UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

does anyone know what a comparable 4 year university is, in regards to selectivity?

kansan90, I think that Johnson County is counted as instate, but I’d check w/ financial aid to double check.

hey its me again. I really want to get into this program.
Wut are my chances? I am going to be Senior starting this August. I am in-stater.

gpa: 3.99
ACT: 29


Beta Club
Literary Club
International Club
Leo Club
Habitat for Humanity
Math club
Tennis Team (have been for 3 years and will be this year also)
Honor Achievement Recognition
A Honor Roll for past 3 years
Honor AChievement Academy
(that is all i can remember for now :slight_smile:

100 hours of Veterans Affairs community service

I am desperate to get into the program.

Any help would be appreciated

what kind of chance to i have for getting an interview? if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated. i am going to be a senior in high school and am out of state.

ACT: 30
GPA: 4.0+ (not excatly sure at the moment)
Class rank: 1

AP Courses:
AP World History
AP Macro Econ
AP Micro Econ
AP Calc AB
going to take AP courses:
AP Chem
AP Physics
AP Government

I didnt take the AP tests bc I paid for credit through our community college in town which UMKC said they would except.

ECs: after my senior year
marching band-4yrs
concert band-4 yrs
drum major-1 yr
orchestra-4 yrs
cross country- 2 yrs
swimming- 4 yrs
student council - 4 yrs
HOSA-2 yrs
numerous other community involvment
volunteered at local hospital

I just remembered i also have AP Chem, AP Biology, AP Calc and Honors for english and government

once again, when can we begin to apply for this program?
thanks so much

I think applications are accepted as early as August. You can apply online to their undergrad. The med school application is paper though. I think I got it on the school of medicine website. If you were to call them, I’m pretty sure they would mail you an application.

For everyone posting their stats, honestly no one online can predict your college acceptance. We can only speculate. Look at the school of medicine website and determine if you meet the minimum criteria and work to make yourself shine.

Okay, so for former or current UMKC med students:

Is convocation a big deal? I know I’m supposed to dress up and stuff, but we have orientation before hand from 9-2. Are we to be dressed up the whole day?

Also, we’re supposed to dress for docent and stuff. Don’t students also get away w/ scrubs and a t-shirt after things get settled?

Also, does this schedule look about right:

Poli Sci/Am. Gov’t MWF 9-9:50am
Anatomy MWF 11-11:50am
English 12-12:50 pm
Intro to Film M 6-9pm
Docent TR 8-11am
Learning Basic Med Sciences T 1-1:50pm
Med Terminology R 1-1:50pm
Anatomy Lab R 3-5:50pm
Fundamental Med Practice I F 1-2:50pm

dress nicely for convocation, even if it means you dress nicely for orientation. everyone will be dressed decently. convocation is a nice event for your parents to be proud of you and take pictures of you on stage and all.

you must dress up for docent also, unless your docent doctor tells you otherwise. i personally never even once wore scrubs to docent. my other classmates may have if they observed a surgery, or went to the morgue or something, but overall, you will dress nicely for the first two years of docent.

I really like UMKC’s program, but would I even have a chance of getting in if I’m an out-of-stater? For example, what would I need (Sat, GPA, ECs) to stand out?

I think out-of-state they expect a 28+ ACT or 1200+ SAT. I don’t think they state a specific GPA, but they expect the out-of-state applicants to be at least in the top 10% of their class. As far as ECs go, do what you like and do it well. I didn’t have a lot of ECs, mainly working at a doctor’s office, marching band and holding the presidency title for my school’s Model UN chapter for 2 consecutive years.
After they accept you to the undergrad campus, you will be called for an interview a few months later. This is your chance to stand out! Be out-going! Be comfortable about talking about yourself! Be excited! I don’t have any inside information about the program obviously, but I think that interview process has a major part in your acceptance. Good luck!

has anyone tried to apply online? i called in and they told me to do it online but it’s weird.

out of curiosity what is the big deal about UMKC it seems to me that you are just wasting money getting a degree from a not very prestigious school? Someone enlighten me please!

well, at UMKC, u can finish med school in 6 years if u do things appropriately…

Also, why go to, for instance, Harvard for undergrad, and maybe not get into med school, as compared to UMKC, where u can be guaranteed into med school?

Well, I just completed the first part of the UMKC application. I submitted it, paid the fee, got my school to send a transcript, and paid for ACT to send my scores. Does anyone know what will happen next? I’m wondering if more parts will come online or if I have to print it off the website.

Print it off. They sent me the paper application, but ridiculously late. By the time UMKC sent me the paper application for SOM, I had submitted all my paper work. I think the deadline is mid-November. Talk to your teachers now and get recommendations out of the way. You should hear shortly about your acceptance into their undergrad, which is ridiculously easy to get into. After you submit all your paper work. you will get called for an interview anywhere between December to March. I think they do instate applicants first. After that you will find out if you got in around early April. If months go by without any notification. Call the school immediately. A lot of things at UMKC are hopelessly unorganized. Good luck!

hey chaz are you in state? and what are your stats? particularly ACT scores, GPA and class rank.

Thanks alot for your help amr. And for thecalccobra…
I’m out of state
ACT: 34
GPA: Weighted 4.41 Unweighted 3.81
My Class Rank is 19/400ish
PM me if there was anything else you wanted to know

do you guys know of an out of state person who got in with a low class rank, like in the top 20%?

I don’t know anyone who actually got into the program (personally at least)