UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

We go year round (no summers)! Our first two years the breaks are exactly in line w/ the rest of the undergrad students for Thanksgiving (1 week) and Winter (1 month) vacation. We end our spring semester in early May, as year 1 students. We immediately have a 2 week hospital rotation, then 2 weeks of vacation. We have stay for summer semester, then have another 2 week vacation before fall semester. In year 3 and later on, vacations are different. I’m not exactly sure how things work out then.

has anyone gotten word on interviews yet? And any idea when they are? January/February i’m guessing?

expect a call any time from now till the third week in march. because i remember my interview was around the end of march.

I’m a Year 3 in the program, and I just thought I would expand on the other students’ responses. First I thought I would clear things up, about courses beyond Human Structure Function(HSF), which amr725 referred to. Beginning the spring semester of the 2nd year, you take HSF, Clinincal Correllations, History of Medicine; 3rd year you take Neuroscience, Microbiology, Clinical skills, Pathology, Cues. Out of the courses I just listed, ALL are graded (A,B,C,D,F) as of now except History of Med, Clinical Skills, and possibly CUES, which are pass/fail. All of those graded courses will be crucial as they will be figured into your science GPA, which will need to be maintained at at least 3.0 I believe. After Year 3, each student is on varying schedules for Years 4-6, as they will be on various rotations.

As a Year 3, I got a few days off for Thanksgiving, and will get almost 3.5 weeks off, but no spring break. Keep in mind that as a Year 3 and onwards, you will have the added responsibility of attending your weekly clinic, which may still be open on weeks you do not have class. For Year 4 and onwards, you will go on rotations for one or two month rotations, with a month hear and there off for vacation and/or studying for Boards.

As for interviews, I would wait until mid-January to call up MaryAnne Morgenegg and ask her about your status.

Hope that helps!

*almost 3.5 weeks off for winter break

Very good information. Thanks for taking the time to type that out.

Dear Applicant,

Congratulations! You have been selected to interview for the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine?s BA/MD 6-year program! The dates available to interview at this time include:

Friday, January 18th
Wednesday, January 23rd
Friday, January 25th
Monday, January 28th
Wednesday, January 30th

Interviews will be held at the School of Medicine. As interview dates are on a first come, first serve basis, please confirm your date selection before making travel arrangements. The interview activities will last the entire day from 9am to 4pm, with the possibility of touring the undergraduate (Volker) campus at 4:30 pm.

We know you will have a lot of questions! More information regarding the interview day itinerary and lodging in Kansas City will be coming soon!

Please respond to this email no later than January 4th. If we don?t hear back from you, we may have to offer the opportunity to interview to another qualified applicant.

We are excited to meet you and look forward to your quick response!

Gandhiboy, are you in-state or out-of-state?

I only got a false alarm today. I got a letter from UMKC and falsely assumed it would have to do with the medical school. It was for the dang honors college. Oh well.

out of state

hey, i’m from Oregon and i just got an interview request. Any tips?

I’m really nervous for it since I don’t really have that many medical experiences, other than pharmacy technician since 2006, hospital vol since March (about 60-70 hours right now), dentist job shadow. Should i shadow a doctor before my interview?

i hear its very simple and easy interview and you be prepared to talk about yourself and your interests.

Can you please tell me when you submitted you application and maybe share your stats?.

How do they decide who interviews when? Is is those with better stats go first (and better chances)?

i’m thinking to call mary morgenegg today to ask her the same. did anyone talk to her and ask how they sequence the interview requests and if they will call others for interview?

did the interview requests come by email and letter?

my interview request came by e-mail.

ACT 32
SAT 2070: V570, M780, W720
SAT II: Math 2c -800, Chemistry 640, physics 700
GPA: 3.98 unweight, 4.327 weighted
rank: 11/511

hospital volunteer 60+ hrs
dentist job shadow 8 hrs
licensed pharmacy technician at a long term care pharmacy
Health Careers Program, student of the year
ASE Program, with Saltire Software, Inc.
varsity swim team, captain, 2nd team all district
varsity water polo team, 2nd team all state, 3rd team all district
varsity tennis team
Mu Alpha Theta, president
Math Tutoring Center, president
Key Club
Uganda Club
karate…won a couple of awards

i don’t know about the interview sequence, but i submitted my application on November 13 and they received it on the 14th

how does the interview work? how many people interview you?

does anyone know about the nelson denny reading test that you have to take on the interview day, like the toledo chem exam?

for those who live in missouri…what’s the weather like, i’ve never been there before…what will it be like in mid to late january?

how many people get inteviewed? how many accepted?

I don’t know how many interviewed, but I’ve heard the final class size is about 120.

It will more than likely be pretty cold like 30s or 40s.