UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Guys I really need some help. Well here is the situation. 3 of my 4 friends who applied to this program got interviews yesterday and one of my other friends and myself did not. Now the deal is that we are very close friends and we all have very close ACT scores (around 31) and very close gpas (around 3.8) and extracurricular activites are about the same too along with many great recommendation for each of us(we hope, lol). In fact, I probably have the 2nd best stats. I am extremely worried because I thought they did it by areas as we all go to the same high school. Any help anyone?

Heart Surgeon123: I would still hold tight, they’re still inviting people for interviews–have you spoken with Ms. Morgenegg yet?

Polo gal & Guo123: what should girls wear to the interview? i really recommend wearing a suit–the interview is partially about seeing whether you are mature and professional enough for the program, and a suit definitely shows both of those, appearance-wise. I read somewhere and was told by more than one person that a skirted-suit is more professional for a lady (than a pant-suit), but I think either would be fine. i went for a skirted-suit when i interviewed 3 years ago.

Gandhiboy: everyone does NOT get an interview, so if you get one, you should definitely feel fortunate. the interview will be all about your maturity, professionalism, why you want to be a doctor, etc. etc–NOT about your scores and stats, because your scores and stats have already reached UMKC’s standards. In the end they may feel the need to look at all of your traits as an applicant, though. For now, feel lucky that you have an interview cuz its your chances to show the school that you’re worthy to attend.

Well I sent Ms. Morgenegg an email. I have to wait the whole weekend it seems before I get a response. Ur comments about everyone not getting an interview are right. But think abou this. If my stats are 2nd best then shouldn’t I get an interview too? What other criteria can they go by? We have the same extracurriculars and etc or very close. I believe anybody qualified should at least get a chance to present themselves afterwards. After the interview if some people get in and some don’t from the same high school that is understandable because everyone presents themselves differently, but how can paper present its self differently if evertrhing written on it is about the same for everyone else. You know what I mean? We all are in state so we should be getting it early and now I don’t know what to think anymore.

for everyone going on the 23rd, what state are you from and what gender?

me: Oregon, female

Heart Surgeon123, when did you send in your application? Maybe that could be the delay. It could also be because of your essays, depending on how good they are. Maybe the other students just had excellent essays (not saying that yours are not great, but i’m just trying to come up with possibilities).

CookieFairy05, is it too cold to wear skirts? Long skirts, right?

is the reading test used in the admissions process, or is it used like the chem test?

My essay was great and I turned in my application before 2 of the 3 people who got interviews so I think I am in good shape. I really don’t know what the problem is? Any help would be appreciated. I have tried to contact Ms. Morgenegg but since that day that they found out the news was a friday i have to wait all weekend before i get a reply from the email and voicemail.(sigh) Once again any help would be appreciated.

i bet you are fine. are you OOS though?

polo gal: there is really no telling what the weather will be like; it may be very cold and/or snowy, or rainy, or it may warm up to 50s like it is today–but to be honest, your whole interview day will be inside the medical school so a knee-length skirted-suit (with nylons and modest-heeled-closed-toe shoes) will be fine. and you can bring a weather permitting coat.

I am in state. Once again any help with my situation would be greatly appreciated.

Heart Surgeon123, don’t worry too much, try calling her again until you reach her. Your persistence will show that you truly want to get into the program.

thanks for the advice, CookieFairy05

Could I get the number and e-mail address of Ms. Morgenegg from anyone?

same can i get her number and email

Does anyone know anything about the written questions? What do they entail?

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thx or the information chaz, newjack, cookie

atsen, I’m out-of-state from Iowa…I sent in my application around the middle to end of October

Gandhiboy, they gave me January 23, 25, 28, and 30 and February 1 and I picked Monday, January 28 so maybe I’ll see you there

Sorry about the late replies…I was gone over break

I had the same questions about the written questions. What are these?
And Gandhiboy, are you going to wear a suit?

If I wanted to email Mary Anne, how exactly am I supposed to ask why I haven’t been offered an interview yet? I really don’t want to appear too forward, even though that’s exactly what’s on my mind.