UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

rolen, this summer when I visited the school they told me to plan on being in KC for eleven months out of the year. Don’t take my word for it, though (it sounds like a heck of a lot of time… but still worth it) - you might want to call the school directly and ask

Do you think it’s possible that, even if you sent your application in September, they still haven’t seen it?


1st year-
fall break- 1 week (thanksgiving!!!)

winter- 1 month
spring break- 1 week or so… (not completely sure)

summer break part 1- after the end of spring semester, 2 weeks are taken to do hospital team experience (u follow somebody in the hospital) and then u get about another 2 weeks off till summer semester begins. spring classes end the first week of may!!! yayyyy (that’s earlier than most schools… =)

summer break part 2- after summer semester u get another 2 weeks or so off till the beginning of fall semester.

2nd year- i’m pretty sure fall and winter break are the same as first year…but i’m not sure about the spring semester b/c we’ll be taking human structure function (which is like physiology and anatomy combined but about 10,000 times harder…okay, so it’s not that bad, but it’s definitely challenging). i also don’t know about the summer vacation b/c i don’t know what we take during then…u should ask cookiefairy.

oh yeah, and we get all those wonderful random holidays off too (mlk jr., labor day, etc…)

good luck!!

rolen05 & babanana: your second year you again get some days off for thanksgiving, a few weeks off for winter, a week of spring break (in the middle of HSF II), plus a day or two off between sections of HSF, two weeks off in May(after HSF III), a study week in July(to study for the HSF cumulative final), then 2 weeks off at the end of July (after HSF IV).

the third year and onwards will have fewer vacation days. the third year you get a few days off for thanksgiving, a few weeks off for winter, 2 weeks off in May (notice there is NO spring break). once your third year is complete, each student will basically have their own schedule with various different clinical rotations in one or two month increments. Your vacations will depend on which rotation you’re on, and when you decide to have your study & vacation month.

cookiefairy,i sent my app long time ago and still no act is 31 and oos,do i still have chance?i am worried.

jashbela: i still think you have a chance. try to be patient, and not focus on waiting.

For all of those still waiting, I’m in the same situation. I called Ms. Morgenegg today and she explained to me that they’re still looking at the applications. She said we should know in the upcoming weeks. I don’t know how good of a sign this is, but she said that when she looked on the computer, my app was still “under consideration.” Anyway, she also many have not yet been looked at, and not to give up hope. Incidentally, she also asked me to confirm my Colorado residency. I was surprised they didn’t get that from my application, but go figure. I was glad I called anyway, and I suppose I feel a little better about my chances.

thanks,i called yesterday. they didnt explain in detail like chaz but said we know who u r and will go thru your app and let u is it good that they know who i am?may be they saw it and didnt like it?

i know i’ve read this somewhere in the 70 pages of this thread, but can someone post the number of people who apply, and the number granted an interview? thanks.

I just got an e-mail invitation to interview on wed., so don’t worry. I was freaking out that I wasn’t going to get one. Every time I called, they told me they hadn’t looked through over half of the applications and that they do a bunch of interview rounds. Even though I heard them tell me the same thing over and over again, I think it helps that they know who you are and see how persistent you are. I’m excited about interviewing but I’m from Miami and it is currently 32 degrees in Kansas city…ahh!

well i am ready to go in -10 and i am afraid to call every wk,should i?

I wouldn’t call every week, it might annoy the adcom and turn them against you. I know, because I keep having to fight the temptation. This waiting is really annoying. They said we would hear within a week.

Has anyone actually received a rejection letter yet?

well,if i understand it,they just dont ask for an interview.but good point i still have a hope if they sent a rejection.

Has anyone who is interviewing gotten the e-mail with the “more information” that she said she’d send?

Here is the schedule that I got a few days ago.

Dear Applicant,

This email is regarding your upcoming interview at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine. We are excited to meet you and look forward to your visit to the medical school! At this point, you have already scheduled and confirmed your interview day. Below, you will find some information regarding your interview at the School of Medicine , along with some information about directions, travel, and lodging.

Interview Day Itinerary

o 8:30 a.m. Welcome and Overview
o 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Toledo Exam
o 10:30 – 11 a.m. Financial Aid Discussion
o 11 – 11:45 a.m. Written questions and Break
o 11:45 – 12:15 a.m. Tour (separate tours for parents and prospective students)
o 12:15 – 1 p.m. Lunch (prospective students have lunch with student leaders)
Parents have lunch on their own
o 1:00 – 1:45p.m. Nelson Denny Reading Test
o 2 p.m. Interviews
o 4:30 p.m. Volker Campus Tour (optional)

Please arrive no later than 8:15 a.m. Beginning promptly at 8:30 a.m., you will be shown a brief film about the School of Medicine . An orientation of the day will follow and around 9:30a.m. we will administer a 55-minute chemistry evaluation called the Toledo Chemistry Assessment. The results of this test will not be considered in the selection process but will determine whether you are required to take a summer chemistry course prior to beginning medical school in the fall. You may bring a calculator, however, it does not have to be a scientific one (calculator must not be programmable). In the afternoon you will take the Nelson Denny Reading Test which again is not used in the selection of our admitted students but is used by School of Medicine staff to better advise students. Afterwards you will have (2) one-on-one interviews conducted by members of our selection committee. You will need to plan on spending the entire day at the School of Medicine .

The School of Medicine building is located at 2411 Holmes Street , KCMO, 64108-2792. You may park in Lot 28A located on the southeast corner of 24th Terrace & Charlotte, one block east of Holmes. When you arrive, you may pick up a “hang tag” for your car at the front desk. Candidates will be greeted in the lobby.

Your parents are welcome to accompany you to the School of Medicine on your interview day but there are several times through out the day when they will not be able to be with you. Applicants are limited to two accompanying visitors on Interview Day (no children please). They will have an opportunity to meet with a staff member and ask any questions they may have about the BA/MD program while you are being interviewed. You and your parents will also receive tours of the medical school. Your parents may want to bring something to do while waiting on your interview day or take the opportunity to see more of Kansas City .

There are only 16 spots per interview day. If you need to change your interview date for any reason, please contact the selection office as soon as possible. We will try to accommodate you, but you may have to be put on a waiting list for a different day.

Got an intvitation for an interview a few days ago. I didn’t think I would, but my letters from teachers were sweet. I guess I’m 2nd rounder- does anyone know the number of OOS interviews given out. Is it proportional to the percentage of those OOS and IS students permitted? Thanks

ACT: 29
Rank: 13/552

Class President
Student Council President
Redbird Nest President (pep club i founded)
Biology Club
Interact Rotary Club

Volunteered at Hospital 50 hours
Shadowed former UMKC graduate

Varsity Soccer Captain


generally there are twice as many people invited for interviews as there are spots. so i guess about 30 to 40 OOS people got interviews.

anways, anyone know if we are supposed to send a mid-year report?

Really, newjack? I thought there were 100 seats, not 15 for OOS.

so all the interviews are sent and i am not gonna get one?and only 30 to 40?gosh!