UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

wow the total cost comes to >50 k per year. For the applicants who have gotten accepted, how much money did you guys end up getting in terms of scholarships? Also, i heard that people from out of state do not get any sort of fin. aid…does that hold any truth?

thecalcobra: try seeing if you qualify for the non-resident taxpayer scholarship (this pays for the difference btw in-state and out-of-state tuition)

getting fin aid (as in loans) has nothing to do with whether you’re instate or outofstate. it has to do with your FAFSA info. i got multiple loans on top of my scholarships as an out-of-stater.

i qualified for the non taxpayer scholarship. but the most i can stress is apply to OUTSIDE SCHOLARSHIPS. i got full rides to go to KU and MU and i just stopped there. i didn’t bother applying filling out the FAFSA because i knew i wouldn’t be eligible. but i regret not applying to all these small scholarships. i saw people who were less qualified than me from my highschool get those $1,000 and $5,000 scholarships that i knew i could have received. keep on moving through ur senior year!

oops “non resident taxpayer scholarship”…ha. oh yeah, didn’t the interest on the loans increase because of the cut of state funding to umkc??? ( i believe it was $15 million for the life sciences building and the pharmacy/nursing building as well…)

im interested in 6 yr program…what do you guys think?

SAT Highest One-Sitting Score: 2160
SAT Highest Sub-scores: 780M, 660 CR, 730 W
ACT Score: 33
SAT Math IIC: taking in Oct.
SAT II Chemistry: taking in Oct.
SAT II Biology: taking in Oct.
GPA: 5.0
Class Rank: Top 2%

Volunteering Work:
• 100 hrs hospital (will have more after this summer – around 250-300 total)
• Raised $5000 for tsunami victims
• Raised $10000 for donation of four defibrillators

• Research in the summer after junior year at hospital. Wrote article and was published in medical journal. (in process of doing this)

• Academic Challenge Team Captain
• Tennis Team Captain (11th and 12th Grades)
• Varsity #1 Player Tennis (9th-12th Grades)
• Tennis MVP (9th-12th Grades)
• Ranked 38th in the State

• Citizenship Award
• Red Cross Volunteer Award

• Piano for 5 years
• Civitans Club - Secretary
• National Honor Society
• German National Honor Society
• Model UN
• Academic Challenge Team (10th-12th)
• Editor-in-Chief of School Newspaper, also founded by me.

• IB Diploma Programme
• APs
o AP Calculus BC Score: will receive in July
o AP Calculus US History Score: will receive in July
o AP German Score: will receive in July

For those people already in the program, what advice would you give to someone coming in the fall? Is there anything that you should have done the summer before your 6 year life sentence? What activities did you become involved in at UMKC? Are there any resources that you found especially helpful for year 1 students?

Also, I have another situation. Part of the required curriculum involves Chem I and II. I took AP Chem as a junior in high school. UMKC requires a 3 for credit. I got a 4, so I should be fine, but I’ve heard different opinions on this issue. My honors chem teacher recommended to take chem again for a strong gpa and just a general refresher. My AP chem teacher said it was really up to me, but in terms of money sometimes it’s smarter to opt for the credit. Dr. Shannon recommended to retake chem. My dad (a chemist) at first said that some of the stuff we did in AP was very advanced and thinks I might be wasting my time and get bored, but then he changed his mind b/c of the whole gpa requirement to stay in the program he thinks it’s best to reinforce my chem background. What’s your take?

amr725: have a good summer if you can! it’ll be the last one you’ll fully have to yourself for a while.

advice for the fall: if you need help, get it early on. there are tutors/learning specialists (i’m not sure what theyre calling them these days) available to offer help for your science classes, that are hired by the med school. I know Ms. Nelson (for chem) has left umkc, but I believe Dr. Rodriguez is still here, and he is absolutely brilliant. go to them if u have any sort of questions. also, don’t miss class. lectures are important, and professors tend to base their test questions on the way they portray info, no matter what the text says. enjoy docent, bond with your team, and try to use apply what you learn in class at the hospital. integrate the info you learn in your science classes with what you already know, and build onto your base of knowledge. trying to retain, integrate, and apply all of what you learn in the first few years will prepare you for Structure Function, which is one course that is an integration of anatomy, biochem, histology, physiology, embryology, etc. that you take all at once. it will be less daunting if you try integrating things on your own beforehand.

explore the clubs at umkc, especially those associated with the med school, so you can meet upperclassmen. for example, if you like to sing, there’s “On Call Singers.”

concerning chemistry: if you take chem 1 & 2 at umkc, and do your work and get an A (which I’m thinking you will, with your chem background), that’s about 10 credits of A’s added to your GPA, which will come in handy when you get to the more difficult classes like Structure-Function (at the end of Year 2). I did this (although i did not have any other choice, i did not take AP chem in high school), and I know I’m thankful I have this buffer now.

On the other hand, by taking chem, you are adding more to your plate. you’ll be taking chem 1 with anatomy, chem 2 with micro, and orgo over the summer with cell bio. basically, you’ll always be in 2 science courses, which of course is going to be more work. and you’ll have classmates who will only be in one science class, who will have things easy. those guys may be getting an easier/less stressful first few semesters, but you’re getting a buffer. also, you’re gaining more experience and getting more used to what the rest of program is like by always being in more than one science course.

another plus: if you take chem 1 in the fall, chem 2 in the winter, and orgo in the summer, you should have the same professor, Dr. Gounev, the whole time. once you understand his pattern, it becomes clear how to get an A each time.

in the end, the bottom line is get as many A’s as you can your first few semesters (not that you won’t be trying already to do so)–because your science courses only get more difficult. remember that you must maintain a science GPA of 3.0 or higher to prevent from extending.

money-wise…i don’t think you’ll be saving any money opting for credit rather than taking the class. i believe the fee is set for your fall and winter no matter what. but you can find out to make sure.

Thanks for the advice!

Hi CookieFairy,

How is Peter Groner as a Chem Teacher ? I signed up for Chem 2 since I’m doing Chem 1 in the summer currently.

Your post about Chemistry has me worrying if I should redo Chem 1 :frowning:


hey for people who know or think they know the answer to this question:

Do u think that my second semester senior grades will kick me out of the med program?

ap gov=A
ap english=B+
calc=B (taken through a local university)
ap physics=C
h spanish 4=B

total gpa for this semester=4.0

I’m really scared of being kicked out of the program…


I would like to become accepted to this 6 year program for this following fall. Would someone please be able to tell me, what qualifications one must have as an out of state and in state resident of Missouri.

thanks for your help.

just go to this site: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
or browse this thread…

thanks for the link.

Here are my stats, and could someone tell me my chances of making it from out of state and in state please, I appreciate your help.

SAT 2s (if needed)
Math 2c-800
us history-760
Calculus BC-5
United States History-5
European History-4

Extra curricular-
interned with surgeon for 3 years
worked at a local university lab
and other medical/school related activities including many volunteer activities and head of 4 clubs.
thanks once again.

well from what I’ve found out…
you need at LEAST a 28 on your ACT for out of state.
at LEAST a 26 on your ACT for in state.
I don’t know about SAT because I’ve heard that they prefer ACT over SAT.

out of curiosity, how old are you?
because you had some amazing experience!

how did you intern w/ a surgeon??

I am 16 years old.

my mistake, i meant shadowing instead of interning.

huge difference in my opinion

does anyone know when the application for this program is released?

Does anyone know if Johnson County, Kansas residents qualify as instate or out of state applicants?