UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I think they invited about 200-300ish people for an interview for my class and accepted about 150. We had 124 accept the offer, but my class (2013) has had about 5 people leave the program so far (we also might have some people extending already in my class b/c of anatomy).
The interview is pretty easy and painless. If you’ve had any interviews for other schools it should feel just like that. Make sure you know why you want to be a doctor and be able to articulate your point clearly. Make sure you are comfortable talking about yourself: strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, etc. I think the best thing to do during the interview process (both w/ your interviewers and throughout the day) is to be confident in who you are and be comfortable in what you are doing. My interview group had 7 people. We have 5 people (including myself) from my interview group in the program right now. I noticed that the 5 of us girls were very excited and eager that day. We had 2 other people interviewing. They seemed quite shy. This is the day not to be shy at all!
Also, make sure you dress up (suit, slacks, skirt, heels, etc.) but be conservative. There is some walking. Girls, if you can’t be in heels for the entire day, wear a nice pair of flats. They are looking for maturity, confidence and someone who is certain they want to be a doctor.
The nelson denny reading test is kind of like a watered down version of a standardized test. My class was the first group to take it (we took it during our first few days before fall classes started). They just want to measure your reading and comprehension capabilities. If I remember correctly, you have vocabulary testing, reading speed, and comprehension tested (through reading passages). The vocabulary was super easy. The just had stuff like, ball is a)round b)blue c)square d)singing (obviously not a word like that but much easier than the SAT or ACT). They use the test to see where you are w/ your reading b/c a lot of this program is reading comprehension in a sort amount of time, therefore they want to give you the tools and resources early if you aren’t at the level you need to be at, just like the Toledo w/ chemistry.
Hope that helps guys!

IF we haven’t gotten interview requests yet it’s not too late, is it? Has everyone gotten a request already?

the deadline to schedule an interview is jan 4th
so i guess u have more time left until u find out

idk. are there two blocks of interviews (one in jan, the other in feb)?

tiptop, based on older posts in this thread, they can call you for interviews until march, which is why I haven’t given up hope.

they will keep on calling for interviews till early march.

BUT, that doesn’t mean that u shouldn’t take the initiative to call mrs. morgenegg.
usually, the earlier u turned in ur application, the earlier the interview.

i dont know if thats true because i turned it in on the date of the deadline…

polo gal: be sure to check when you’re packing to leave for your interview. it will most likely be cold, with some snow on the ground, but sometimes we’ll randomly have a day where it gets as warm as 60 degrees.

the day of your interview, you will take the tests and be given a tour of the medical school. i was interviewed by an MD and a PhD, but some of my classmates were also interviewed by a Year 6. My MD interviewer was not sympathetic at all, and did not respond to my replies to his questions in any way, whereas my PhD interviewer was very kind, and showed a lot of eagerness and enthusiasm towards me. I’m not sure if this was done this way on purpose, but in the interview book I read, it said that some schools set up the interviews that way on purpose.

for preparing for the interview, i like the book, “Get in to medical school: a guide for the perplexed” by Kenneth V. Iserson. here are some questions i was asked 3 years ago:

-what is your favorite book? tv show? why?
-what would you say is your greatest strength? weakness?
-you witness a classmate cheating. what do you do?
-tell me about your clinical experiences.
-what will you do if you don’t get into this program?
-choose a social issue and tell me what you would do to help solve it.

i suggest practice answering interview questions out loud, and make sure you are comfortable talking about yourself. they will also ask you if you have any questions for them about the program. i think if you have something prepared to ask, it shows that you’ve done your research and know about the program. you can even ask something you already know. you can read about the happenings of UMKC SOM in any of the publications which are all available online at [url=<a href=“]UMKC”>]UMKC</a> School of Medicine<a href=“for%20example,%20In%20The%20Know,%20PRN,%20Panorama”>/url</a>

remember, UMKC SOM looks for clinical exposure/experience, research experience, & maturity, besides good stats. volunteering at the hospital, working as a pharm tech, and working for a dentist definitely all count as clinical exposure. they love hearing about different kinds and a variety of clinical exposure. as i mentioned above, be ready to talk about these in more detail.

i have friends who interviewed in late March. they were notified only 5 days before the set date. and then two weeks later received their acceptances. They were OOS. so seriously guys, it’ll happen. when i called to check my application mrs. morgenegg set my interview for, literally, the next day. i interviewed within the first week of february.

i guess there isn’t really a good way to predict when u’ll get an interview Gandhiboy. so just sit back everybody and hang tight…which i know is hard to do. but one thing i don’t understand is the whole “deadline to set an interview” Gandhiboy was talking about. maybe they’re doing it differently this year. also, that could just refer to those who received the email about upcoming interviews…

for the invitation email it said
“Please respond to this email no later than January 4th. If we don’t hear back from you, we may have to offer the opportunity to interview to another qualified applicant.”

but yeah i think there are two sets of interview blocks since on the email they only gave me 5 days to choose from and it also said that only 16 people per date

so if they interview around 200 then there has to another set of interview days

so dont give up hope!

Dear Applicant,

This email is regarding your upcoming interview at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine. We are excited to meet you and look forward to your visit to the medical school! At this point, you have already scheduled and confirmed your interview day. Below, you will find some information regarding your interview at the School of Medicine, along with some information about directions, travel, and lodging.

Interview Day Itinerary

o 8:30 a.m. Welcome and Overview
o 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Toledo Exam
o 10:30 – 11 a.m. Financial Aid Discussion
o 11 – 11:45 a.m. Written questions and Break
o 11:45 – 12:15 a.m. Tour (separate tours for parents and prospective students)
o 12:15 – 1 p.m. Lunch (prospective students have lunch with student leaders)
Parents have lunch on their own
o 1:00 – 1:45p.m. Nelson Denny Reading Test
o 2 p.m. Interviews
o 4:30 p.m. Volker Campus Tour (optional)

Please arrive no later than 8:15 a.m. Beginning promptly at 8:30 a.m., you will be shown a brief film about the School of Medicine. An orientation of the day will follow and around 9:30a.m. we will administer a 55-minute chemistry evaluation called the Toledo Chemistry Assessment. The results of this test will not be considered in the selection process but will determine whether you are required to take a summer chemistry course prior to beginning medical school in the fall. You may bring a calculator, however, it does not have to be a scientific one (calculator must not be programmable). In the afternoon you will take the Nelson Denny Reading Test which again is not used in the selection of our admitted students but is used by School of Medicine staff to better advise students. Afterwards you will have (2) one-on-one interviews conducted by members of our selection committee. You will need to plan on spending the entire day at the School of Medicine.

The School of Medicine building is located at 2411 Holmes Street, KCMO, 64108-2792. You may park in Lot 28A located on the southeast corner of 24th Terrace & Charlotte, one block east of Holmes. When you arrive, you may pick up a “hang tag” for your car at the front desk. Candidates will be greeted in the lobby.

Your parents are welcome to accompany you to the School of Medicine on your interview day but there are several times through out the day when they will not be able to be with you. Applicants are limited to two accompanying visitors on Interview Day (no children please). They will have an opportunity to meet with a staff member and ask any questions they may have about the BA/MD program while you are being interviewed. You and your parents will also receive tours of the medical school. Your parents may want to bring something to do while waiting on your interview day or take the opportunity to see more of Kansas City.

There are only 16 spots per interview day. If you need to change your interview date for any reason, please contact the selection office as soon as possible. We will try to accommodate you, but you may have to be put on a waiting list for a different day.

Yeah, I think they set a deadline for an interview when they call you b/c they go through batches of people. I am from PA and interviewed in early March. I’d also might add that calling to check your status is a good idea. Some of my classmates did that and they set up their interview right then. I had to call to find out if I was accepted and received my acceptance much later. It was kind of annoying b/c I was trying to make a decision w/ other offers. Anyways, I’d give them a call after the holidays, but remember, Ms. Morganegg can get really busy and flustered.

Those of you that have already scheduled interviews, are you in-state or out of state? I called about a month ago to check if they had all of my stuff and they did, but I haven’t received any request for an interview. It seems from posts from previous years like out of state people get interview calls last. I am from Miami, Florida so I hope that is the case. Should I call to check if they received all of my materials once again and just ask when they are requesting interviews?



I think we have a different schedule than yours this year. On my schedule, it says that we are taking the Nelson Denny Reading Test on the interview day.

I am not very good at reading tests, even on the SATs. Anyone have any suggestions?

oos: oregon

lol, wow this site makes me laugh. sigh…i feel so old. i haven’t checked this thing since i applied to the 6yr in 2005. i got in…yay! since it’s xmas i’m feeling extra helpful today, so if you guys have any ??s let me know. once upon a time i was in your shoes!

p.s. i didn’t have to take the reading test, but i’m a year 1 mentor and my mentees said it was a joke…like so easy it was insulting.

Hey, thanks for dropping by, appreciate it.

I guess I’m one of many who didn’t get a first batch interview…I was wondering, will this decrease my chances of getting in? Do people who get called for interviews last even get a chance?

when i took the nelson denny reading test i thought it was easier than any other standardized reading test. it doesn’t even come close to that of the ACT or SAT. it’s even easier than the Iowa basic tests…trust me, if u can read this message that i’m writing and understand it, THEN UR GOING TO PASS. (with flying colors might i add!)

Toledo makes sure u can do simple algebra (since the first 20 are just “solving for x” and substitution problems) and basic chem problems.

trust me, don’t sweat it. if u did well on the SAT/ACT or kicked butt in highschool math and science then these problems will be no problem.

k, thx for the info. I appreciate it. i’ll update on any other info or questions

Would it look bad to call, like, today and ask about your status?

you can try calling ms. morgenegg, but i’ve been getting emails of the SOM being closed for a day here and there during this holiday season, so just be aware of that.

also keep in mind that interviews go on for a long time, and i dont think there is any sort of order to them, or there wasn’t my year. i got a phone call for an interview early Jan 2005 and had an interview just a few weeks later. and i was oos (as were a majority of the interviewees that day). i know the waiting can be frustrating, but sit tight.