

ap class: (that i know i will be taking senior year)
ap government

so how do you think my stats look at the moment? (I’ll probably update this after my junior year)

You can send in either. However, the act is preferred in this college as well as in other universities in the midwest.

Themtran: We need a little bit more info before you get the “chances” information for this program. However, note that the people in cc are not always right in determining one’s chances in getting in to a particular university. We are not part of the admissions committee.

Themtran: Here’s my stats, but remember that college admissions can be really random at times. I have a friends who didn’t get into the ivies and they were #1 and 2 in our class, but they got into Penn State’s BS/MD program. I know a million other stories of kids at my school this year who had major upsets or kids who got into schools but their stats weren’t really in line w/ what the schools have listed.

SAT’s: 1450 (I think it was 2060 w/ the writing)
ACT’s: I never took them, but it might have helped w/ other schools I applied to if I took them. There is a general trend of people scoring higher as far as conversion charts go on the ACT than the SAT. I’d just take both.

AP’s: Chem- 4, Microecon-3
I took Bio, Calc AB, and Psychology this year.

Rank: top 10% I don’t remember my exact number.

Worked at McDonald’s for 2 1/2 years
Worked at a Doctor’s office for 1 year (still work there until school starts) as a Nurse’s Assistant: shadowed doctors, did paperwork w/ labs, nurse’s messages, filing, and I got to run for the some of the doctor’s under supervision taking blood pressure, height, weight, pulse, temp.

Model UN (3 years altogether); President 2 consecutive years
Marching band 4 years
Concert band 3 years
Track 3 years
Cross country 1 year

Service work w/ MUN, band and helping friends on their Eagle scout about 30 hours

To be honest, I think that my background and work helped me a lot. I was born in Africa and have visited a children’s hospital there, so I think my exposure to that helped a lot. Also, any experience you can have in the medical field is priceless. It reinforces your interest, and I was able to get a great recommendation from a doctor from it.
I interviewed w/ Dr. Shannon (Dean of diversity affairs) and Dr. Barnes (an MD at Children’s Mercy). Dr. Shannon was very motherly. She really helped w/ the entire application process and was very interested in my stories. Dr. Barnes was nice. I asked him about research and he went on and on. It’s good to show that you have a broad range of interests because they are concerned w/ the curriculum of the program to find people who can handle the course load and still be well-rounded, finding escape in their hobbies.
Good luck!

I know that sometimes having good stats doesn’t mean that I’ll always get in, but having a good stats doesn’t hurt. Thanks you for your stats, they look really awesome!

I’ll be doing something similar to your nursing experience very soon. I’ll be volunteering at the emergency room at my hospital, and i hope to get to know some of the doctors that goes through.

How good would a person’s stats be if he took these classes (this isn’t about myself but I’m curious)

Honors English
Honors Civics / Honors Economics
Honors Biology
Health/ Intro to PE
German 3
honors alg. 2

Honors Chemistry
Honors English 2
Honors World History
Jazz Band (the good one)
German 4

AP Lang
Psychology (S1) and AP Psych (S2)
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP US History
Scuba Diving/ Lifeguarding
Jazz Band (the good one)

next years schedule
AP Literature
AP Chem
AP Statistics
AP European History
AP Government and Politics
Jazz Band (the good)

also has Eagle Scout, is a hospital volunteer, has done volunteer workteaching kids to read, member of GNHS, NHS etc

class rank easily in top 5% GPA is a 4.4 about, but last semester was nearly a 4.6 and next year will be even better

great essay writer, very strong interest in the program

oh, the person I described above is NOT a Missouri or Kansas resident. (actually a colorado one)

and this person works as a lifeguard

ACT score:34

i would say that they have an excellent chance of receiving an interview and if they present themselves well at the interview then they have a good chance of getting in.

please make note, when u apply for this program try to get ur materials in on time. the sooner the better because they will look at ur application sooner and therefore u will receive an interview of an earlier date. make sure that u check with UMKC that they have received all ur materials! in my case, UMKC sat on my application for 3 months without telling me that my transcript was nowhere to be found…

I’m actually the person she was talking about there. Thanks a ton for replying and giving me that good advice. My next question would be if there’s any truth to some things I’ve found that UMKC Medical School almost lost its accreditation a couple of years ago. Does anyone know anything about that?

tell me, is there truth to the rumor that people in the UMKC 6 year program do not have time to have a social life/spend a lot of time with friends (or friend)? That is another thing truly bothering me about that, and I’d like some clarification. thanks!

For the 6 year med, do you need both ACT and SAT? or just the ACT?

All you need is the ACT. They actually prefer it.