UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

tiptop: yeah. everyone has suggested wearing a suit, so i guess i will. ill see you there!

my dad is going to be so bored…there is like no need for him to be there. 75%of the day im by myself…even during lunch.

hey when do they confirm the interview date that you chose…are they supose to email you back?

i got my confirmation a business day later.

i got it through email the day after i emailed her the date.

tiptop1: i would most definitely wear a suit

asten: just politely ask Ms. Morgenegg when you should hear back about an interview.

gandhiboy: my parents didn’t even come for my interview 3 years ago, but everyone else on my interview day brought a parent. <em>shrugs</em> anyways, tell your dad to bring a book to read–he can also go up to the 5th floor (when there’s nothing for him to do) to the “Asystole Lounge” where there’s a big screen TV.

are they separating you guys from your parents at lunch? they’re not providing lunch, are they? i don’t think i’ve ever heard of the SOM giving lunch to interviewees

o okay yeah i got an email today
anyone going feb 1

January 28th interview! Wooo hooo!

I also got my confirmation a business day later

Cookiefairy, my confirmation said “Lunch (prospective students have lunch with student leaders)” so I’m not sure if that means it is provided

i’m going February 8th. is anyone else going then?

hm ya i’d bring some money for lunch to be safe.

i still didnt get anything.well ,cookiefairy you seem to know a i still have time or should i give up?

ill see u there, kyle044!

definitely do not give up! interviews go all the way until march. =)

so that’s 3 people going on January 28, anyone else?

jashbela: don’t give up!!! really, not that much time has passed! i know its hard, but be patient.

thanks.i called them monday should i call back or wait?

jashbela: you called them yesterday? what did they tell you?

I also called them Monday and they said that they were just beginning to screen the out-of-staters, and I should receive notification within a week or two (which I have been hearing since mid-December). However, it doesn’t make sense, since some out of staters have already been given interviews.

anyone going on the 25th?

Yeah, they definitely interview people until March. I actually had my interview in early March. Also, I’d always go by anything that you hear directly from the SOM aka Ms. Morgenegg. This is the internet. People lie. I remember people claiming they found out they were accepted and calling the school only to find out that they were going to have a big meeting w/ the council on selection before sending out acceptances or telling people over the phone. Take it easy guys!